The IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program and its staff are involved in many activities to support learning about model-based E/C/E research, especially using software and tools such as the MESSAGEix framework that we use ourselves. This page outlines and links to some of these activities & opportunities, and also the teaching & learning materials and resources used in those activities.
Learning can take place in many ways, from self-directed study by individuals to for-credit courses at degree-granting institutions taught by a knowledgeable instructor. The right materials and venue for learning depends on factors including your current level of knowledge, learning goals, and time and resources you have available. The aim of this page is to clearly describe all the activities and materials so you can make an appropriate choice for your needs.
Table of Content
Our recorded workshops and tutorials are particularly suitable for dealing intensively with a topic in a defined time frame. The synergy of lecture and practice gives you the chance to apply what you have learned directly - and of course to rewind as often as you like and need.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Workshops and tutorials message_ix_workshop gains_workshops
In this section, you find a collection of university lectures given by the ECE staff. Take a look - no need to enroll!
.. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: University courses and lectures :maxdepth: 1 lectures/osesm-tuwien/index lectures/iam-ntnu/index lectures/global-entrans-tuwien/index
- :doc:`lectures/osesm-tuwien/index` by Daniel Huppmann (2019-ongoing)
- :doc:`lectures/iam-ntnu/index` by Volker Krey (2019/2020-ongoing)
- :doc:`lectures/global-entrans-tuwien/index` by Behnam Zakeri (2020/2021-ongoing)
This section contains a collection of various teaching and learning materials in different formats.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Other useful resources A "code-and-tell" repo <> A Python-project template repo <>
- A code-and-tell repo with helpful tips and tricks for your daily programming life, |br| based on presentations during the weekly MESSAGEix meetings
- A template repo for IIASA Python projects
In this section you will find a collection of talks, conference presentations or similar formats related to teaching and/or learning by ECE staff, such as those given as part of summer schools or individual lectures.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Talks & presentations tutorials/pyam