TR1X introduces a developer console, by default accessible with the / key. Currently supported commands:
Retrieves precise information about Lara's coordinates. Knowledge is power! -
/tp {room_number}
/tp {x} {y} {z}
/tp {object}
Instant travel! Teleports Lara into a random spot within the specified room, the specified X,Y,Z coordinates, or at the nearest object of specific type. -
/hp {health}
Sets Lara's health points to the specified value. Tougher trials await! -
Tough day, Lara? Heals our girl back to full health. -
/flip off
/flip on
Switches the global flipmap on or off, turning the reality around you on its head. -
/flood {room_num}
/drain {room_num}
Floods or drains the chosen room at will. For when drowning is preferable to puzzles! -
/give {item_name}
/give {num} {item_name}
/give all
/give guns
/give keys
Gives Lara an item. Try/give guns
to arm her to the teeth, and/give keys
to get her all important puzzle items. Ain't nobody got time for searching! -
/kill all
/kill {enemy_type}
Tired of bats, crocs, rats, lions, Frenchmen and literally every living thing trying to spoil your adventure? This command instantly disposes of the nearest enemy, or kills them all at once. -
Turns on the fly cheat. Why even walk? -
/cheats on
/cheats off
Enables or disables cheat keys. It's not like disabling them will make this console any less of a cheat. -
/braid on
/braid off
Grants the power to switch Lara's iconic braid on and off. -
/wireframe on
/wireframe off
Enables or disables the wireframe mode. Enter the debugging realm! -
/debug on
/debug off
Enables or disables the debug mode. Draws all room triggers, portals, and object mesh spheres. -
Ends the current level. Ideal for speedruns. -
/level {num}
/level {name}
/play {num}
/play {name}
Plays the specified level./play 0
plays the gym level if it's available – regular levels always start with number 1. -
/cut {num}
/cutscene {num}
Plays the specified cutscene, starting at 1. -
Plays Lara's Home, if available. Alias of/play 0
. -
/load {slot_num}
Loads the specified savegame slot. -
/save {slot_num}
Saves the game to the specified savegame slot. -
/demo {num}
Starts the specified demo, starting at 1. If no number is chosen, the demos will cycle. -
Exits the game to main screen. -
Closes the game. -
/speed {num}
Retrieves or sets current game speed. -
/vsync on
/vsync off
Enables or disables VSync. -
/fps {num}
Retrieves or sets current frames per second. -
/set {option}
/set {option} {value}
Retrieves or assigns a new value to the given configuration option. Some options need a game re-launch to apply. The option names use-
rather than_
. -
/music {track_id}
Plays a given music track. It uses internal game IDs that for historic reasons don't align with the music folder's file names. -
/sfx {sound}
Plays a given sound sample.