First make sure you have the right set up to install MagmaDNN. It is recommended to use MagmaDNN on a modern CPU paired with a recent GPU. It is also recommended that you have >=8GB of memory. Below are the listed software requirements:
Any MagmaDNN install:
- c++11 capable compiler (recommended g++ >=6)
- BLAS implementation (openblas, atlas, intel-mkl, etc...)
- git
- make
MagmaDNN-GPU install:
- CUDA >=9.2
- CuDNN >=6.0
- Magma >=2.5.0
Note: if installing dependencies in non-standard paths make sure to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH
so that your operating system can find the shared object files.
OpenBLAS is the easiest BLAS to install, while intel-mkl might be the fastest. OpenBLAS, on Ubuntu, can be easily installed with sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
Currently MagmaDNN does not offer any pre-compiled binaries, so it must be built from source. Once you have installed all of the dependencies the source can be downloaded using:
git clone
cd magmadnn
MagmaDNN uses a
file to set compile flags/options. The
directory contains examples. Copy one over and adjust your compile settings accordingly. The example files document which compile settings can be set.
cp ./ ./
vim # set make settings
# or `nano` if you don't have vim
Once you have set up the
file it is time to compile and install using
make install
The MagmaDNN compilation can take a couple minutes especially if compiling the GPU version. To speed it up compile in parallel with make install -j4
(or -jn
where n is the number of cores in your CPU).
It is good to test your install to make sure everything is working. MagmaDNN comes with a suite of testers that will ensure your install is working correctly. To run them,
make testing
cd testing
MagmaDNN uses doxygen for its documentation. To build the docs you must have doxygen
installed. If you want to make the reference manual pdf, then you must also have latex installed. To install them on ubuntu use sudo apt install doxygen texlive-full
. To make the docs,
make docs
There are several example files in the examples/
folder. They are simple and commented to give an idea for what MagmaDNN code typically looks like. They can be made with
make examples