The release process for a new version can roughly be divided into the following steps:
The process builds on the Development Flow which, usually, takes place within forks and leads to merged pull requests in the repositories of the eclipse-tractusx organization.
For assigning and incrementing version numbers Semantic Versioning is followed.
Checking out from the main branch a release branch (release/{to be released version} e.g. release/v1.2.0, or respectively release/v1.2.0-rc.1 for a release candidate). On the release branch the following steps are executed:
Migrations should be aggregated in the case of releasing a new version, in order to not release the entire history of migrations which accumulate during the development process.
Once a version has been released, migrations mustn't be aggregated in order to ensure upgradeability this also applies to release candidates > rc.1 and hotfixes. Be aware that migrations coming release branches for release candidates or from hotfix branches, will need to be incorporated into main.
The version needs to be updated in the src
directory within the 'Directory.Build.props' file.
Also, bump the chart and app version in the Chart.yaml and the version of the images in the values.yaml.
Consortia relevant: Update the version of the targetRevision tag in the argocd-app-templates, used for consortia-environments.
Example for commit message:
build: bump version for vx.x.x
Use helm-docs (gotemplate driven) for updating the README file.
helm-docs --chart-search-root [charts-dir] --sort-values-order file
Example for commit message:
build: update readme for vx.x.x
The changelog file tracks all notable changes since the last released version. Once a new version is ready to be released, the changelog can get updated via an automatically created pull request using the release-please workflow which can be triggered manually or by pushing a changelog/v*.. branch.
Please see:
The release branch must be merged into main. Those merges need to happen via PRs.
Example for PR titles:
build(1.2.0): merge release into main
Be aware that the merge into main triggers the workflow with the helm-chart releaser action.
The workflow creates a 'ssi-credential-issuer-x.x.x' tag and release. The release contains the new chart.
This workflow also pushes the version tag that triggers the release workflow which creates the versioned docker image/s.
Consortia relevant: The 'ssi-credential-issuer-x.x.x' tag is used to install (with the convenience of the argocd-app-templates) or upgrade the version via AgroCD on the consortia K8s clusters.
During a release candidate phase, checkout the successive 'rc' branch and push it to the server, so that it can be used for further bugfixes.
git checkout tags/v0.1.0-rc.2 -b release/v0.1.0-rc.3
Also make sure to change the base of all open pull requests still pointing to the previous 'rc' branch to the newly pushed 'rc' branch.
This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
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