From 16826fa212ac39dc85415c5cdb714a763dbd96cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Craig Fleming <> Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 13:39:28 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Correction to the format of default config, specifically the toolbar setting The existing format of the toolbar config is incorrect. It currently shows as an array or arrays and it should be a json object with an items attribute that is an array of the toolbars. --- .../ | 59 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/powerapps-docs/maker/model-driven-apps/ b/powerapps-docs/maker/model-driven-apps/ index b9645292c1..f6f4b1d350 100644 --- a/powerapps-docs/maker/model-driven-apps/ +++ b/powerapps-docs/maker/model-driven-apps/ @@ -195,36 +195,35 @@ The following code is an example of a JSON file that contains both [`defaultSupp "font_defaultLabel": "Segoe UI", "fontSize_defaultLabel": "9", "toolbarLocation": "bottom", - "toolbar": [ - [ "CopyFormatting" ], - [ "Font" ], - [ "FontSize" ], - [ "Bold" ], - [ "Italic" ], - [ "Underline" ], - [ "BGColor" ], - [ "TextColor" ], - [ "BulletedList" ], - [ "NumberedList" ], - [ "Outdent" ], - [ "Indent" ], - [ "Blockquote" ], - [ "JustifyLeft" ], - [ "JustifyCenter" ], - [ "JustifyRight" ], - [ "Link" ], - [ "Unlink" ], - [ "Subscript" ], - [ "Superscript" ], - [ "Strike" ], - [ "Image" ], - [ "BidiLtr" ], - [ "BidiRtl" ], - [ "Undo" ], - [ "Redo" ], - [ "RemoveFormat" ], - [ "Table" ] - ], + "toolbar": [ { "items":[ + "CopyFormatting", + "Font", + "FontSize", + "Bold", + "Italic", + "Underline", + "BGColor", + "TextColor", + "BulletedList", + "NumberedList", + "Outdent", + "Indent", + "Blockquote", + "JustifyLeft", + "JustifyCenter", + "JustifyRight", + "Link", + "Unlink", + "Subscript", + "Superscript", + "Strike", + "Image", + "BidiLtr", + "BidiRtl", + "Undo", + "Redo", + "RemoveFormat", + "Table" ] } ], "plugins": [["button,toolbar,dialogui,dialog,autogrow,notification,clipboard,textmatch,fakeobjects,link,autolink,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,panelbutton,panel,floatpanel,colorbutton,colordialog,listblock,richcombo,menu,contextmenu,copyformatting,enterkey,entities,popup,find,floatingspace,font,format,htmlwriter,horizontalrule,indent,indentblock,indentlist,justify,lineutils,openlink,list,liststyle,maximize,undo,menubutton,notificationaggregator,xml,ajax,pastetools,pastefromword,pastetext,preview,table,quicktable,removeformat,resize,selectall,showborders,sourcearea,specialchar,stylescombo,tab,tabletools,tableresize,tableselection,widgetselection,widget,wysiwygarea,textwatcher"]], "extraPlugins": "accessibilityhelp,autogrow,autolink,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,button,collapser,colorbutton,colordialog,confighelper,contextmenu,copyformatting,dialog,editorplaceholder,filebrowser,filetools,find,floatpanel,font,iframerestrictor,indentblock,justify,notification,panel,panelbutton,pastefromword,quicktable,selectall,stickystyles,superimage,tableresize,tableselection,tabletools,uploadfile,uploadimage,uploadwidget", "removePlugins": "a11yhelp,codemirror,magicline,scayt,showborders",