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Commit 147ae63

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Merge pull request #2642 from MicrosoftDocs/main
1/27/2021 PM Publish
2 parents c45342f + 9c88db0 commit 147ae63

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4 files changed

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4 files changed

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@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ wdsutil /remove-DriverPackages [/Server:<Server name>] /Filtertype:<Filter type>

| Parameter | Description |
| [/Server:<Server name>] | Specifies the name of the server. This can be the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If a server name is not specified, the local server is used. |
| /Filtertype:<Filter type> | Specifies the attribute of the driver package to search for. You can specify multiple attributes in a single command. You must also specify **/Operator** and **/Value** with this option.<p><Filter type> can be one of the following:<p>**PackageId**<p>**PackageName**<p>**PackageEnabled**<p>**Packagedateadded**<p>**PackageInfFilename**<p>**PackageClass**<p>**PackageProvider**<p>**PackageArchitecture**<p>**PackageLocale**<p>**PackageSigned**<p>**PackagedatePublished**<p>**Packageversion**<p>**Driverdescription**<p>**DriverManufacturer**<p>**DriverHardwareId**<p>**DrivercompatibleId**<p>**DriverExcludeId**<p>**DriverGroupId**<p>**DriverGroupName** |
| [/Server: \<Server name\>] | Specifies the name of the server. This can be the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If a server name is not specified, the local server is used. |
| /Filtertype:\<Filter type\> | Specifies the attribute of the driver package to search for. You can specify multiple attributes in a single command. You must also specify **/Operator** and **/Value** with this option. \<Filter type\> can be one of the following:<ul><li>**PackageId**</li><li>**PackageName**</li><li>**PackageEnabled**</li><li>**Packagedateadded**</li><li>**PackageInfFilename**</li><li>**PackageClass**</li><li>**PackageProvider**</li><li>**PackageArchitecture**</li><li>**PackageLocale**</li><li>**PackageSigned**</li><li>**PackagedatePublished**</li><li>**Packageversion**</li><li>**Driverdescription**</li><li>**DriverManufacturer**</li><li>**DriverHardwareId**</li><li>**DrivercompatibleId**</li><li>**DriverExcludeId**</li><li>**DriverGroupId**</li><li>**DriverGroupName**</li></ul> |
| /Operator:{Equal &#124; NotEqual &#124; GreaterOrEqual &#124; LessOrEqual &#124; Contains} | Specifies the relationship between the attribute and the values. You can only specify **Contains** with string attributes. You can only specify **GreaterOrEqual** and **LessOrEqual** with date and version attributes. |
| /Value:<Value> | Specifies the value to search for the specified <attribute>. You can specify multiple values for a single **/Filtertype**. The following list outlines the attributes that you can specify for each filter. For more information about these attributes, see [Driver and Package attributes](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/dd759262(v=ws.11)) (<>).<p>- PackageId - Specify a valid GUID. For example: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.<br />- PackageName Specify any string value.<br />- PackageEnabled - Specify **Yes** or **No**.<br />- Packagedateadded - Specify the date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD<br />- PackageInfFilename Specify any string value.<br />- PackageClass - Specify a valid class name or class GUID. For example: **DiskDrive**, **Net**, or {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.<br />- PackageProvider Specify any string value.<br />- PackageArchitecture - Specify **x86**, **x64**, or **ia64**.<br />- PckageLocale - Specify a valid language identifier. For example: **en-US** or **es-ES**.<br />- PackageSigned - Specify **Yes** or **No**.<br />- PackagedatePublished - Specify the date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD<br />- Packageversion - Specify the version in the following format: a.b.x.y. For example:<br />- Driverdescription Specify any string value.<br />- DriverManufacturer Specify any string value.<br />- DriverHardwareId - Specify any string value.<br />- DrivercompatibleId - Specify any string value.<br />- DriverExcludeId - Specify any string value.<br />- DriverGroupId - Specify a valid GUID. For example: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.<br />- DriverGroupName Specify any string value. |
| /Value:\<Value\> | Specifies the value to search for the specified \<attribute\>. You can specify multiple values for a single **/Filtertype**. The following list outlines the attributes that you can specify for each filter. For more information about these attributes, see [Driver and Package attributes](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/dd759262(v=ws.11)) (<>). <ul><li>PackageId - Specify a valid GUID. For example: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.</li><li>PackageName - Specify any string value.</li><li>PackageEnabled - Specify **Yes** or **No**.</li><li>Packagedateadded - Specify the date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD.</li><li>PackageInfFilename - Specify any string value.</li><li>PackageClass - Specify a valid class name or class GUID. For example: **DiskDrive**, **Net**, or {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.</li><li>PackageProvider - Specify any string value.</li><li>PackageArchitecture - Specify **x86**, **x64**, or **ia64**.</li><li>PckageLocale - Specify a valid language identifier. For example: **en-US** or **es-ES**.</li><li>PackageSigned - Specify **Yes** or **No**.</li><li>PackagedatePublished - Specify the date in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD.</li><li>Packageversion - Specify the version in the following format: a.b.x.y. For example:</li><li>Driverdescription - Specify any string value.</li><li>DriverManufacturer - Specify any string value.</li><li>DriverHardwareId - Specify any string value.</li><li>DrivercompatibleId - Specify any string value.</li><li>DriverExcludeId - Specify any string value.</li><li>DriverGroupId - Specify a valid GUID. For example: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.</li><li>DriverGroupName - Specify any string value.</li></ul> |

## Examples
To remove packages, type one of the following:

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