Releases: NCAR/DART
Build tools for DART library
- Build tools for compiling DART as a shared or a static library.
Based on work by Anh Pham and Suman Shekhar as part of their SiParCS 2024 projects. - Bugfix: correct order of arguments in count_state_ens_copies for 'input' stages_to_write. #613
Bgrid documentation and scripting fix
- Updated Bgrid documentation and removed outdated scripts and files
- Fixed obs_diag rank histogram documentation links
- Improved inflation file documentation
- GitHub action for running all quickbuilds in DART
WRF v4
WRF-DART and WRF-DART Tutorial updated to WRFv4. For detail on the differences see #661.
Note, this change is not backwards compatible with WRFv3.9. If you are working with WRFv3.9 and DART
and are affected by this change, please reach out to the DART team at [email protected]. -
local particle filter default value for pf_enkf_hybrid=.false. contributed by Jon Poterjoy #680.
Bug-fix: WRF hybrid vertical coordinate
- DART now detects whether WRF is using Hybrid Vertical Coordinate (HVC) introduced in WRFv3.9 or terrain following (TF) system. This fix is also compatible with pre WRFv3.9 versions which did not include explicit attribute information for vertical coordinate system. #649
- Improved obs_impact_tool documentation. #571
- citation NCAR -> NSF NCAR #584
WRF-Hydro Developments; AIRS and AMSU converter update; Add citation.cff file
- Added a new perfect model obs experimental capability to HydroDART
- Modified the Streamflow obs converter to allow for better diagnostics: allows DART to compute obs space diagnostics on all gauges from the Routelink
- Enhanced performance in the model_mod and noah_hydro_mod when running a full CONUS domain
- Improved HydroDART Diagnostics with new capabilities (saves the hydrographs in a high-resolution pdf, handles hybrid DA components, separate plots for the hybrid statistics, allows the openloop to have different ens size and gauges than the DA runs)
AIRS and AMSU-A observation converters:
- Updated the documentation to use up-to-date build suggestions for the HDFEOS library
- Updated the AIRS converter code to be able to use version 7 of the AIRS data formats
- Removed unused and non-functional code: AIRS/, AIRS/L1_AMSUA_to_netcdf.f90, AIRS/shell_scripts/, AIRS/shell_scripts/Convert_HDF_to_netCDF.csh
- Removed the unnecessary entries from obs_def_rttov_nml in the input.nml
Added a citation.cff file to help users correctly cite DART software - creates a link to cite the repository on the landing page sidebar on GitHub.
Update WRF-DART scripts and bug template to Derecho; remove no-op routines in ensemble manager
- Updated the csh scripting templates used to run WRF-DART and WRF-DART tutorial from Cheyenne to Derecho
- Updated bug report template to use Derecho instead of Cheyenne
- Removed the following no-op routines from ensemble manager: prepare_to_write_to_vars, prepare_to_write_to_copies, prepare_to_read_from_vars, prepare_to_read_from_copies, prepare_to_update_vars, prepare_to_update_copies
MITgcm/N-BLING with Compressed Staggered Grids
- The DART-MITgcm code now supports compressed grids, especially suited for areas like
the Red Sea where land occupies more than 90% of the domain. - Allows writing the BGC fields into MITgcm's pickup files.
- Allows different compression for the regular and staggered grids.
Built upon work by Jiachen Liu, Drexel University which he presented at AMS 2023
The work was done as part of SIParCS 2022 and in collaboration with KAUST.
Aether lat-lon
- Added a new interface to DART to enable assimilation with the lat-lon formulation of the Aether space weather model.
SEIR model for infectious diseases
- Added SEIR model which simulates the spread of infectious diseases, for example COVID-19.
Initial versions of the model were tested using DART_LAB. This was conducted by Shaniah Reece as part of her SIParCS internship at NSF NCAR (2022).