Comparing to the original PCA training API:
val pca = new
We used a customized class and user will need to do no code change
to enjoy the GPU acceleration:
val pca = new
.setInputCol("feature_array_type") // accept ArrayType column, no need to convert it to Vector type
Note: The setInputCol
is targeting the input column of Vector
type for training process in CPU
version. But in GPU version, user doesn't need to do the extra preprocess step to convert column of
to Vector
type, the setInputCol
will accept the raw ArrayType
We provide a Dockerfile to build the project in a container. See docker for more instructions.
- essential build tools:
- CUDA Toolkit(>=11.5)
- conda: use miniconda to maintain header files and cmake dependecies
- cuDF:
- install cuDF shared library via conda:
conda install -c rapidsai -c conda-forge cudf=22.04 python=3.8 -y
- install cuDF shared library via conda:
- RAFT(22.12):
- raft provides only header files, so no build instructions for it. Note we fix the version to
22.12 to avoid potential API compatibility issues in the future.
$ git clone -b branch-22.12
- raft provides only header files, so no build instructions for it. Note we fix the version to
22.12 to avoid potential API compatibility issues in the future.
- export RAFT_PATH:
Note: For those using other types of GPUs which do not have CUDA forward compatibility (for example, GeForce), CUDA 11.5 or later is required.
Spark-rapids-ml uses spark-rapids plugin as a dependency. To build the SNAPSHOT jar, user needs to build and install the denpendency jar rapids-4-spark first because there's no snapshot jar for spark-rapids plugin in public maven repositories. See build instructions to get the dependency jar installed.
User can also modify the pom file to use the release version spark-rapids plugin as the dependency. In this case user doesn't need to manually build and install spark-rapids plugin jar by themselves.
Make sure the rapids-4-spark is installed in your local maven then user can build it directly in the project root path with:
cd jvm
mvn clean package
Then rapids-4-spark-ml_2.12-24.04.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
will be generated under target
Users can also use the release version spark-rapids plugin as the dependency if it's already been released in public maven repositories, see rapids-4-spark maven repository for release versions. In this case, users don't need to manually build and install spark-rapids plugin jar by themselves. Remember to replace the dependency in pom file.
Note: This module contains both native and Java/Scala code. The native library build instructions has been added to the pom.xml file so that maven build command will help build native library all the way. Make sure the prerequisites are all met, or the build will fail with error messages accordingly such as "cmake not found" or "ninja not found" etc.
After the building processes, spark-rapids plugin jar will be installed to your local maven
repository, usually in your ~/.m2/repository
Add the artifact jar to the Spark, for example:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --master $SPARK_MASTER \
--driver-memory 20G \
--executor-memory 30G \
--conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=8G \
--jars ${ML_JAR},${PLUGIN_JAR} \
--conf spark.plugins=com.nvidia.spark.SQLPlugin \
--conf spark.rapids.sql.enabled=true \
--conf spark.task.resource.gpu.amount=0.08 \
--conf spark.executor.resource.gpu.amount=1 \
--conf spark.executor.resource.gpu.discoveryScript=./ \
--files ${SPARK_HOME}/examples/src/main/scripts/
Please refer to PCA examples for more details about example code. We provide both Notebook and jar versions there. Instructions to run these examples are described in the README.