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GNSS in Rover only mode |
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/GNSS-Rover/ |
GNSS setup |
GNSS Tutorial |
This tutorial covers the configuration of the Geomax Zenith35 Pro GNSS in Rover only mode. This mode can be used for open areas with good GNSS and mobile signal (same as cellphone signal). With this mode, both GNSS systems act independent making two devices available for measurements. It is recommended to read the manual first and get familiar with some terms (here) before you make actual field work.
- GNSS Head
- Battery (check charge, duration ca. 6h)
- Mobile Antenna (Fig. 1)
- Rod (the one without the silver top)
- Mesa 2 Tablet
Fig.1: Antenna types
- Insert the battery into the GNSS head
- Assemble the shorter of both antennas at the UMTS Port on the GNSS Head
- Assebmle the head on the rod
- Turn on the power of the GNSS head
- Start the tablet and the XPAD Software
Fig.2: GNSS Head with modile antenna in the UMTS Port and assembled GNSS Head on rod with fully charged battery pack
XPAD starts with the Job Screen. Choose a job or create a new one and you get to the main menu. Tap on Settings and then GNSS & Totalstation. Here you find a list of all the devices XPAD is able to control.
Fig.3: Main menu and settings menu of XPAD
There are 3 different configurations for the GNSS Rover. Zenith35PRO Rover1 and Zenith35PRO Rover2 are the ones for Rover only mode. Which configuration you want denpends on the Device Number which you find as a label on the GNSS Head.
- Zenith35PRO Rover1 is for Device 56
- Zenith35PRO Rover2 is for Device 55
The Zenith35PRO_RoverWithBase is covered in another Tutorial.
Tap on the configuration of your device and select Current. The Software then asks you if you want to configure the device. Tap OK. This takes around 1 minute to configure. After the configuration is done, go back two times to get to the main menu again.
Fig.4: Devices menu