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Survey of tree attributes |
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Survey |
We propose to measure attributes separately from geometry measurements. TS in robotic mode can follow the prism. That allows us to come to all trees and record all required attributes using a tablet installed on a prism holder.
The following figure shows TS working in the robotic mode with a prism.
Measuring coordinates of a tree. The prism is installed in front of a tree vertically (using the circular level).
Definition of attributes (measuring diameter).
Attributes are encoded in a point name field. Here is an example of a point name:
Here is a proposal for the point names convention.
TREAT _ (one letter - required) TreeSpeciesCode (if existed)LabelOnTree _ Diameter _ AutoincrementedTreeID
- TreeSpeciesCode: S - spruce, P - pine, B - Beech, O - oak, BI - birch, W - willow ToBeCompleted...
- Diameter in centimeters on the height 1.3m
Other possible attributes are to be completed...
The point name "TREAT_S124_D56_008" means measuring tree attributes for spruce with existing label 124 with a diameter 56 cm and autoincremented id 008.