- Fix features zig zag issue
- Replace Sass with CSS files
- Update dependencies
- Update React to v18
- Replace CRA (Create React App) with Vite
- Remove Craco
- Update dependencies
- Update Tailwind 3
- Several improvements
Update dependencies and remove some
Fix broken image and minor issue with Tabs component
Fix mobile menu issue
Improve page illustration
Update dependencies and use Tailwind 2
Updated cruip-js-toolkit dependency @/package.json
Fixed typos @/src/pages/SignIn.js @/src/pages/SignUp.js
MC: Changed reveal delay @/src/partials/HeroHome.js
MC: Changed CSS animation name @/src/css/additional-styles/theme.scss
Changed the way of listening a route change @/App.js
Changed wrong function name @/src/pages/Features.js
Typo @/src/pages/ResetPassword.js
Missing indentation @/src/partials/FeaturesZigZag.js @/src/partials/News.js
Removed unneeded onClick @/src/partials/Header.js
Fix carousel height adjustment @/src/partials/Tabs.js @/src/partials/TestimonialsCarousel.js
First release