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165 lines (93 loc) · 9.09 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (93 loc) · 9.09 KB



  • .and_in(), .and_not_in(), .and_in_custom(), .and_not_in_custom(), .or_in(), .or_not_in(), .or_in_custom(), .or_not_in_custom() methods added to QueryBuilder struct. That works same as their counterparts, such as .where_in(), .where_not_in() etc.


  • Timezone Enum added. It benefits to set query's timezone to a specific timezone. For now, it only supports American, Russian, European, Turkish And Chinese Timezones.
  • For setting timezones, .time_zone() and ".global_time_zone() methods are added to QueryBuilder struct.


  • after i saw the some of the breaking aspects of that code, that fix removed for ValueType::String() and ValueType::Datetime() instances. If you want a text like '"something"' Than go with: JsonValue::Initial(ValueType::JsonString("blabla")). Otherwise, Go with others.


  • Bugfix on previous update was unsuccessfull, this time it really fixed and put an example on tests.


  • A bug fixed: In previous versions, when you pass JsonValue::Initial() with ValueType::JsonString() to the json function's arguments that has JsonValue type, the QueryBuilder were produce invalid query when you pass it to a string. With that release, that is fixed. Now when you pass either ValueType::JsonString(), ValueType::String() or ValueType::Datetime() to that functions with JsonValue::Initial() enum, your string will be wrapped by single quotes.


  • Added .json_set() and .json_replace() methods with it's synthax. It's meant to be used with update() constructor for update something inside of the columns that has Json type.


  • Some documentation fixes on Readme file.


  • Added .json_remove() method to the QueryBuilder struct. It's meant to be used with update() constructor for removing something from the columns that has Json type.
  • Some documentation fixes.


  • documentation update, nothing changed.


  • JsonValue enum added. It's meant to bu used to create json objects for using with json functions.
  • Breaking change: .json_contains() and .not_json_contains() method's arguments are changed. Now their second argument's type is JsonValue. Check the documentation examples about that.
  • .json_array_append() method added to the QueryBuilder struct. It's meant to be used with update() constructor for appending something to the columns that has Json type.


  • Added .not_json_contains() method to QueryBuilder struct.


  • Implemented Into trait to ValueType enum.


  • Support for ordering methods are improved: Now it supports .order_by_field() method before than .order_by() method and chaining of .order_by_field() methods.


  • Added .union() and .union_all() methods to QueryBuilder Struct. Added support for Union and UnionAll variants for Keywordlist Enum.


  • Length check added for every vector that passed on builders. Now if you pass an empty vector to any of the builders any method, builders will be panicked.


  • Added Null value support for QueryBuilder struct.


  • FROM trait implemented to ValueType enum.
  • v2rc1 branch merged to main.


  • ValueType Enum had breaking changes: Now we implemented Display trait to it, now we don't have to give values with old cumbersome way. You can reach it's details on or Official Documentation.
  • documentation updated, basic usages are shown for each query.


  • added .order_by_field() method, which benefits to apply FIELD() mysql function to query with it's synthax.
  • .order_by() function is modified, now it supports ORDER BY chaining.


  • the implementation of .like() method modified, now it supports to come later than .where_cond(), .where_in() or .where_not_in() methods. Previously, it was not produce correct queries when it used later then that methods because it also applies WHERE keywords for it's synthax. Now, you can use a different condition with WHERE methods and later than use that method for searching for rows that both provide the WHERE keywords condition. It searchs the needle on all the given columns seperately and takes the row if it exists on any of them.


  • added .copy() method for getting the immutable copy of the QueryBuilder struct.
  • .json_extract() method modified, now it supports multiple chaining of JSON_EXTRACT() method.


  • .json_extract() and .json_contains() functions are modified and their algorithm improved. Before that update, we assume you want to work with a column that is a json object and pointing a key. With that update, you can choose whether you want to work with a json array or json object, by simply putting a dot in the beginning of that function(for example, if you want to put "name" on the needle, you just have to make it ".name") or just select the which nth of that array with it's synthax.


  • added .json_contains() method to the QueryBuilder struct, which provides you to use "JSON_CONTAINS()" mysql function later than various keywords. Added many test cases to the tests.
  • added support for HAVING keyword with .having() method.


  • added proper documentation for most of the types. This release is just a documentation fix release.


  • added .json_extract() method to the QueryBuilder struct, which provides you to use "JSON_EXTRACT()" mysql function later than various keywords. Added many test cases to the tests.
  • added support for GROUP BY keyword with .group_by() method.
  • The algorithm of .order_by() method slightly changed, it does not affect your existing codes though.
  • The actual usage of KeywordList enums are started with that release. Added GroupBy variant to it.
  • Now all methods add proper keywords for their last added query types to the list field.
  • added .append_keyword() method. Since we started to use KeywordList enum to build queries correctly, you should append equivalent keyword with the string that you appended to original query with .append_custom() method. Otherwise you should continue to build your entire query with .append_custom() method, because you could easily encounter syntactic bugs.


  • Made performance improvements by removing unnecessary copyings on QueryBuilder and SchemaBuilder.
  • Project become stabilized. It continue to take more updates but it doesn't take a major one unless a breaking change happens on the synthax for very long time.
  • Added proper documentation for QueryBuilder struct.


  • Added count() constructor to QueryBuilder struct for creating count queries and added Count variant to QueryType and KeywordList enums. Also added In and NotIn variants to KeywordList enum.


  • Added .where_in(), .where_not_in(), .where_in_custom(), .where_not_in_custom() methods for using IN and NOT IN operators.


  • Added unix epoch times support for Time variant of ValueType enum. If you give a value that's characters are fully convertible to integer or empty strings with that Time variant, it applies that value to FROM_UNIXTIME() function and converts it to a valid DATETIME, so you can add them to column. If you want to store them directly as unix epoch times, then you have to set to column type as INT in mysql and set the ValueType enum as Integer variant.


  • Added Time variant for ValueType enum. Added support for column types of time. That values and sql functions are supported to add as sql: UNIX_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, NOW(), CURDATE(), CURTIME(). You can also time values as string. For now, unix epoch times are not supported.


  • Added append_custom() function for my urgent need for using json functions on mysql. In later releases, json functions will be implemented to QueryBuilder.


  • Added TableBuilder struct and some implementations, which is enough for creating tables and adding relations. In next releases we'll implement other methods for altering tables.
  • Added ForeignKey and ForeignKeyItems structs and ForeignKeyActions enum and implemented Display trait for that enum.


  • Documentation fixed.


  • Added SchemaBuilder struct and implementation, which enables you to create schemas. You can also create USE queries with that.
  • Now .select() constructor of QueryBuilder supports SELECT * queries by giving a vector of it's argument which first element is "*".
  • Added additional test cases.
  • Upgraded the algorithm of sanitize() function for better sanitizing queries. Also added KeywordList enum and "list" field on builder. It lets us to more aggresively format the query string for specific cases.


upgraded the algorithm of sanitize() function for better sanitizing queries.


qubl-rs liblary created.