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Liquidity Reference

Contract Format

All the contracts have the following form:

[%%version 2.1]

<... local declarations ...>

type storage = TYPE

let%init storage
    (x : TYPE)
    (y : TYPE)
    ... =

let%entry entrypoint1
    (p1 : TYPE)
    (s1 : TYPE) =

let%entry entrypoint2
    (p2 : TYPE)
    (s2 : TYPE) =

let%entry default
    (parameter : TYPE)
    (storage : TYPE) =

let%view view1
    (parameter : TYPE)
    (storage : TYPE)
    : TYPE =


The optional version statement tells the compiler in which version of Liquidity the contract is written. The compiler will reject any contract that has a version that it does not understand (too old, more recent).

A contract is composed of type declarations, local values definitions, an initializer, and a set of entry points and views. The type storage must be defined for all contracts.

Each entry point is a special function declared with the keyword let%entry. An entry point must have two arguments, the first one being the parameter (whose type can be inferred, but we recommend writing a type annotation for documentation purposes) and the second one is the storage. The return type of the function can be specified but is not necessary. Each entry point and view must be given a unique name within the same contract.

If there is an entry point named default, it will be the default entry point for the contract, i.e. the one that is called when the entry point is not specified in It is generally a good idea to make this entry point take a parameter of type unit, so that the code will be executed by any transfer made to it without arguments. (This can code to prevent accidental token transfers for instance.)

An entry point always returns a pair (operations, storage), where operations is a list of internal operations to perform after execution of the contract, and storage is the final state of the contract after the call. The type of the pair must match the type of a pair where the first component is a list of opertations and the second is the type of the storage argument.

Only with Love

Views are effect-less functions that return values (usually by reading the storage) and that are accessible outside the contract. Each view takes a parameter and a storage, and returns a value. We recommend writing the parameter and return types for documentation.

<... local declarations ...> is an optional set of type, function and extended primitives declarations. Type declarations can be used to define records and variants (sum-types), described later in this documentation.

An optional initial storage or storage initializer can be given with let%init storage. When deploying a Liquidity contract, if the storage is not constant it is evaluated in the head context.

Note that types, values, entry points and values definitions can be written in any order as long as they are defined before their use (forward references are forbidden).

Basic Types and Values

Types in Liquidity are monomorphic. They are all inherited from Michelson, except for algebraic data types and records, that are translated to Michelson types.

Only with love Structured types are kept when compiling to Love.

Basic Types

The built-in base types are:

  • unit: whose only constructor is ()
  • bool: Booleans
  • int: Unbounded integers
  • nat: Unbounded naturals (positive integers)
  • dun: The type of amounts
  • string: character strings
  • bytes: bytes sequences
  • timestamp: dates and timestamps
  • key: cryptographic keys
  • key_hash: hashes of cryptographic keys
  • signature: cryptographic signatures
  • operation: type of operations, can only be constructed
  • address: abstract type of contract addresses
  • chain_id: abstract type for chain ids

Composite Types

Types can be composed using the following type operators:

  • tuples: noted t1 * t2, t1 * t2 * t3, etc.
  • functions: 'a -> 'b is the type of functions from 'a to 'b, equivalent to ('a, 'b) lambda.

and the following predefined combinators:

  • lists: 'a list is the type of lists of elements in 'a
  • sets: 'a set is the type of sets of elements in 'a ('a must be a comparable type)
  • maps: ('key, 'val) map is the type of maps whose keys are of type 'key, a comparable type, and values of type 'val;
  • big maps: ('key, 'val) big_map is the type of lazily deserialized maps whose keys are of type 'key (a comparable type) and values of type 'val;
  • contracts: S.instance is the type of contracts (instances) of signature S (see Contract Types and Signatures);

and the predefined algebraic data types:

  • option type: 'a option = None | Some of 'a
  • variant type: ('a, 'b) variant = Left of 'a | Right of 'b

Record and variant types must be declared beforehand and are referred to by their names.

User defined types can be parameterized by type variables. See Polymorphism for the specifics and limitations.

Contract Handles and View Types

Contracts can either be manipulated (stored, passed as argument to a function or a parameter to another contract) as addresses (this is a representation for an untyped contract, whose signature is unknown) or as typed values. Contracts can be freely converted to one type or the other (the internal representation during execution remains identical, but extra checks are performed when going from an address to a typed contract). These typed values mention only a subset of the contract signature. In fact they must mention only a single entry point or view in the signature, this is why we call them handles (to a specific entry point).

There are two kinds of types for these handles: handles to entry points and handles to views.

Handles to entry points need only mention the type of the parameter as such:

%[handle 'parameter]

Only with love Handles to views must mention the view name, the parameter type and the return type:

%[view (view_name : 'parameter -> 'return)]

These special types can be used anywhere a type is required.

Follow these links for the conversion primitives:

Constant Values

The unique constructor of type unit is ().

The two Booleans (bool) constants are:

  • true
  • false

As in Michelson, there are different types of integers:

  • int : an unbounded integer, positive or negative, simply written 0, 1, 2, -1, -2, ...
  • nat : an unbounded positive integer, written either with a p suffix (0p, 12p, etc.) or as an integer with a type coercion ( (0 : nat) ).
  • dun : an unbounded positive float of DUNs, written either with a DUN (or dun) suffix (1.00DUN, etc.) or as a string with type coercion (("1.00" : dun)).

Strings (string) are delimited by the characters " and ".

Bytes (bytes) are sequences of hexadecimal pairs preceeded by 0x, for instance:

  • 0x
  • 0xabcdef

Timestamps (timestamp) are written in ISO 8601 format, like in Michelson:

  • 2015-12-01T10:01:00+01:00

Keys, key hashes and signatures are base58-check encoded, the same as in Michelson:

  • dn1HieGdCFcT8Lg9jDANfEGbJyt6arqEuSJb is a key hash (key_hash)
  • edpkuit3FiCUhd6pmqf9ztUTdUs1isMTbF9RBGfwKk1ZrdTmeP9ypN is a public key (key)
  • edsigedsigthTzJ8X7MPmNeEwybRAvdxS1pupqcM5Mk4uCuyZAe7uEk68YpuGDeViW8wSXMrCi5CwoNgqs8V2w8ayB5dMJzrYCHhD8C7 is a signature (signature)

There are also three types of collections: lists, sets and maps. Constants collections can be created directly:

  • Lists: ["x"; "y"] for a string list;
  • Sets: Set [1; 2; 3; 4] for an int set;
  • Maps: Map [1, "x"; 2, "y"; 3, "z"] for a (int, string) map;
  • Big maps: BigMap [1, "x"; 2, "y"; 3, "z"] for a (int, string) big_map

Options (option) can be defined with:

  • An empty option: None
  • A valued option: Some 3

Variants (variant) can be defined with:

  • Left alternative: Left "hello"
  • Right alternative: Right 3

for a (string, int) variant.

The variant type is not supposed to be used by programmers, who can defined their own algebraic data types. Instead, variant is used when decompiling Michelson code.

It is also possible to coerce some constants between their inferred type and another compatible type, using the notation ( CONSTANT : NEWTYPE ):

  • A string can be coerced to dun (the string must contain an integer in mudun à la Michelson), timestamp, key, address, _ contract, key_hash and signature.
  • A bytes can be coerced to address, _.instance, key, key_hash and signature.
  • An constant address can be coerced to a contract handle.
  • A constant contract handle can be coerced to address.
  • A key_hash can be coerced to an address and a contract handle (to entry point default of parameter type unit).

Starting with version 0.5, constant values such as [], Map, Set, None do not need to be annotated with their type anymore. It will be inferred (when possible), see Type inference).

Pure (not closures) lambdas are also constants in Liquidity.

  • For instance fun (x : int) -> x + 1 can be used anywhere that a constant of type int -> int is required.

Predefined Primitives

There are two kinds of primitives in the language:

  • Prefix primitives are used by putting the primitive before the arguments: prim x y z. All alphanumerical primitives are prefix primitives, except lor, lxor, mod, land, lsl, lsr and asr.
  • Infix primitves are used by putting the primitive between the arguments: x prim y. Infix primitives are always operators (+, -, etc.).

When the type of a primitive is specified, we extend the notation for functions like this:

  • TYPE_ARG -> TYPE_RESULT for a primitive with one argument
  • TYPE_ARG1 -> TYPE_ARG2 -> TYPE_RESULT for a primitive with two arguments

Extended Primitives

Only with michelson

Additional prefix Michelson primitives can be added to the language through a local declaration as follows:

external prim_name : TYPE1 -> ... -> TYPE_ARG1 -> ... -> TYPE_RESULT = "MINST" FLAGS

Such declaration takes as input an arbitrary number of type arguments (TYPE1 -> ...) of the form [%type: 'a], where 'a is the variable bound to the type.

Then follows an arbitrary (but non-null) number of typed arguments (TYPE_ARG1 -> ...) of the form [%stack: TYPE], where TYPE corresponds to any Michelson type, possibly containing one or more of the type variables introduced previously. Here, %stack means the argument resides on the stack. It is mandatory for all arguments, except when declaring a primitive that takes no argument, in which case it takes a single argument of type unit, without the %stack specifier ([%stack: unit] would instead mean that the primitive takes a unit value from the stack).

The result type (TYPE_RESULT) is specified using the same form as arguments, i.e. [%stack: TYPE], where a bare unit indicates a primitive that does not produce any value on the stack. It is also possible to specify that the primitive returns several values on the stack using a tuple notation : [%stack: TYPE1] * [%stack: TYPE2] * .... In this case, every component of the tuple must have a %stack specifier and will occupy a different stack cell. All the values will be assembled into an actual tuple before being returned to Liquidity.

MINST is the actual Michelson instruction to generate and will be written as-is in the output file, followed by the given type arguments, if any.

FLAGS allows to give additional information about the primitive. Currently, the only supported flag is [@@effect], which specifies that the primitive may have side-effects. This prevents calls to this primitive from being inlined or eliminated when the return value is not used.

A call to an extended primitive is then performed as follows:

prim_name TYPE1 ... ARG1 ...

After the primitive name, a number of type arguments (TYPE1 ...) of the form [%type: TYPE] may be given (if the primitive has been declared to take type arguments), where TYPE is any Michelson type. Then follow the actual arguments (ARG1 ...).

Comparison between values

All values are not comparable. Only two values of the following types can be compared with each other:

  • bool
  • int
  • nat
  • dun
  • string
  • bytes
  • timestamp
  • key_hash
  • address

The following comparison operators are available:

  • = : equal
  • <> : not-equal
  • < : strictly less
  • <= : less or equal
  • > : strictly greater
  • >= : greater or equal

There is also a function compare : 'a -> 'a -> int to compare two values and return an integer, as follows. compare x y

  • returns 0 if x and y are equal
  • returns a strictly positive integer if x > y
  • returns a strictly negative integer if x < y

The Current module

  • Current.balance: unit -> dun: returns the balance of the current contract. The balance contains the amount of dun that was sent by the current operation.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc1.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc1.liq
  • Current.time: unit -> timestamp: returns the timestamp of the block in which the transaction is included. This value is chosen by the baker that is including the transaction, so it should not be used as a reliable source of alea.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc2.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc2.liq
  • Current.amount: unit -> dun: returns the amount of dun transferred by the current operation (standard or internal transaction).

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc3.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc3.liq
  • Current.source: unit -> address: returns the address that initiated the current top-level transaction in the blockchain. It is the same one for all the transactions resulting from the top-level transaction, standard and internal. It is the address that paid the fees and storage cost, and signed the operation on the blockchain.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc5.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc5.liq
  • Current.sender: unit -> address: returns the address that initiated the current transaction. It is the same as the source for the top-level transaction, but it is the originating contract for internal operations.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc6.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc6.liq
  • failwith or Current.failwith: 'a -> 'b: makes the current transaction and all its internal transactions fail. No modification is done to the context. The argument can be any value (often a string and some argument), the system will display it to explain why the transaction failed.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc7.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc7.liq
  • Current.block_level: unit -> nat: returns the level of the block in which the transaction is included.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc75.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc75.liq
  • Current.collect_call: unit -> bool: returns true if the current call is a collect call..

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc76.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc76.liq

Operations on tuples

  • get t n, Array.get t n and t.(n) where n is a constant positive-or-nul int: returns the n-th element of the tuple t. Tuples are translated to Michelson by pairing on the right, i.e. (a,b,c,d) becomes (a, (b, (c, d))). In this example, a is the 0-th element.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc8.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc8.liq
  • set t n x, Array.set t n x and t.(n) <- x where n is constant positive-or-nul int: returns the tuple where the n-th element has been replaced by x.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc9.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc9.liq

Operations on numeric values

  • +: Addition. With the following types:

    • dun -> dun -> dun
    • nat -> nat -> nat
    • int|nat -> int|nat -> int
    • timestamp -> int -> timestamp
    • int -> timestamp -> timestamp
  • -: Substraction. With the following types:

    • dun -> dun -> dun
    • int|nat -> int|nat -> int
    • timestamp -> int -> timestamp
    • timestamp -> timestamp -> int
    • int|nat -> int (unary negation)
  • *: Multiplication. With the following types:

    • nat -> dun -> dun

    • dun -> nat -> dun

    • nat -> nat -> nat

    • nat|int -> nat|int -> int

      .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc10.liq
      .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc10.liq
  • /: Euclidian division. With the following types:

    • nat -> nat -> ( nat * nat ) option

    • int|nat -> int|nat -> ( int * nat ) option

    • dun -> nat -> ( dun * dun ) option

    • dun -> dun -> ( nat * dun ) option

      .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc11.liq
      .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc11.liq
  • ~-: Negation. Type: int|nat -> int

  • lor, or and ||: logical OR with the following types:

    • bool -> bool -> bool
    • nat -> nat -> nat
  • &, land and &&: logical AND with the following types:

    • bool -> bool -> bool
    • nat|int -> nat -> nat
  • lxor, xor: logical exclusive OR with the following types:

    • bool -> bool -> bool
    • nat -> nat -> nat
  • not: logical NOT

    • bool -> bool
    • nat|int -> int (two-complement with sign negation)
  • abs: Absolute value. Type int -> int

  • is_nat: Maybe positive. Type int -> nat option.

    Instead of using is_nat, it is recommended to use a specific form of pattern matching:

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc12.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc12.liq
  • int: To integer. Type nat -> int

  • >> and lsr : Logical shift right. Type nat -> nat -> nat

  • << and lsl : Logical shift left. Type nat -> nat -> nat

Operations on contracts

  • dest:(address | [%handle 'a] | 'S.instance) -> amount:dun -> ?entry:<entry_name> -> parameter:'a -> operation. Forge an internal contract call. Arguments can be labeled, in which case they can be given in any order. The entry point name is optional (default by default). The destination is either a contract handle to an entry point, a contract instance, or an address (in the last two cases, an entry point must be specified).

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc13.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc13.liq
  • <c.entry>: 'parameter -> amount:dun -> operation. Forge an internal contract call. The amount argument can be labeled, in which case it can appear before the parameter. c is either a contract handle (of type [%handle 'parameter]) or an address.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc14.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc14.liq
  • Account.transfer: dest:key_hash -> amount:dun -> operation. Forge an internal transaction to the implicit (_i.e._ default) account contract of dest. Arguments can be labeled, in which case they can be given in any order. The resulting operation cannot fail (if the transfer amount leaves more than 0.257DUN on both contracts).

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc15.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc15.liq
  • Contract.view: dest:(address | [%view (view_name : 'a -> 'b)]) -> ?view:<view_name> -> parameter:'a -> 'b. Call a specific contract view. Arguments can be labeled, in which case they can be given in any order. The view name is mandatory if an dest is an address (it is not required if dest is a view handle). The destination is either a view handle or an address (in which case, an view name point must be specified). Only with love

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/test_view.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/test_view.liq
       :lines: 8-12
  • Account.default: key_hash -> [%handle unit]. Returns a contract handle to the default entry point of the implicit account associated to the given key_hash. Transfers to it cannot fail.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc17.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc17.liq
  • Contract.set_delegate: key_hash option -> operation. Forge a delegation operation for the current contract. A None argument means that the contract should have no delegate (it falls back to its manager). The delegation operation will only be executed in an internal operation if it is returned at the end of the entry point definition.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc18.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc18.liq
  • Contract.address: [%handle 'a] -> address . Returns the address of a contract. The returned address can be converted to any entry point (or view) handle of the contract (contrary to Contract.untype).

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc19.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc19.liq
  • Contract.untype: [%handle 'a] -> address. Returns the address corresponding to an untype version of the contract handle.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc16.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc16.liq
  • address -> C.instance option. Returns the contract associated with the address and of type C, if any. Only with love

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc20.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc20.liq
       :lines: 13-18
  • [%handle: val%entry <entry_name> : 'a ] : address -> [%handle 'a] option. Returns a contract handle to the entry point <entry_name> if the contract at the specified address has an entry point named <entry_name> of parameter type 'a. If no such entry point exists or the parameter type is different then this function returns None. For any contract or contract type C, you can also use the syntactic sugar [%handle C.<entry_name>] instead.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc20.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc20.liq
       :lines: 1-11
  • [%handle: val%view <view_name> : 'a -> 'b] : address -> [%view (view_name : 'a -> 'b)] option. Returns a contract view handle to the view <view_name> if the contract at the specified address has an view named <view_name> of parameter type 'a and return type 'b. If no such view exists or the parameter or return types are different then this function returns None. For any contract or contract type C, you can also use the syntactic sugar [%view C.<view_name>] instead. Only with love

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/test_view.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/test_view.liq
       :lines: 14-19
  • Contract.get_balance: [%handle 'a] -> dun. Returns the balance of the contract.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc77.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc77.liq
  • Contract.is_implicit: [%handle unit] -> key_hash option. Returns the key hash of a contract handle if it is an implicit one, otherwise, returns None.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc74.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc74.liq
  • [%handle Self.<entry>] -> [%handle 'a]. Returns a handle to the entry point <entry> of the currently executing contract. You can use the syntactic sugar Contract.self () for [%handle Self.default].

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc21.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc21.liq
  • Contract.create: delegate:key_hash option -> amount:dun -> storage:'storage -> code:(contract _) -> (operation, address). Forge an operation to originate a contract with code. The contract is only created when the operation is executed, so it must be returned by the transaction. Note that the code must be specified as a contract structure (inlined or not). Contract.create delegate_opt initial_amount initial_storage (contract C) forges an an origination operation for contract C with optional delegate delegate, initial balance initial_amount and initial storage initial_storage. Arguments can be named and put in any order.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc22.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc22.liq

    The contract code parameter is a first class value, it can be written inlined as above, or equivalently the contract code can be referred to by its name (in scope) as below:

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc23.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc23.liq

Cryptographic operations

  • Crypto.blake2b: bytes -> bytes. Computes the cryptographic hash of a bytes with the cryptographic Blake2b function.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc24.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc24.liq
  • Crypto.sha256: bytes -> bytes. Computes the cryptographic hash of a bytes with the cryptographic Sha256 function.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc25.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc25.liq
  • Crypto.sha512: bytes -> bytes. Computes the cryptographic hash of a bytes with the cryptographic Sha512 function.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc26.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc26.liq
  • Crypto.hash_key: key -> key_hash. Hash a public key and encode the hash in B58check.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc27.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc27.liq
  • Crypto.check: key -> signature -> bytes -> bool. Check that the signature corresponds to signing the (Blake2b hash of the) sequence of bytes with the public key. Signatures generated by dune-client sign bytes ... can be checked this way.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc28.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc28.liq

Operations on bytes

  • Bytes.pack: 'a -> bytes. Serialize any data to a binary representation in a sequence of bytes.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc29.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc29.liq
  • Bytes.unpack: bytes -> 'a option. Deserialize a sequence of bytes to a value from which it was serialized. The expression must be annotated with the (option) type that it should return.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc30.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc30.liq
  • Bytes.length or Bytes.size: bytes -> nat. Return the size of the sequence of bytes.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc31.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc31.liq
  • Bytes.concat: bytes list -> bytes. Append all the sequences of bytes of a list into a single sequence of bytes.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc32.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc32.liq
  • Bytes.slice or Bytes.sub" of type ``nat -> nat -> bytes -> bytes option. Extract a sequence of bytes within another sequence of bytes. Bytes.slice start len b extracts the bytes subsequence of b starting at index start and of length len. A return value None means that the position or length was invalid.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc33.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc33.liq
  • ( @ ) : bytes -> bytes -> bytes. Append two sequences of bytes into a single sequence of bytes. b1 @ b2 is syntactic sugar for Bytes.concat [b1; b2].

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc34.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc34.liq

Operations on strings

A string is a fixed sequence of characters. They are restricted to the printable subset of 7-bit ASCII, plus some escaped characters (\n, \t, \b, \r, \\, \").

  • String.length or String.size of type string -> nat. Return the size of the string in characters.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc35.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc35.liq
  • String.slice or String.sub with type nat -> nat -> string -> string option. String.sub start len s returns a substring of a string s at the given starting at position len with the specified length len, or None if invalid.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc36.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc36.liq
  • String.concat: string list -> string. Append all strings of a list into a single string.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc37.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc37.liq
  • ( @ ) : string -> string -> string. Append two strings into a single string. s1 @ s2 is syntactic sugar for String.concat [s1; s2].

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc38.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc38.liq

Operations on lambdas

  • Lambda.pipe or ( |> ) of type 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b or 'a -> ('a,'b) closure -> 'b. Applies a function or closure to its argument.

  • ( @@ ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b is also function application.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc39.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc39.liq

Operations on lists

Lists are immutable data structures containing values (of any type) that can only be accessed in a sequential order. Since they are immutable, all modification primitives return a new list, and the list given in argument is unmodified.

  • ( :: ) : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list Add a new element at the head of the list. The previous list becomes the tail of the new list.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc40.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc40.liq
  • List.rev : 'a list -> 'a list Return the list in the reverse order.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc41.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc41.liq
  • List.length or List.size: 'a list -> nat. Return the length of the list.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc42.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc42.liq
  • List.iter: ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit. Iter the function on all the elements of a list. Since no value can be returned, it can only be used for side effects, i.e. to fail the transaction.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc43.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc43.liq
  • List.fold: ('elt * 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'elt list -> 'acc -> 'acc. Iter on all elements of a list, while modifying an accumulator.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc44.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc44.liq
  • ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list. Return a list with the result of applying the function on each element of the list.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc45.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc45.liq
  • List.map_fold: ('a * 'acc -> 'b * 'acc) -> 'a list -> 'acc -> 'b list * 'acc. Return a list with the result of applying the function on each element of the list, plus an accumulator.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc46.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc46.liq

Operations on sets

Sets are immutable data structures containing unique values (a comparable type). Since they are immutable, all modification primitives return a new updated set, and the set given in argument is unmodified.

  • Set.update: 'a -> bool -> 'a set -> 'a set. Update a set for a particular element. If the boolean is true, the element is added. If the boolean is false, the element is removed.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc47.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc47.liq
  • Set.add: 'a -> 'a set -> 'a set . Add an element to a set, if not present. Set.add x s is syntactic sugar for Set.update x true s.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc48.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc48.liq
  • Set.remove: 'a -> 'a set -> 'a set. Remove an element to a set, if present. Set.remove x s is syntactic sugar for Set.update x false s.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc49.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc49.liq
  • Set.mem: 'a -> 'a set -> bool. Return true if the element is in the set, false otherwise.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc50.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc50.liq
  • Set.cardinal or Set.size with type 'a set -> nat. Return the number of elements in the set.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc51.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc51.liq
  • Set.iter: ('ele -> unit) -> 'ele set -> unit. Apply a function on all elements of the set. Since no value can be returned, it can only be used for side effects, i.e. to fail the transaction.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc52.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc52.liq

Operations on maps

Maps are immutable data structures containing associations between keys (a comparable type) and values (any type). Since they are immutable, all modification primitives return a new updated map, and the map given in argument is unmodified.

  • Map.add: 'key -> 'val -> ('key, 'val) map -> ('key, 'val) map. Return a map with a new association between a key and a value. If an association previously existed for the same key, it is not present in the new map.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc56.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc56.liq
  • Map.remove: 'key -> ('key,'val) map -> ('key,'val) map. Return a map where any associated with the key has been removed.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc57.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc57.liq
  • Map.find: 'key -> ('key,'val) map -> 'val option. Return the value associated with a key in the map.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc58.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc58.liq
  • Map.update: 'key -> 'val option -> ('key,'val) map -> ('key,'val) map. Return a new map where the association between the key and the value has been removed (case None) or added/updated (case Some v).

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc59.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc59.liq
  • Map.mem: 'key -> ('key, 'val) map -> bool. Return true if an association exists in the map for the key, false otherwise.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc60.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc60.liq
  • Map.cardinal or Map.size with type ('key,'val) map -> nat. Return the number of associations (i.e. uniq keys) in the map.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc61.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc61.liq
  • Map.iter: ('key * 'val -> unit) -> ('key,'val) map -> unit. Apply a function on all associations in the map. Since no value can be returned, it can only be used for side effects, i.e. to fail the transaction.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc62.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc62.liq
  • Map.fold: (('key * 'val) * 'acc -> 'acc) -> ('key,'val) map -> 'acc -> 'acc. Apply a function on all associations of the map, updating and returning an accumulator.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc63.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc63.liq
  • ('key * 'src -> 'dst) -> ('key,'src) map -> ('key,'dst) map. Apply a function on all associations of a map, and return a new map where keys are now associated with the return values of the function.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc64.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc64.liq
  • Map.map_fold: (('key * 'src) * 'acc -> 'dst * 'acc) -> ('key,'src) map -> 'acc -> ('key,'dst) map * 'acc. Apply a function on all associations of a map, returning both a new map and an updated accumulator.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc65.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc65.liq

Operations on Big maps

Big maps are a specific kind of maps, optimized for storing. They can be updated incrementally and scale to a high number of associations, whereas standard maps will have an expensive serialization and deserialization cost. Big maps cannot be iterated and cannot have big maps as their keys or as their elements.

  • Map.find: 'key -> ('key,'val) big_map -> 'val option. Return the value associated with a key in the map.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc66.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc66.liq
  • Map.mem: 'key -> ('key, 'val) big_map -> bool. Return true if an association exists in the map for the key, false otherwise.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc67.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc67.liq
  • Map.update: 'key -> 'val option -> ('key,'val) big_map -> ('key,'val) big_map. Return a new map where the association between the key and the value has been removed (case None) or added/updated (case Some v).

  • Map.add: 'key -> 'val -> ('key, 'val) big_map -> ('key, 'val) big_map. Syntactic sugar for Map.update (Some ...).

  • Map.remove: 'key -> ('key,'val) big_map -> ('key,'val) big_map. Syntactic sugar for Map.update None.

    .. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc68.liq
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc68.liq

Operations on generic collections

These primitives should not be used directly in Liquidity. They are only used by the decompiler. They are automatically replaced during typing by the corresponding primitive for the collection of the argument (in either List, Set, Map, String or Bytes). However, they can be used to write some polymorphic code on collections.

  • Coll.update
  • Coll.mem
  • Coll.find
  • Coll.size
  • Coll.concat
  • Coll.slice
  • Coll.iter
  • Coll.fold
  • Coll.map_fold

The Modules and Contracts System

The system described in this section allows to define several contracts and modules in the same file, to reference contracts by their names, and to call contracts defined in other files.

The notion of contract and module structures in Liquidity is a way to define namespaces and to encapsulate types, values and contracts in packages. These packages are called structures and are introduced with the struct keyword. Modules, introduced with the keyword module, can contain types and values but cannot contain any entry points. Contracts are introduced with the keyword contract, they can contain types, values and must have at least one entry point.

Types in scope (defined before their use) can be referred to anywhere, provided they are adequately qualified (with a dot . notation).

Values are exported outside the module or the contract by default, which means they can be used by other modules and contracts. One can annotate the value with [@private] to prevent exporting the value.

For instance the following example defines a module M with a type t and an exported function f.

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
   :lines: 1-4

The contract C can be defined as such. It uses the type t of M, written M.t and the function f of M written M.f. The function succ is exported and can be called with C.succ outside the contract, whereas prev cannot (the compiler will complain that is does not know the symbol C.prev if we try to use it elsewhere).

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
   :lines: 6-16

The toplevel contract can use elements from either structures. Here we use types and functions from both M and C and call the entry point default of a contract instance of type C.

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
   :lines: 30-33

Module and Contract Aliases

Modules and contracts can be arbitrarily nested and aliases can be defined by simply giving the qualified name (instead of the whole structure).

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc73.liq
   :lines: 18-28

First Class Contract Structures

Contracts structures (note we are not talking about contract instances here) can also be used as first class values:

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc23.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc23.liq

Handles to contracts can be called with three different syntaxes:

  • ~dest:c ~amount:1DUN ~parameter:"hello"
  • ~dest:c ~amount:1DUN ~entry:default ~parameter:"hello"
  • c.default "hello" ~amount:1DUN

These calls are all equivalent when c is an address or a handle to the default entry point.

Toplevel Contracts

A contract defined at toplevel in a file path/to/my_contract.liq implicitly defines a contract structure named My_contract which can be called in other Liquidity files.

Contract Types and Signatures

A contract is a first class object in Liquidity only for the instruction Contract.create, while contract handles can be used like any other values. Contract signatures are introduced with the keyword sig and defined with the keyword contract type:

contract type S = sig
  type t1 = ...
  type t2 = ...
  val%entry entry1 : TYPE
  val%entry entry2 : TYPE
  val%entry default : TYPE
  val%view view1 : TYPE -> TYPE
  val%view view2 : TYPE -> TYPE

A contract signature can contain:

  • type declarations,
  • declarations for the entry point signatures with the special keyword val%entry in which only the type parameter must be specified,
  • declarations for the view signatures with the special keyword val%view whose type must be an arrow type of the parameter to the result type.

Only with Love

The type of a contract (instance) whose signature is C is written C.instance. Note that C must be declared as a contract or a contract signature beforehand if we want to declare values of type C.instance.

For example:

type t = {
  counter : int;
  dest : C.instance;

is a record type with a contract field dest of signature C.

Predefined Contract Signatures

The contract signature UnitContract is built-in, in Liquidity, and stands for contracts with a single entry point default whose parameter is of type unit:

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc70.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc70.liq

Type inference and Polymorphism

A new addition of version 0.5 of the Liquidity compiler is a type inference algorithm (a variant of Hindley-Milner type inference) which works in the presence of parametric types and polymorphic values (functions) and can infer parametric types.

Type inference

A consequence of this addition is that most type annotations in Liquidity are now unnecessary, but can be used to restrict types or to enforce a constraint. This makes programs more readable by removing superfluous noise.

In particular, types of entry point parameters, storage initializer parameters, constant values (like [], None, etc.) and functions are not necessary anymore.

The following example shows type inference at work.

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc71.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc71.liq


In general, values in Liquidity cannot be polymorphic: type variables must (and will) be instantiated (by inference and monomorphization). This restriction is inherited from Michelson. However there is still a way to write polymorphic functions. This is especially useful to write reusable code. Polymorphic functions are transformed into several monomorphized versions. For instance a function f : 'a option -> int will be transformed into two functions f_i : int option and f_Ln : nat list option if it is used with both an integer argument and a list of naturals argument in the code.

To make this extension even more useful, Liquidity allows user declared type to be parameterized by one or more type variables. Every type variable that appears in the type definition must also appear in the type name declaration (on the left hand side).

The following example defines a record type ('a, 'b) t with two fields whose type are parameters. The function mk_t builds values of type t with it argument. mk_t has the polymorphic type mk_t : ('a * 'b) -> ('a, b') t.

.. tryliquidity:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc72.liq
.. literalinclude:: ../../../../tests/doc/doc72.liq

The type of storage cannot be polymorphic, however it can contain weak type variables (like '_a), which means they must be the same for every instance (i.e. there can only be one instance of type storage). For example writing type '_a storage = '_a allows type storage to be inferred.

ReasonML Syntax

Liquidity supports two syntaxes:

  • OCaml syntax (OCaml with Dune-specific changes)
  • ReasonML syntax (with Dune-specific changes)

ReasonML Compiler Arguments

By default, the compiler uses expects the OCaml syntax, and outputs files in OCaml syntax. This behavior changes with the file extension and with the --re argument. Files that end in .reliq will be parsed as ReasonML Liquidity files. The decompiler will ouptu files in ReasonML syntax when given the flag -re. If your file is test.reliq, you can compile it using:

liquidity test.reliq

You can also convert a file from one syntax to another, using the --convert FILE argument. For example, a file in OCaml-syntax can be converted to ReasonML syntax:

$ liquidity --convert test19.liq

  type storage = {
    hash: bytes,
    c: address,

  let%init storage: storage = {
    key: 0x0085b1e4560f47f089d7b97aabcf46937a4c137a9c3f96f73f20c83621694e36d5,
    hash: 0xabcdef,
    c: KT1LLcCCB9Fr1hrkGzfdiJ9u3ZajbdckBFrF,

  contract PlusOne = {
    type storage = int;

    type t =
      | A
      | B;

    let%init init_storage = (x: bool, y: int) =>
      if (x == false) {
      } else {

    let%entry default = (_: unit, s) => ([], s + 1);

  let%entry default = (sign: signature, storage) => {
    let x = PlusOne.A;
    switch (x) {
    | PlusOne.B => failwith()
    | _ => ()
    let c = Contract.self();
    let key_hash = Crypto.hash_key(storage.key);
    if (key_hash == tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx) {
    if (key_hash
        == Crypto.hash_key(
           )) {
    let delegate = Some(key_hash);
    let spendable = Crypto.check(storage.key, sign, storage.hash);
    let amount = Current.amount();
    let amount =
      switch (amount / 2p) {
      | None => Current.failwith() /* not possible */
      | Some(qr) => qr

    let delegatable = false;
    let _cocococ = [%handle PlusOne.default](storage.c);
    let _op1 = Self.default(sign, ~amount=0DUN);
    let (c_op, c_addr) =
        (contract PlusOne),

    let storage = storage.c = c_addr;
    ([c_op], storage);

The same file can be converted back and forth:

$ liquidity --convert test19.liq > test19.reliq
$ liquidity --convert test19.reliq > test19.liq

Beware however that the conversion from ReasonML syntax back to the OCaml one erases the comments.

ReasonML Syntax Extensions

Liquidity borrows most of ReasonML syntax, with a few changes, similar to the changes in the OCaml syntax:

  • The module keyword is replaced by the contract keyword, to define contracts and contract signatures
  • Dune-specific literals are available, such as 12.2DUN, dn1c35okrd97ZfiH6X2j8DiD3dSkCqVkGkZN, etc.
  • Tezos-specific literals are available, such as 12.2tz, tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx, etc.

A good way to learn this syntax is to use the syntax conversion argument of the compiler (--convert FILE).