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File metadata and controls

291 lines (237 loc) · 16.6 KB


This is a JavaScript library for the OParl protocoll.

Work in progress


Currently working on (roadmap)

  • create parser of missing object types
  • review the object type implementations with the latest spec version
  • implement the pagination of big tables
  • introduce a 'strict mode' to warn if the OParl endpoint violate the spec
  • add a mode to identify additional vendor parameter

Some links: the OParl spec, test systems(Landkreis LUP, kleineAnfragen, München Transparent), and a live demo of the oparl.js

Getting started

You can use oparl.js directly in your HTML/JavaScript file or in your node.js project.

HTML file

  1. Include the JavaScript lib file in HTML header
<script src="lib/oparl-src.js"></script>
  1. Use the global OParl object;


  1. Installation
npm install oparl --save
  1. Usage
var OParl = require('oparl');;

Load first data from the OParl endpoint

Use the function with 2 parameters. The first parameter contains the OParl endpoint URI of the requested domain. The second parameter is a callback function called asynchroniously. The callback function with 2 parameters return an error message if the first parameter is non-null. The second contains an oparl:System object, if the call was successful., function (err, serverObj) {
	if (err !== null) {
		console.error('Something went wrong: ' + err);
	} else {

Object types

The function serves an oparl:System object to the callback function. First you should read the description of these type. Or just choose an object from the list:

Item object

Function Description
get(callback) The get function collect one object. This could be done by an internet request call. So the function did not return the object, it calls the callback function when it's done.
callback(error, object)
The error parameter contains an error message or, if it is null, the object parameter contains an object in one of the oparl: types (listed below).

List object

Function Description
get(callback) The get function collect a list of items. This could be done by an internet request call. So the function did not return a list, it calls the callback function when it's done.
callback(error, itemList)
The error parameter contains an error message or, if it is null, the itemList parameter contains an array of item objects.

To do: the list object should handle the paging and pagination. Currently a maximum of 100 objects will be listed.


The oparl:AgendaItem object represent one item of an agenda.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:AgendaItem'
meeting (optional) string location of the referencing meeting
^^ type should be changed ^^
number (optional) string structuring sign of the agenda item
name (optional) string name of the agenda item
publicly (optional) boolean true if the agenda item is in open court
consultationObject (optional) item object location of the attached consultation, see object oparl:Consultation
result (optional) string a description of the result
resolutionText (optional) string a resolution text (if any)
resolutionFileObject (optional) item object the file of the resolution, see object oparl:File
auxiliaryFileList (optional) list object other files of the agende item, see object oparl:File
start (optional) Date date and time of the start time
end (optional) Date date and time of the end point


The oparl:Body object represent one city, country or municipal.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Body'
name string the official (and long) name of the body
organizationList list object list of all organizations, see object oparl:Organization
personList list object list of all persons, see object oparl:Person
meetingList list object list of all meetings, see object oparl:Meeting
paperList list object list of all papers, see object oparl:Paper
legislativeTermList list object list of all legislative terms, see object oparl:LegislativeTerm
systemObject (optional) item object the parent OParl system, see object oparl:System
shortName (optional) string a shorter version of the body name
website (optional) string URI to the ordinary website of the body
license (optional) string URI of the used license
licenseValidSince (optional) Date last license changed date
oparlSince (optional) Date date for the first use of OParl
ags (optional) string 8 digits of the AGS (the German Amtliche Gemeindeschlüssel)
rgs (optional) string 12 digits of the RGS (the German Regionalschlüssel)
equivalent (optional) array external links for the body
contactEmail (optional) string contact mail address
contactName (optional) string name of the contact person
classification (optional) string classification of the body
location (optional) string location of the body
^^ type should be changed ^^
modified (optional) Date last modified


The oparl:LegislativeTerm object represent one legislative period.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:LegislativeTerm'
bodyObject (optional) item object the body of the legislation period, see object oparl:Body
name (optional) string user friendly title of the legislative period
startDate (optional) Date first day of the legislative period
endDate (optional) Date last day of the legislative period


The oparl:Location object represent one physical location.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Location'
description (optional) string user friendly description of the postal address
geojsonObject (optional) item object a Feature object of the GeoJSON specification
streetAddress (optional) string street and house number of the address
room (optional) string room of the address
postalCode (optional) string ZIP of the address
subLocality (optional) string sublevel location (district, ...)
locality (optional) string location of the address
bodiesList (optional) list object list of all bodies, see object oparl:Body
organizationList (optional) list object list of all organizations, see object oparl:Organization
meetingList (optional) list object list of all meetings, see object oparl:Meeting
papersList (optional) list object list of all papers, see object oparl:Paper


The oparl:Meeting object represent one meeting / assembly.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Meeting'
name (optional) string user friendly title of the meeting
meetingState (optional) string current state of the meeting
cancelled (optional) boolean true if the meeting was cancelled
start (optional) string date and time of the start time
^^ type should be changed ^^
end (optional) string date and time of the end point
^^ type should be changed ^^
locationObject (optional) item object location of the organization, see object oparl:Location
organizationList (optional) list object list of all organizations, see object oparl:Organization
participantList (optional) list object list of all present persons, see object oparl:Person
invitationObject (optional) item object the invitation, see object oparl:File
resultsProtocolObject (optional) item object the protocol, see object oparl:File
verbatimProtocolObject (optional) item object the verbatim protocol, see object oparl:File
auxiliaryFileList (optional) list object list of auxiliary files, see object oparl:File
agendaItemList (optional) list object list of agenda items, see object oparl:AgendaItem


The oparl:Membership object binds a person to a organization.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Membership'
personObject (optional) item object the persons, see object oparl:Person
organizationObject (optional) item object the organizations, see object oparl:Organization
role (optional) string the role of the person in the organization
votingRight (optional) boolean true if the person has the right to vote
startDate (optional) Date first day of the membership
endDate (optional) Date last day of the membership
onBehalfOfObject (optional) item object the parent organizations, see object oparl:Organization


The oparl:Organization object represent one organization unit.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Organization'
bodyObject (optional) item object the body of the organization, see object oparl:Body
name (optional) string the official (and long) name of the organization
membershipList (optional) list object list of all memberships, see object oparl:Membership
meetingList (optional) list object list of all meetings, see object oparl:Meeting
shortName (optional) string a shorter version of the organization name
post (optional) array array of strings
subOrganizationOfObject (optional) item object a superior organization, see object oparl:Organization
organizationType (optional) string type of the organization
classification (optional) string group of the organization
startDate (optional) Date date of formation
endDate (optional) Date date of termination
website (optional) string URI of the organization website
locationObject (optional) item object location of the organization, see object oparl:Location
externalBodyObject (optional) item object the body of an external OParl system, see object oparl:Body


The oparl:Person object represent one individual person.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:Person'
bodyObject (optional) item object the body of the person, see object oparl:Body
name (optional) string the full name of the person
familyName (optional) string the family name
givenName (optional) string the given name
formOfAddress (optional) string the form of address
affix (optional) string the name affix
title (optional) array an array of title strings
gender (optional) string the gender
phone (optional) array an array of phone numbers (strings)
email (optional) array an array of email addresses (strings)
locationObject (optional) item object the persons contact address, see object oparl:Location
status (optional) array an array of roles (strings)
membershipList (optional) list object list of all memberships (present and past), see object oparl:Membership
life (optional) string a short description of the person
lifeSource (optional) string the source of the short description


The oparl:System object is the entry point for all clients. It defines basic information of the OParl system.

Parameter Type Description
objectType string is 'oparl:System'
oparlVersion string version number of supported OParl
bodyList list object list of all bodies, see object oparl:Body
otherOparlVersions (optional) array array of URIs
^^ type should be changed ^^
license (optional) string URI of the used license
name (optional) string user friendly title of the system
contactEmail (optional) string contact email address
contactName (optional) string name of the contact person
website (optional) string URI of the RIS website
vendor (optional) string URI of the vendor of the RIS software
product (optional) string URI of the software product


Release History

  • 0.0.1 Initial release


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.