| 1 | +{ |
| 2 | + "Id": "bc4eae30-786a-4974-a003-948b7a4ed023", |
| 3 | + "Name": "Application Insights - Annotate Release with Azure CLI and RBAC", |
| 4 | + "Description": "Marks a release point in Application Insights. This step template uses Azure CLI and Role-Based Access Control instead of an API Key. Used application-insights-annotate-release.json as inspiration.", |
| 5 | + "ActionType": "Octopus.Script", |
| 6 | + "Version": 1, |
| 7 | + "CommunityActionTemplateId": null, |
| 8 | + "Packages": [], |
| 9 | + "GitDependencies": [], |
| 10 | + "Properties": { |
| 11 | + "Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "PowerShell", |
| 12 | + "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "# Function to decrypt data\nfunction Convert-PasswordToPlainText {\n\t$base64password = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.Password\"]))\n return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64password))\n}\n\n# Function to ensure all Unicode characters in a JSON string are properly escaped\nfunction Convert-UnicodeToEscapeHex {\n param (\n [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$JsonString\n )\n $JsonObject = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $JsonString\n foreach ($property in $JsonObject.PSObject.Properties) {\n $name = $property.Name\n $value = $property.Value\n if ($value -is [string]) {\n $value = [regex]::Unescape($value)\n $OutputString = \"\"\n foreach ($char in $value.ToCharArray()) {\n $dec = [int]$char\n if ($dec -gt 127) {\n $hex = [convert]::ToString($dec, 16)\n $hex = $hex.PadLeft(4, '0')\n $OutputString += \"\\u$hex\"\n }\n else {\n $OutputString += $char\n }\n }\n $JsonObject.$name = $OutputString\n }\n }\n return ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $JsonObject -Compress\n}\n\n$applicationName = $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationName\"]\n$resourceGroup = $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ResourceGroup\"]\n$releaseName = $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ReleaseName\"]\n$properties = $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ReleaseProperties\"]\n\n# Authenticate via Service Principal\n$securePassword = Convert-PasswordToPlainText\n$azEnv = if($OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.AzureEnvironment\"]) { $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.AzureEnvironment\"] } else { \"AzureCloud\" }\n\n$azEnv = Get-AzEnvironment -Name $azEnv\nif (!$azEnv) {\n\tWrite-Error \"No Azure environment could be matched given the name $($OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.AzureEnvironment\"])\"\n\texit -2\n}\n\nWrite-Verbose \"Authenticating with Service Principal\"\n\n# Force any output generated to be verbose in Octopus logs.\naz login --service-principal -u $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.Client\"] -p $securePassword --tenant $OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.TenantId\"]\n\nWrite-Verbose \"Initiating the body of the annotation\"\n\n$releaseProperties = $null\n\nif ($properties -ne $null)\n{\n $releaseProperties = ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $properties\n}\n\n$annotation = @{\n Id = [GUID]::NewGuid();\n AnnotationName = $releaseName;\n EventTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().GetDateTimeFormats(\"s\")[0];\n Category = \"Deployment\"; #Application Insights only displays annotations from the \"Deployment\" Category\n Properties = ConvertTo-Json $releaseProperties -Compress\n}\n\n$annotation = ConvertTo-Json $annotation -Compress\n$annotation = Convert-UnicodeToEscapeHex -JsonString $annotation \n\n$body = $annotation -replace '(\\\\+)\"', '$1$1\"' -replace \"`\"\", \"`\"`\"\"\n\nWrite-Verbose \"Send the annotation to Application Insights\"\n\naz rest --method put --uri \"/subscriptions/$($OctopusParameters[\"AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount.SubscriptionNumber\"])/resourceGroups/$($resourceGroup)/providers/microsoft.insights/components/$($applicationName)/Annotations?api-version=2015-05-01\" --body \"$($body) \"", |
| 13 | + "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource": "Inline" |
| 14 | + }, |
| 15 | + "Parameters": [ |
| 16 | + { |
| 17 | + "Id": "ef9d044d-3765-4cb0-af55-22c15ce4013c", |
| 18 | + "Name": "AppInsights.ApplicationInsightsAccount", |
| 19 | + "Label": "Application Insights Account", |
| 20 | + "HelpText": "Azure account for the Application Insights instance", |
| 21 | + "DefaultValue": "", |
| 22 | + "DisplaySettings": { |
| 23 | + "Octopus.ControlType": "AzureAccount" |
| 24 | + } |
| 25 | + }, |
| 26 | + { |
| 27 | + "Id": "98174616-d9dd-4e8e-9b01-2961a061360f", |
| 28 | + "Name": "AppInsights.ApplicationName", |
| 29 | + "Label": "Application Name", |
| 30 | + "HelpText": "The Application Insights Application name.", |
| 31 | + "DefaultValue": "", |
| 32 | + "DisplaySettings": { |
| 33 | + "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText" |
| 34 | + } |
| 35 | + }, |
| 36 | + { |
| 37 | + "Id": "41835ca3-76d3-47f8-b863-d26c782c4ba4", |
| 38 | + "Name": "AppInsights.ResourceGroup", |
| 39 | + "Label": "Resource Group", |
| 40 | + "HelpText": "The Resource Group of the Application Insights instance", |
| 41 | + "DefaultValue": "", |
| 42 | + "DisplaySettings": { |
| 43 | + "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText" |
| 44 | + } |
| 45 | + }, |
| 46 | + { |
| 47 | + "Id": "e008808c-622d-4efe-91a0-ac666d264996", |
| 48 | + "Name": "AppInsights.ReleaseName", |
| 49 | + "Label": "Release Name", |
| 50 | + "HelpText": "The release name. Typically bound to #{Octopus.Release.Number}", |
| 51 | + "DefaultValue": "#{Octopus.Release.Number}", |
| 52 | + "DisplaySettings": { |
| 53 | + "Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText" |
| 54 | + } |
| 55 | + }, |
| 56 | + { |
| 57 | + "Id": "551f06ad-9470-415b-aed9-dd80f3a4123d", |
| 58 | + "Name": "AppInsights.ReleaseProperties", |
| 59 | + "Label": "Release Properties", |
| 60 | + "HelpText": "List of key/value pairs separated by a new-line. For example:\n\n```\nReleaseDescription = Release with annotation\nTriggerBy = John Doe\n```", |
| 61 | + "DefaultValue": "", |
| 62 | + "DisplaySettings": { |
| 63 | + "Octopus.ControlType": "MultiLineText" |
| 64 | + } |
| 65 | + } |
| 66 | + ], |
| 67 | + "StepPackageId": "Octopus.Script", |
| 68 | + "$Meta": { |
| 69 | + "ExportedAt": "2024-05-17T06:54:43.852Z", |
| 70 | + "OctopusVersion": "2024.1.12600", |
| 71 | + "Type": "ActionTemplate" |
| 72 | + }, |
| 73 | + "LastModifiedOn": "2024-05-17T07:30:00.000Z", |
| 74 | + "LastModifiedBy": "NielsDM", |
| 75 | + "Category": "azure" |
| 76 | +} |
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