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221 lines (159 loc) · 7.74 KB

Release Procedure

The release procedure is a process in which different parts of the repository are involved.
These symbols help with orientation:

  • 🐙 GitHub
  • 💠 git (Bash)
  • 📝 File
  • 💻 Command Line (CMD)

Version Numbers

This software follows the Semantic Versioning (SemVer).
It always has the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, for example 1.5.0.

The data follows the Calendar Versioning (CalVer).
It always has the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2022-05-16.

GitHub Release

Following the Semantic Versioning, different workflows for Major, Minor, or Patch releases are possible.
For Major and Minor releases, follow the complete workflow.
For a Patch Release (Hotfix), start at section 3.

1. 🐙 Create a GitHub Project

  • Create New classic project
  • Use the project template Automated kanban with reviews
  • Named oemetadata-v0.1.0
  • Add a meaningful description
  • Track project progress

▶️ It gives an overview of open and finished issues and Pull Requests!

2. 🐙 Finish all planned Developments

  • Some days before the release, inform all developers
  • Merge the open Pull Requests
  • On release day, start the release early to ensure sufficient time for reviews
  • Merge everything on the develop branch

▶️ Completion of the preparation of the planned release!

3. 🐙 Create a GitHub Issue

▶️ This issue documents the status of the release!

4. 🐙 Create a Draft GitHub Release

  • Start here for a Patch Release (Hotfix)
  • Draft a new release
  • Enter the release version number 0.1.0 as title
  • Summarize key changes from changelog in the description
## [0.1.0] Minor Release - Name - Date
### Added
### Changed
### Removed

**Complete changelog:** [](
**Compare versions:** [0.1.0 - 0.2.0](
**Main developers:** @Ludee @jh-RLI
  • Save draft

5. 💠 Create a release branch

  • Change to develop branch: 💠git checkout develop
  • Update with online version: 💠git pull
  • Run Pre-commit Hooks: 💻pre-commit run --all-files
  • Create branch: 💠git checkout -b release-v0.1.0
  • Push branch: 💠git push --set-upstream origin release-v0.1.0

6. 📝 Update the version files (bump version number)

  • Run bumpversion: 💻 bump-my-version bump --current-version 0.1.0 minor
    • 📝CITATION.cff
      • Update version
      • Update date-released
    • 📝pyproject.toml
      • Update version
    • 📝uv.lock
      • Update version
  • Update the 📝
    • Check that all Pull Request are included
    • Rename Unreleased section with release title from issue
    • Follow [0.0.0] Minor Release - Name of Release - 20YY-MM-DD

▶️ Increase version numbers!

7. 🐙 Create a Release Pull Request

  • Merge release into production branch
  • Remove details from template
  • Assign two reviewers to check the release
  • Run all test
  • Execute the software locally
  • Wait for reviews and tests
  • Merge Pull Request and delete release branch

▶️ Merge code on production branch!

8. 💠 Set the Git Tag

  • Change to production branch: 💠git checkout production
  • Update with online version: 💠git pull
  • Check existing tags: 💠git tag -n
  • Create new tag: 💠git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "oemetadata Minor Release v0.1.0"
  • This commit will be the final version for the release, breath three times and check again
  • Push tag: 💠git push --tags

If you messed up, remove tags and start again

  • Delete local tag: 💠git tag -d v0.1.0
  • Delete remote tag: 💠git push --delete origin v0.1.0

▶️ Git Tag for GitHub Release!

9. 🐙 Publish GitHub Release

  • Navigate to releases and open the draft release
  • Choose the correct Git Tag
  • Choose the production branch
  • Select Set as the latest release
  • Select Create a discussion for this release in category Announcements
  • Publish release

▶️ 🎉 Release on GitHub! 🚀

🐙 Automated Release with GitHub Action

  • Check GitHub Action
  • The GitHub release starts the automated upload to PyPI
  • Check on PyPI if release arrived
  • If automated released failed, release manually

▶️ 🎉 Release on PyPI! 🚀

10. 💻 Update the documentation

  • Change to production branch: 💠git checkout production
  • Update with online version: 💠git pull
  • Activate environment and enter repository: 💻activate py310
  • Test version: 💻mike serve
  • Publish new version: 💻mike deploy --push --update-aliases 0.1 latest

▶️ Update the documentation!

11. 🐙 Set up new development

  • Create a Pull Request from production to develop
  • Named Set up new development after release v0.1.0
  • Checkout develop branch and pull
  • Create a new Unreleased section in the 📝
## [Unreleased]

### Added

### Changed

### Removed
  • Close all solved issues and PR and set tags and status
  • Create a new GitHub Project by cloning the latest project

▶️ Continue the developments 🛠

PyPi Release

🐙 Create and publish package on Test-PyPI

  • Change to develop branch: 💠git checkout develop
  • Update with online version: 💠git pull
  • Create branch: 💠git checkout -b deployment-test
  • Push branch: 💠git push --set-upstream origin deployment-test
  • Check GitHub Action
  • Check Test-PyPI
  • Delete remote branch: 💠git branch -d origin deployment-test
  • Delete local branch: 💠git branch -D deployment-test
  • Note: Each version can only be released on Test-PyPI once. If needed, increment the Patch version
    • Run bumpversion: 💻 bump-my-version bump --current-version 0.1.0 patch

▶️ 🎉 Release on TestPyPI!

💻 Create and publish package on PyPI manually

  • Change to production branch: 💠git checkout production
  • Update with online version: 💠git pull
  • Navigate to git folder: 💻cd D:\git\github\USER\Repository\
  • Activate conda environment: 💻activate py310
  • Create package using: 💻python -m build
  • Check that files have been created in folder: 📝 dist
  • Check build: 💻 twine check dist/*
  • Upload to Test PyPI using: 💻 twine upload -r testpypi dist/NAME_0.2.0.tar.gz
  • Upload to PyPI using: 💻 twine upload dist/NAME_0.2.0.tar.gz
  • Enter name and password

▶️ 🎉 Release on PyPI! 🚁


!!! note "Used Icons" 🐙 GitHub | 💠 git | 📝 File | 💻 Command Line