Releases: PX4/PX4-Autopilot
Stable Release v1.11.3
This is a minor, not safety related fix release which ensures that all DSM RC receivers are detected again.
Stable Release v1.11.2
This is a relatively minor bug fix release.
- ekf2: update to latest ecl #16174
- EKF: Improve robustness of yaw reset to bad inertial data (PX4/PX4-ECL#914)
- EKF: Use strength in Gauss (bug fix) (PX4/PX4-ECL#933)
- disable secondary power source by default, fix battery param migration #16002
- sensors: force parameter update if mag device id still isn't set #16020
- commander: fix switch to loiter #15855
- dps310 barometer: fix c11 coeffecient #15932
- navigator: Check that home position is valid in RTL (#15964)
- board_crashdump: Fix non-determinstic boot hang with crashdumps #16130
- fixedwing landing_slope: added wrap_pi to getLandingSlope and getFlareCurve #16158
Stable Release v1.11.1
This point release fixes a number of small issues discovered after the v1.11.0 release.
- fix thermal calibration if a sensor does not have temperature sensor #15671
- CubeOrange and CubeYellow IMU heating fix #15736
- boards: cubeorange and cubeyellow disable serial console (used for ADSB on new carrier boards) #15777
- fix BOARD_DSHOT_MOTOR_ASSIGNMENT on new CubePilot and CUAV boards #15802
- mc_pos_control: fix z velocity derivative sign #15836
- Increase uavcan main stack size #15864
- kakutef7: fix output ordering #15867
- commander: PreFlightCheck param_find all parameters immediately #15875
- boards: mRo Control Zero F7 fix RC and improve sensors power on timing #15215
- battery: fix duplicate uORB publish #15880
Stable Release v1.11.0
Release Notes
- Multicopter hover thrust estimator (#13981)
- Backup yaw estimator for emergency recovery (PX4/PX4-ECL#766)
- new Invensense and Bosch IMU drivers enabled everywhere
- completely rewritten drivers and framework optimized for flight performance (high rate raw data up to 8 kHz and low end-to-end latency)
- configurable low latency sensor pipeline with new notch filter
- Multicopter rate controller runs synchronized with primary gyro (up to 4 kHz configured via IMU_GYRO_RATEMAX)
- Major sensor calibration improvements (Gyro, Mag, Level)
Migration Guide
- VTOL support is no longer included in flash limited px4_fmu-v2 hardware (original 3DR Pixhawk with silicon bug)
Hardware Support
- Holybro Durandal, (Manufacturer Supported)
- NXP IMX-RT, S32K, (Manufacturer Supported)
- Holybro PIX32V5, (Manufacturer Supported)
- CubePilot Cube Yellow, (Manufacturer Supported)
- CubePilot Cube Orange, (Manufacturer Supported)
- CUAV X7, (Manufacturer Supported)
- CUAV X7 Pro, (Manufacturer Supported)
- CUAV Nora, (PR #15536) (Manufacturer Supported)
- SPI DMA adds centralized DMA map (PR #14207)
- Move primary IMU to new InvenSense driver (PR #14356)
- New drivers interface and consolidation (PR #14386 )
System Architecture
- Board config simplifications for SPI & I2C (PR #14221) and PWM timers (#13871)
- Adds UAVCAN node
(PR #14148) - Adds CAN interface runtime (PR #14367)
- Support for multiple UAVCAN v0.1 Smart Batteries (PR #14198)
- New hover thrust estimator (PR #13981)
- XYZ-synchronized motion in auto modes (diagonal climb) (PR #13596)
- New Notch filter (PR #13549)
- Acceleration feedforward (PR #14212)
- Mag power compensation (PR #14457, Docs)
- Takeoff failure detection (PR #14428, Docs)
- Horizontal velocity limit close to ground (PR #13561, Parameter)
- Tiltrotor: Use tilt to accelerate the vehicle forward while in hover (PR #13779)
- Weather vane improvements (PR #13782)
- Active path and deceleration tracking during transitions (PR #14405)
Fixed Wing
- Improved airspeed failure detection (PR #12353)
- Enables fallback estimation without airspeed sensor. (PR #12887)
- Major improvements to offboard control
- Enable offboard attitude setpoints (PR #13323)
- Enable offboard velocity setpoints (PR #13225)
- Enable ActuatorControl setpoints in offboard mode (PR #13314)
Underwater Vehicles
- New mixers for underwater vehicles Generic & HippoCampus (PR #14079)
- New UUV default specific parameters and autostarting (PR #14079)
- New Mixer for UUVs with X-shaped thruster configuration (PR #14079)
- New
controller for UUV attitude control (PR #14079)
PX4/ECL - Estimators improvement
- Emergency Yaw recovery using EKF-GSF estimator (PR PX4/PX4-ECL#766)
- Pre-flight accel bias estimation stability fixes (PR PX4/PX4-ECL#818)
Onboard computer / middleware improvements
- Adds ROS 2 Dashing and Eloquent support to the microRTPS bridge (PR #13907)
- Adds ROS 2 Foxy support to the microRTPS bridge (PR #15227}
- Adds time sync to the microRTPS bridge (PR #14297)
- UART link data stream fixed in the microRTPS bridge (PR #15354)
- Smoother flight planning with improved repeatability (PR PX4/PX4-Avoidance#555)
- Bezier trajectory avoidance interface (PR #14279)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Multi-Vehicle simulation with Gazebo
- Adds support for multiple distance sensor instances. (PR #14143)
- Adds support for UUV vehicles. (PR #14079)
- Adds support for boats. (PR PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic#409 )
- Adds Catapult and Hand launch support for fixed-wing. (PR PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic#393 )
Failsafe / Commander / Navigation improvements
- New Hover Thrust estimator (PR #13981)
- Commander, Navigator state clean-up (PR #14307)
- Navigator fixes heading drift after takeoff (PR #13965)
- Enable RC-Override in Take-off (PR #14022)
- Takeoff failure detection (PR #14428)
- Pre-flight check: Disable mag field strength check via parameter (COM_ARM_MAG_STR) (PR #13766)
The release includes a change from NuttX-7.29 to NuttX-8.2
See NuttX release notes for the details of changes in NuttX-8.2 details.
Included as backports are:
- STM32[F4 F7 H7]
- spi_exchange (no DMA) with for STM32xx_SPI_DMATHRESHOLD
- STM32[F7 H7]
- SDMMC internal pull up usage fixed
- Add check_format tooling
- nxstyle - output compiler like error format
- STM32H7
- fix stm32h7x3xx_dmamux.h: add missing underscore to defines
- STM32F7
- stm32f7:Add Serial Tx DMA
- stm32f7:ethernet: Add some delays so that ifup() does not
- S32K add support for Nxp drone boards
- imxrt: Adds the ability to run from OCRAM
- imxrt: Add USB Device support for i.MX RT
- imxrt: added missing i2c prescale mask
- imxrt: interrupt serial storm, add DTCM and set up I and
- imxrt: Allow clock setting for SPI and I2C from board.h.
- imxrt:lpi2c Fix interrupt storm on failed write.
- imxrt:lpi2c ensure that on an error status reflects it.
- imxrt:lpi2c imxrt_lpi2c_reset uses GPIO with SION
- imxrt:gpio Support readback on OUT GPIO
- imxrt1020-evk: Enable the GPIO based CD.
- imxrt:lpspi: Fixed race on register setting.
- imxrt:lpspi: Remove hack setting LPSPI1 daisy irrespective
- imxrt:lpi2c.c:Added configurations to fine tune LPI2C Time
- IMXRT106x USDHC: Support regular GPIO for CD and inversion.
- IMXRT106x:pinout add ALT 8 GPIO_GPT2_COMPARE3 & fix GPIO_G
- IMXRT106x:pinout add ALT 8 GPIO_GPT1_CAPTURE[1|2]
- Kinetis renamed TJA1100 to TJA110X registers
v.1.11.0 Changelog
v1.11.0 Beta 2
v1.11.0-beta2 PX4 v1.11.0 Beta 2
v1.11.0 Beta 1
v1.11 Release Notes
- New significantly improved Invensense IMU drivers that provide all raw data up to 8 kHz using SPI DMA.
- rate controller can run up to 2 kHz (>= 4 kHz coming soon) by setting
- rate controller can run up to 2 kHz (>= 4 kHz coming soon) by setting
- New multicopter hover thrust estimator (PR #13981)
- Emergency Yaw recovery using EKF-GSF estimator (PR PX4/PX4-ECL#766)
- Major sensor calibration improvements (Gyro, Mag, Level)
Main Features and Improvements
Migration Guide
- DEPRECATED: VTOL is no longer supported in FMUv2 hardware
- Enable SPI DMA adds centralized DMA map (PR #14207)
- Move primary IMU to new InvenSense driver (PR #14356)
- FMUv5, FMUv5x
- ModalAI_fv-v1
- Drivers CLI interface consolidation (PR #14386 )
System Architecture
- Board config simplifications for SPI & I2C (PR #14221) and PWM timers (#13871)
- Adds UAVCAN node
(PR #14148) - Adds CAN interface runtime (PR #14367)
- New hover thrust estimator (PR #13981)
- XYZ-synchronized motion in auto modes (diagonal climb)
- New Notch filter (PR #13549)
- Acceleration feedforward (PR #14212)
- Mag power compensation (PR #14457, Docs)
- Takeoff failure detection (PR #14428, Docs)
- Horizontal velocity limit close to ground (PR #13561, Parameter)
- Tiltrotor: Use tilt to accelerate the vehicle forward while in hover (PR #13779)
- Weather vane improvements (PR #13782)
- Active path and deceleration tracking during transitions (PR #14405)
Fixed Wing
- Improved airspeed failure detection (PR #12353)
- Enables fallback estimation without airspeed sensor. (PR #12887)
- Major improvements to offboard control
- Enable offboard attitude setpoints (PR #13323)
- Enable offboard velocity setpoints (PR #13225)
- Enable ActuatorControl setpoints in offboard mode (PR #13314)
Underwater Vehicles
- New mixers for underwater vehicles Generic & HippoCampus (PR #14079)
- New UUV default specific parameters and autostarting (PR #14079)
- New Mixer for UUVs with X-shaped thruster configuration (PR #14079)
- New
controller for UUV attitude control (PR #14079)
PX4/ECL - Estimators improvement
- Emergency Yaw recovery using EKF-GSF estimator (PR PX4/PX4-ECL#766)
Onboard computer / middleware improvements
- Adds ROS 2 Dashing and Eloquent support to the microRTPS bridge (PR #13907)
- Adds time sync to the microRTPS bridge (PR #14297)
- Smoother flight planning with improved repeatability (PR PX4/PX4-Avoidance#555)
- Bezier trajectory avoidance interface (PR #14279)
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Multi-Vehicle simulation with Gazebo
- Adds support for multiple distance sensor instances. (PR #14143)
- Adds support for UUV vehicles. (PR #14079)
- Adds support for boats. (PR PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic#409 )
- Adds Catapult and Hand launch support for fixed-wing. (PR PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic#393 )
Failsafe / Commander / Navigation improvements
- New Hover Thrust estimator (PR #13981)
- Commander, Navigator state clean-up (PR #14307)
- Navigator fixes heading drift after takeoff (PR #13965)
- Enable RC-Override in Take-off (PR #14022)
- Takeoff failure detection (PR #14428)
- Pre-flight check: Disable mag field strengh check via parameter (COM_ARM_MAG_STR) (PR #13766)
The release includes a change from NuttX-7.29 to NuttX-8.2
See NuttX release notes for the details of changes in NuttX-8.2 details.
v1.10.1 Stable Release
This point release reduces the CPU load on FMUv2/v3 targets by setting the default rate control loop executing speed to 400 Hz. The v1.10 release increases the default rate control speed from 250 Hz (v1.9 and before) to 1000 Hz (v1.10), which not all boards can sustain in terms of CPU speed.
Stable Release v1.10.0
Release Notes
- Multicopter 1 kHz rate loop (param IMU_GYRO_RATEMAX)
- DShot ESC Support with Telemetry (PR #12854, Docs)
- Cone-based RTL (Docs)
- Significantly improved real time system performance
- new work queue scheduling framework with a thread per physical bus
- new C++ uORB API (faster, safer, and more memory efficient)
- new RTF airframes
- Holybro Kopis 2 (and KakuteF7 board)
- Holybro S500
- UVify Draco
- UVify Draco-R
- UVify IFO
- NuttX RTOS upgrade with a number of important bug fixes and performance improvements
Additional Features and Improvements
Migration Guide
- DEPRECATED: Throttle PID Attenuation (TPA) (PR #13208)
- Deprecated in favor of Thrust Curve compensation.
- the rate controller now runs synchronized with the primary gyro
- Rate integrator improvements (PR #12296)
- VTOL front transition heading handling improvements (PR #12630)
- RTL: By default enable return via landing pattern for deterministic back-transition (PR #12746)
- VTOL GPS fix bank loiter (PR #12778)
Fixed Wing
- initial support for new airspeed selector module capable of detecting airspeed sensor faults
- Enable Offboard support for Rover position control
PX4/ECL - Estimators improvement
- many bug fixes and robustness improvements
- Mag inconsistency check (PR #12334)
- UAVCAN sensor drivers for battery and optical flow
Computer Vision & Autonomy
- Safe Landing Planner support
- Collision Prevention Improvements
Logging improvements
- AUX1-RC-channel-based logging via SDLOG_MODE (PR #12100)
- Logging of system bootup messages, and dmesg tool (on boards with enough RAM) (PR #11792)
Onboard computer / middleware improvements
Failsafe / commander improvements
The release includes a change from NuttX-7.28 to NuttX-7.29
See NuttX release notes for the details of changes in NuttX-7.29 details.
Included as backports are:
- STM32F7 I2C state and interrupt storm fixes.
- Serial Single wire mode has moved to NuttX
- Fix for "z" in printf
- kinetis:i2c transfer ensure correct result returned.
- kinetis_i2c_transfer released the mutex then fetched the state, this resulted in returning the correct results.
- STM32F4 and STM32F7 SD card hang on card eject fixed
- STM32F7 ethernet add timeout on MAC reset
Updated Supported Hardware
v.1.10.0 Changelog
v1.10.0 First Release Candidate
v1.10.0-rc1 PX4 stable v1.10.0 first release candidate
v1.10.0 Beta 4
Follow the link for full changelog