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Interface Name Description Default value Values Note
appId PX custom application id in the format of PX______ null String mandatory
cookieKey Key used for cookie signing - Can be found \ generated in PX portal - Policy page. null String mandatory
authToken JWT token used for REST API - Can be found \ generated in PX portal - Application page. null String mandatory
moduleMode Set the mode for PerimeterX module, Blocking or Monitor, setting to blocking mode meaning the module will be active blocking, monitor mode will only inspect the request but will not block it Monitor ModuleMode.BLOCKING / ModuleMode.MONITOR enum, mandatory for active blocking
moduleEnabled Flag for enabling \ disabling Perimeterx protection true Boolean
encryptionEnabled Flag indicating the module to decode or decrypt a cookie true Boolean
blockingScore When requests with a score equal to or higher value they will be blocked. 100 int
sensitiveHeaders Marks which headers will not be send to PerimeterX backends [cookie, cookies] Set
maxBufferLen Set the number of activities to send in batched activities 10 int
apiTimeout REST API timeout in milliseconds 1000 int Milliseconds
connectionTimeout Connection timeout in milliseconds 1000 int Milliseconds
maxConnectionsPerRoute Set the maximum connection per route for risk api requests in the connections pool 50 int
maxConnections Set the total maximum connections for risk api client 200 int
sendPageActivities Toggle sending asynchronous page activities true Boolean
serverURL Set the base url for PerimeterX servers https://sapi-\<app_id> String
customLogo The logo will be displayed at the top div of the the block page. The logo's max-height property would be 150px and width would be set to auto. null String
cssRef The block page can be modified with a custom CSS by adding the CSSRef directive and providing a valid URL to the css null String
jsRef The block page can be added with custom JS file by adding JSRef directive and providing the JS file that will be loaded with the block page. null String
sensitiveRoutes List of routes the Perimeterx module will always do a server-to-server call for, even if the cookie score is low and valid Empty list Set
remoteConfigurationEnabled Toggle remote configurations, when true, initial configurations will be set through constructor, then can be tuned from the portal false Boolean
remoteConfigurationInterval Set the interval value for when to fetch configurations from PerimeterX configuration service 5000 int Milliseconds
remoteConfigurationDelay Set amount of time to delay the remote configuration thread before it starts 0 int Milliseconds
remoteConfigurationUrl Set the url for PerimeterX configuration service String
ipHeaders List of headers to extract the user ip from, if not set, it will be taken from default Empty List Set Use with CombinedIPProvider
firstPartyEnabled Toggle first party requests enabled true boolean Read more details about first party integration here
xhrFirstPartyEnabled Toggle first party XHR requests will be forwarded to PerimeterX servers true boolean
useProxy The http client shall use a proxy for message forwarding false boolean
proxyHost The proxy's host name String
proxyPort The proxy's port None - required int
testingMode Running the enforcer in dev environment for testing purposes, response returned as a JSON object. When you run the enforer in testing mode, please do not set costume verification handler false boolean
validateRequestQueueInterval Interval in seconds of cleaning requests queue. Solves HttpComponent reference leak bug. 5 int
loginCredentialsExtractionEnabled Flag that enables/disables the extraction of login credentials. false boolean
loginCredentialsExtractionDetails Maps the json login credentials configuration array to a dedicate class. The map helps in determine if an incoming request is a login request or not. null CILoginMap
ciProtocol Credentials Intelligence protocol determines the strcuture and content of the user login data. V2 CIProtocol
pxCompromisedCredentialsHeader The name of the header that is sent to the client to mark that the account is breached. "px-compromised-credentials" String
addRawUsernameOnAdditionalS2SActivity Flag that determines if raw username will be sent in the additional S2S activity. false boolean
additionalS2SActivityHeaderEnabled Flag that determines if additional S2S activity will be sent from the client's origin to PerimeterX. boolean false
loginResponseValidationReportingMethod Method name that determines how to validate if the login was successful. null LoginResponseValidationReportingMethod
loginResponseValidationRegexBody Regex pattern that checks the response body in order to validate succussful login. null String
headerNameToValidateLoginResponse Header name that is used to validate if the login is succesful. x-px-login-successful String
headerValueToValidateLoginResponse Header value that is used to validate if the login is successful. "1" String
loginResponseValidationStatusCode Array of status codes that is used to validate if the login was successful. {200} int[]
customLoginResponseValidator Custom class that validates if the login was successful. LoginResponseValidator must be implemented to be able to use this class. DefaultCustomLoginResponseValidator LoginResponseValidator
credentialsCustomExtractor Custom class that extracts the login credentials. CredentialsExtractor must be implemented to be able to use this class. DefaultCredentialsCustomExtractor CredentialsExtractor


perimeterx-java-sdk can be tuned and set a different type of interface in order to make the module more flexible Below you can find a list of available interfaces and their setter

Interface Name Description Default Interface method
ActivityHandler Handler for all asynchronous activities from type enforcer_telemetry, page_requested and block BufferedActivityHandler setActivityHandler
BlockHandler Blocking handle will be called when pxVerify will return that user is not verified DefaultBlockHandler blockHandler
IPProvider Handles IP address extraction from request CombinedIPProvider setIpProvider
HostnameProvider Handles hostname extraction from request DefaultHostnameProvider setHostnameProvider
VerificationHandler handling verification after PerimeterX service finished analyzing the request DefaultVerificationHandler setVerificationHandler
CustomParametersProvider Adds to the risk api additional custom parameters CustomParametersProvider customParametersProvider
LoginResponseValidator Validate if Login response was successful LoginResponseValidator isSuccessfulLogin
CredentialsExtractor Extract credentials from login request LoginCredentials extractCredentials

The interfaces should be set after PerimeterX instance has been initialized

        BlockHandler exampleBlockHandler = new ExampleBlockHandler();
        PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder(exampleBlockHandler)
                  // This will set the blocking handler from the default one to
                  // the our custom block handler
        this.enforcer = new PerimeterX(pxConf)
        this.enforcer.setActivityHandler(new BlockingActivityHandler());

Configurations Example

Basic Active And Blocking Configuration
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
   .cookieKey("AUTH_TOKEN") // Should copy from RiskCookie section in
   .authToken("AUTH_TOKEN") // PX Server request auth token to be copied from Token section in

Module Enabled/Disabled
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
   .moduleEnabled(false) // default is true

Tune Blocking Score Threshold
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()

Sensitive Headers
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
   .sensitiveHeaders(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("cookie", "cookies")))

Ip Headers
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
   .ipHeaders(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("x-px-true-ip", "x-true-ip")))

Sensitive Routes
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
   .sensitiveRoutes(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("/cartCheckout")))

Customizing Default Block Page
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
Custom Parameters Provider

Risk api requests can be enriched with custom parameters by implementing CustomParametersProvider and adding logic to extract the custom parameters from the request Before implementing the interface, please make sure to configure custom parameters on the portal.
Make sure when the custom parameters are configured that they are NOT marked as query string

public class PerimeterxCustomParamsProvider implements CustomParametersProvider {
        public CustomParameters buildCustomParameters(PXConfiguration pxConfiguration, PXContext pxContext) {
            ... Some logic ...
            String cp2 = "PerimeterX_Custom_param2";
            String cp5 = "PerimeterX_Custom_param5";
            ... Some logic ...

            return customParameters;
PXConfiguration pxConf = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
PerimeterxCustomParamsProvider perimeterxCustomParamsProvider = new PerimeterxCustomParamsProvider();

First Party Integration

First-Party will allow the sensor to be served from your domain. Using the First-Party mode is recommended. By enabling first party mode on the java SDK you will achieve:

Improved performance - Serving the sensor as part of the standard site content removes the need to open a new connection to PerimeterX servers when a page is loaded. Improved detection - Third party content may be blocked by certain browser plugins and privacy addons. The First-Party sensor leads directly to improved detection, as seen with customers who previously moved from Third Party sensor to First-Party sensor.


RequestWrapper - Reading HttpServletRequest is limited to one time only. This class will read the request and will set its body on the body var. This enables multiple reading of the body request.

ResponseWrapper - Using this wrapper enables reading the response body multiple times

public class PXFilter implements Filter {

    private PerimeterX enforcer;

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        try {
            PXConfiguration config = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
            this.enforcer = new PerimeterX(config);
        } catch (PXException e) {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        // The request wrapper enables to read the request multiple times.
        request = new RequestWrapper((HttpServletRequest) request);
        try {
            PXContext pxContext = this.enforcer.pxVerify((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest, new HttpServletResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) servletResponse));

            boolean isHandledResponse = pxContext.isHandledResponse();
            if (isHandledResponse) {

            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

         // This enables to read the response, it should happen after the response was already sent to the client
            response = new ResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) response);
         pxFilter.pxPostVerify((ResponseWrapper) response, context);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Fail open in case of Exception
            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

    public void destroy() {


  <!-- Either apply PXFilter on all traffic -->

  <!-- OR apply PXFilter on first party routes only, also remember to apply a filter on the rest of the traffic -->
     <!-- Use the app id from the configurations with PX prefix -->

Proxy Integration

Providing a proxy allows the communication between the enforcer and our backend service via proxy. You can set the proxy as a hostname (with a domain name), or as an ip port combination. If you choose to use the proxy's domain, do not enter a port in the configuration. Make sure you have the proxy's certificate installed on the machine that is running the enforcer.

PXConfiguration config = new PXConfiguration.Builder()
PXConfiguration config = new PXConfiguration.Builder()