Download and install these programs:
You can find Xcode on the App Store.
MacOSX 10.13 SDK
You'll have to download the 10.13 SDK because compiling with newer SDKs like 10.15 (Catalina) causes lots of issues.
To install, make sure Xcode is installed and follow these instructions in your terminal:
cd /Applications/ sudo curl -LJO sudo tar -xf MacOSX10.13.sdk.tar.xz sudo rm -f MacOSX10.13.sdk.tar.xz
Homebrew package manager:
Once installed, open the terminal and run:
brew install cmake ninja python node [email protected] curl -O[email protected] && brew install [email protected] -f && rm -f [email protected]
You can set these however you like. We recommend you write a helper shell script but that's not necessary.
For Vcpkg
CMake will automatically download Vcpkg to compile required dependencies for compiling Tivoli.
It will use the directory:
This folder will get big! It's possible to change it by setting a variable:
export TIVOLI_VCPKG_BASE=~/path/to/vcpkg
For Qt
CMake will also download a custom version of Qt which is required.
It will use the directory:
It will also get big! Use this environment variable to change it:
export TIVOLI_QT_BASE=~/path/to/qt
Developer or production build
By default, it will create a developer build.
Set these environment variables for a production build:
export RELEASE_NUMBER=1.2.3
which is unnecessary
Open the terminal and git clone interface
git clone
cd interface
You can use the main branch (default) or checkout to the latest tag
git tag
git checkout tags/???
Once you're checked out on the right version
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/1.1.1h -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/1.1.1h/include -DOSX_SDK=10.13 -G Xcode ..
Note: OpenSSL will soon be a Vcpkg dependency. You won't have to install it and it will make the prepare command smaller.
CMake will now download dependencies including Qt and prepare build files.
Please wait. It will take a while... It really will!
Using Xcode
.It will ask if you want to Autocreate Schemes. Click yes.
Next to the play and stop button (top left), you'll find a target icon with name next to it. Click that and type/select: interface.
Click the target icon with name next to it again and you'll find at the bottom: Edit Scheme.
In the scheme config popup, set the Build Configuration from Debug to RelWithDebInfo and click close.
Click the play button and it will start building.
Using the terminal
Open the terminal
cd /path/to/tivoli/interface/build cmake --build . --target interface --config RelWithDebInfo
Some available targets are:
You can run interface using the launcher:
In the launcher under Settings, enable Developer settings. Then in the new menu, set Interface dir to /path/to/interface/build/interface/RelWithDebInfo
which should contain interface
If you want to run Tivoli without the launcher, run:
interface --tokens [current access token]
You can find your access token in the launcher's developer menu. Please don't share it and keep it safe!
When debugging, you'll likely have to open Tivoli without the launcher.
If your build fails, you could ask around on our Discord for help.
Deleting the build
folder and trying again may help.