There are three symbol index files found on
The actual de-facto standard is the WA8LMF icon set:
Useful archive links for historical diffs:*/
There are of course differences between them since not one of them is a single source of truth on the matter of APRS symbols, and symbols-new is often modified with little discussion.
Changed from CLOUDY to Mobile Satellite Station/)
added as Wheelchair (handicapped)//
changed from dot to red dot/0
are listed as obsolete but all still supported as circled numbers/F
added as Farm Vehicle (tractor)/[
generalized from jogger to human/]
changed from PBBS to MAIL/post office/c
added as Incident Command Post/r
changed from antenna to repeater\#
changed from numbered star to overlay digi\%
added as power plant\&
changed from numbered diamond to I-gate\'
changed from crash site to incident site\)
added as Firenet MEO, MODIS Earth Obs.\*
SNOW removed\/
added as Waypoint Destination\8
added as 802.11 network node\:
Hail removed\A
changed from NUMBERED BOX to BOX DTMF & RFID & XO\B
Blowing snow removed\D
changed from Drizzle to DEPOTS\F
Freezing rain removed\G
Snow shower removed\H
changed from Haze to Haze + hazards\J
Lightening removed\K
changed from Kenwood to Kenwood HT\M
added as MARS\O
added as Overlay Balloon\Y
added as Radios and devices\[
changed from Wall Cloud to Wall cloud + humans with overlay\\
changed added as GPS symbol (and changed XYZ code)\b
Blowing dust removed\h
changed from ham store to store\i
changed from BOXn digipeater to BOX or point of Interest\k
added as SUV/ATV/etc\p
Partly Cloudy removed\x
added as Wreck or Obstruction\y
added as Skywarn\z
added as OVERLAYED Shelter\{
Fog removed
Issues with both:
is listed as TBD, but widely used as a shelter. It was originally listed as a shelter on 2003-10-29, and removed on 2004-05-06\_
is noted in both as (green digi) which is incorrect
The \I
and \backtick symbols collected a lot of the other weather events
as overlays.
At this point we move from symbolsX.txt which seems to be the current primary and secondary tables (with some overlays scattered in) to the symbols-new.txt file, which only deals with overlays.
changed from Balloon to ROCKET -
changed from store back to ham store. Hh listed as Home Depot instead of ham store -
changed from House w/ HF to Hydro-powered House -
now both Kenwood -
still not defined as shelter, but often shown as one in icon sets despite only being defined for <1 year in 2003/2004.