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James Briggs,数据科学家



我在 Medium 上写的几乎每一篇文章都包含 1000 多个单词,当这些单词被用于像 BERT 这样的变压器模型时,会生成 1000 多个标记。BERT(和许多其他变压器模型)最多接受512 个标记——超出这个长度的内容将被截断。

尽管我认为你可能会发现处理我的 Medium 文章的价值不大,但这同样适用于许多有用的数据来源——如新闻文章或 Reddit 帖子。


**High-Level Approach****Getting Started**
- Data
- Initialization**Tokenization****Preparing The Chunks**
- Split
- CLS and SEP
- Padding
- Reshaping For BERT**Making Predictions**




我们将把文本(例如 1361 个标记)分解成每个不超过 512 个标记的块。

一个包含 1361 个标记的张量可以被拆分成三个较小的张量。前两个张量每个包含 512 个标记,而最后一个张量包含剩余的 337 个标记。

一旦我们有了这些块并将其转换为可以被 BERT(稍后会详细说明)处理的格式——我们将它们传递给我们的模型,并检索每个块的情感得分。

最后,对每个情感类别取平均——为我们提供整个文本(所有 1361 个标记)的总体情感预测。




首先,我们需要一些数据进行处理。我在/r/investing 上找到了这个相当长的帖子:

I would like to get your all  thoughts on the bond yield increase this week.  I am not worried about the market downturn but the sudden increase in yields. On 2/16 the 10 year bonds yields increased by almost  9 percent and on 2/19 the yield increased by almost 5 percent.

Key Points from the CNBC Article:

* **Thetaper tantrumin 2013 was a sudden spike in Treasury yields due to market panic after the Federal Reserve announced that it would begin tapering its quantitative easing program.**
* **Major central banks around the world have cut interest rates to historic lows and launched unprecedented quantities of asset purchases in a bid to shore up the economy throughout the pandemic.**
* **However, the recent rise in yields suggests that some investors are starting to anticipate a tightening of policy sooner than anticipated to accommodate a potential rise in inflation.**

The recent rise in bond yields and U.S. inflation expectations has some investors wary that a repeat of the 2013taper tantrumcould be on the horizon.

The benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury note climbed above 1.3**% f**or the first time since February 2020 earlier this week, while the 30-year bond also hit its highest level for a year. Yields move inversely to bond prices.

Yields tend to rise in lockstep with inflation expectations, which have reached their highest levels in a decade in the U.S., powered by increased prospects of a large fiscal stimulus package, progress on vaccine rollouts and pent-up consumer demand.

Thetaper tantrumin 2013 was a sudden spike in Treasury yields due to market panic after the Federal Reserve announced that it would begin tapering its quantitative easing program.

Major central banks around the world have cut interest rates to historic lows and launched unprecedented quantities of asset purchases in a bid to shore up the economy throughout the pandemic. The Fed and others have maintained supportive tones in recent policy meetings, vowing to keep financial conditions loose as the global economy looks to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the recent rise in yields suggests that some investors are starting to anticipate a tightening of policy sooner than anticipated to accommodate a potential rise in inflation.

With central bank support removed, bonds usually fall in price which sends yields higher. This can also spill over into stock markets as higher interest rates means more debt servicing for firms, causing traders to reassess the investing environment.

“The supportive stance from policymakers will likely remain in place until the vaccines have paved a way to some return to normality,” said Shane Balkham, chief investment officer at Beaufort Investment, in a research note this week.

“However, there will be a risk of anothertaper tantrumsimilar to the one we witnessed in 2013, and this is our main focus for 2021,” Balkham projected, should policymakers begin to unwind this stimulus.

Long-term bond yields in Japan and Europe followed U.S. Treasurys higher toward the end of the week as bondholders shifted their portfolios.

“The fear is that these assets are priced to perfection when the ECB and Fed might eventually taper,” said Sebastien Galy, senior macro strategist at Nordea Asset Management, in a research note entitledLittle taper tantrum.”

“The odds of tapering are helped in the United States by better retail sales after four months of disappointment and the expectation of large issuance from the $1.9 trillion fiscal package.”

Galy suggested the Fed would likely extend the duration on its asset purchases, moderating the upward momentum in inflation.

“Equity markets have reacted negatively to higher yield as it offers an alternative to the dividend yield and a higher discount to long-term cash flows, making them focus more on medium-term growth such as cyclicalshe said. Cyclicals are stocks whose performance tends to align with economic cycles.

Galy expects this process to be more marked in the second half of the year when economic growth picks up, increasing the potential for tapering.

## Tapering in the U.S., but not Europe

Allianz CEO Oliver Bäte told CNBC on Friday that there was a geographical divergence in how the German insurer is thinking about the prospect of interest rate hikes.

“One is Europe, where we continue to have financial repression, where the ECB continues to buy up to the max in order to minimize spreads between the north and the souththe strong balance sheets and the weak onesand at some point somebody will have to pay the price for that, but in the short term I dont see any spike in interest rates,” Bäte said, adding that the situation is different stateside.

“Because of the massive programs that have happened, the stimulus that is happening, the dollar being the worlds reserve currency, there is clearly a trend to stoke inflation and it is going to come. Again, I dont know when and how, but the interest rates have been steepening and they should be steepening further.”

## Rising yields a ‘normal feature’

However, not all analysts are convinced that the rise in bond yields is material for markets. In a note Friday, Barclays Head of European Equity Strategy Emmanuel Cau suggested that rising bond yields were overdue, as they had been lagging the improving macroeconomic outlook for the second half of 2021, and said they were anormal featureof economic recovery.

“With the key drivers of inflation pointing up, the prospect of even more fiscal stimulus in the U.S. and pent up demand propelled by high excess savings, it seems right for bond yields to catch-up with other more advanced reflation trades,” Cau said, adding that central banks remainfirmly on holdgiven the balance of risks.

He argued that the steepening yield curve istypical at the early stages of the cycle,” and that so long as vaccine rollouts are successful, growth continues to tick upward and central banks remain cautious, reflationary moves across asset classes lookjustifiedand equities should be able to withstand higher rates.

“Of course, after the strong move of the last few weeks, equities could mark a pause as many sectors that have rallied with yields look overbought, like commodities and banks,” Cau said.

“But at this stage, we think rising yields are more a confirmation of the equity bull market than a threat, so dips should continue to be bought.”



下一步是初始化我们的模型和分词器。我们将使用 PyTorch 和 HuggingFace 变压器库来完成所有任务。

幸运的是,使用变压器库进行初始化非常简单。我们将使用 BERT 模型进行序列分类和相应的 BERT 分词器,所以我们写:

因为我们处理的是金融相关的语言,我们加载了ProsusAI/finbert模型——一个更懂金融的 BERT [1]。你可以在这里找到模型的详细信息。


标记化是将文本字符串转换为标记(单词/标点)和/或标记 ID(将单词映射到嵌入数组中单词向量表示的整数)的过程。

使用 transformers 库和 BERT,这通常如下所示:

txt = "<this is the large post included above>"tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus(
    txt, add_special_tokens=True,
    max_length=512, truncation=True,


  • add_special_tokens=True添加像*[CLS][SEP][PAD]*这样的特殊 BERT 标记到我们新的“标记化”编码中。

  • max_length=512告知编码器我们编码的目标长度。

  • truncation=True确保我们裁剪任何长于指定max_length的序列。

  • padding="max_length"指示编码器用填充标记填充任何短于max_length的序列。






我们添加了return_tensors='pt'以从标记器返回 PyTorch 张量(而不是 Python 列表)。


现在我们有了标记化的张量;我们需要将其分解为不超过510个标记的块。我们选择 510 而不是 512,以保留两个位置用于添加我们的*[CLS][SEP]*标记。


我们对输入 ID 和注意力掩码张量应用split方法(我们不需要标记类型 ID,因此可以丢弃它们)。

现在我们有三个块用于每个张量集。注意,我们需要为最后一个块添加填充,因为它不满足 BERT 所需的 512 的张量大小。



我们的标记已经是标记 ID 格式,所以我们可以参考上述特殊标记表来创建我们的*[CLS][SEP]*标记的标记 ID 版本。


此外,我们的注意力掩码块使用1而不是101102进行连接。我们这样做是因为注意力掩码不包含标记 ID,而是由一组10组成。



我们需要向张量块中添加填充,以确保它们满足 BERT 要求的 512 张量长度。


为了检查一个块是否需要填充,我们添加了一个检查张量长度的 if 语句。如果张量短于 512 个令牌,我们使用torch.cat函数进行填充。

我们应该将此语句添加到添加* [CLS][SEP]*令牌的相同 for 循环中——如果你需要帮助,我已经在文章末尾附上了完整的脚本。

为 BERT 重新格式化

我们有了我们的块,但现在需要将它们重新格式化为单个张量,并将其添加到 BERT 的输入字典中。


然后,我们将这些格式化为输入字典,并将输入 ID 张量的数据类型更改为long,将注意力掩码张量的数据类型更改为int——这是 BERT 所要求的。

这样,我们的数据就准备好传递给 BERT 了!



从这里,我们可以看到每个块得到一组三个激活值。这些激活值还不是我们的输出概率。要将其转化为输出概率,我们必须对输出张量应用 softmax 函数。




我们将一段包含 1000 多个令牌的长文本分解成块,手动添加了特殊令牌,并计算了所有块的平均情感。






[1] D. Araci,FinBERT: Financial Sentiment Analysis with Pre-trained Language Models (2019)

Jupyter Notebook 1

Jupyter Notebook 2

如果你想了解更多关于使用变换器进行情感分析(这次使用 TensorFlow),请查看我关于语言分类的文章:

使用 Bert 和 Tensorflow 构建自然语言分类器


个人简介:James Briggs 是一名数据科学家,专注于自然语言处理,工作于英国伦敦的金融行业。他还是一名自由职业导师、作家和内容创作者。你可以通过电子邮件联系作者([email protected])。




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2. Google 数据分析专业证书 - 提升你的数据分析水平

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