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New SikulixServer Design

Raimund Hocke edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 21 revisions

This is based on this discussion


To start SikulixServer from a command line:
java -jar sikulix.jar -s [ [ip][[:| ]port] ] [-g groups-config] [-x ip-config]
(one might also use sikulixapi.jar)

The server will always listen on localhost:port.

  • -s [ [ip][[:| ]port] ] listening on ip and port (default is and 50001)
  • -g groups-config will be detailed later in Groups
  • -x ip-config will be detailed later in Security

Valid examples for -s:

  • -s 50010 ->
  • -s ->
  • -s ->
  • -s 50010 ->
  • -s :50010 ->

For IPv6 you should use one of the two variants: ( :: here stands for any valid IPv6 address)

  • -s :: 50010 -> [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:50010
  • -s [::]:50010 -> [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:50010


A group represents a folder location or more general a location somewhere in the world.
Currently only local folders on the server machine are supported.
SikulixServer only accesses resources located inside a group.

Group configuration is given at SikulixServer startup.
There are three ways to do this.

  • -g folder-spec :: sets the default location
  • -g someFile[.txt] :: contains lines group-name : folderspec, first line defines the default
  • -g someFile.json :: same as JSON

The default group (default location) is implicitly referenced when /groups is omitted in a command. If no default location is given, it is taken as the current working folder.

Folder and file names are interpreted as:

  • absolute as is
  • relativ as inside the current working folder

Accepted entries in the groups text-file:

  • first line may only be a folder spec (default group)
  • group folder
  • group:folder
  • group=folder
  • group and folder might have surrounding spaces
  • group names or folder specs containing spaces are not allowed
  • if the given folder does not exist in the filesystem at server start, the entry is silently ignored

Commands (RESTful API)

We are respecting the recommendations from here.


  • This command might be preceded by /groups/:name. If omitted, the default group is assumed.

  • /scripts
    Represents the available scripts in the group.
    GET - Return a list of available scripts in the group.

  • /scripts/:name
    Represents the named script.
    GET - Returns info about the named script.

  • /scripts/:name/run?args=:args
    Synchronous execution: A controller that executes the named script.
    GET/POST - Executes the script synchronously and waits for it to finish before returning.
    Creates a new task implicitly as this request is also going to be queued first.

  • /scripts/:name/task?args=:args
    Asynchronous execution: Represents the named script as a task in the queue to be executed later.
    The script execution is queued and the server returns immediately.
    The client is responsible to evaluate the task state later using a task command.
    POST - Creates a new task which is queued and returns a task object.


This command can only be used as the first path.

  • /groups
    Represents the available groups.
    GET - Returns a list of available groups.

  • /groups/:name
    Represents the named group.
    GET - Returns the subtree (folders and contained scripts) in the group.


This command can be preceded by /scripts/:name or /groups/:name/scripts/:name.
In that case, only the tasks for that script are referenced.

  • /tasks
    Represents the tasks (already finished, running, still queued and/or cancelled).
    GET - Returns a list of tasks (task objects)

  • /tasks/:id
    Represents the task with the ID, which was returned with the task object when created before.
    GET - Returns information about the task with the ID.

  • /tasks/:id/cancel
    A controller that cancels the task with the ID (only if still queued).
    PUT - Cancels the task of ID.

Server Controllers

This command can only be used at the first path.

  • GET/POST /pause
    Pauses the script execution after the currently running script ends.
    (There might also come a feature to gracefully stop a running script)
    Calls to run after pause should give some 4xx error to indicate that the server is in pause mode.
    Asynchronous runs can still be placed in the task queue.

  • GET/POST /resume
    Resumes script execution.

  • GET/POST /stop
    Stops SikulixServer.


SikulixServer does a source IP checking (Only localhost by default).

A list of allowed remote IPs might be given at server startup:
There are three ways to do this.

  • -x one-IP :: allow localhost and this given IP
  • -x someFile[.txt] :: contains IPs one per line, that are allowed request sources
  • -x someFile.json :: same as JSON

If the user is using a reverse proxy he can just leave this setting on localhost and implement access restrictions there.

File names are interpreted as:

  • absolute as is
  • relativ as inside the current working folder