Releases: SAP/luigi
Releases · SAP/luigi
🚀 Added
- #319 Implement anonymous content feature (@hardl)
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
🐛 Fixed
- #331 Fix defaultChildNode mechanism for root path (@jesusreal)
- #317 Improve defaultChildNode (@parostatkiem)
📝 Documentation
- #306 Icons in navigation nodes (@parostatkiem)
🐛 Fixed
- #318 Increase timeout and improve error handling for loading oidc client library (@kwiatekus)
- #312 Fix node params for path routing (@dariadomagala)
🚀 Added
- #252 Unsaved changes modal (@parostatkiem)
- #288 Add possibility to use pathRouting with angular-cli (@maxmarkus)
🐛 Fixed
- #307 Fix error with parsed data (@dariadomagala)
- #301 Fix dropdowns behavior on click events (@dariadomagala)
- #305 When adding a listener via Luigi client API, call only the listener being added (@jesusreal)
- #299 It is not possible to have a root node with empty path segment and a view (@pekura)
- #283 Default child node mechanism breaks if path ends with a slash (@pekura)
📝 Documentation
🚀 Added
- #259 Nav collapsed feature (@parostatkiem)
- #247 Luigi view components design upgrade (@antiheld)
🐛 Fixed
- #226 Add check if modules are same domain (@dariadomagala)
- #266 Fixes for browser incompatibilities (@pekura)
- #253 Allow async defaultChildNode (@maxmarkus)
- #261 Fix the relative path bug (@dariadomagala)
- #250 preserveView should allow viewUrls with query params (@maxmarkus)
- #246 Luigi client creates extra entry in browser navigation history (@pekura)
- #238 viewUrl should not be mandatory in dynamic node (@maxmarkus)
📝 Documentation
- #262 Add improvements to Luigi Client API comments and annotations (@bszwarc)
- #251 Improvements for dex auth (@maxmarkus)
- #241 Include v0.3.8 in changelog (@kwiatekus)
- #240 Improve luigi client docu and generate new (@jesusreal)
🚀 Added
- #190 Context Switcher in top navigation (@maxmarkus)
- #209 Support navigation nodes that just link to other nodes (@jesusreal)
- #162 404 support for non existing paths (@parostatkiem)
- #187 Luigi core config refactorings (@jesusreal)
- #200 Align luigi header title with fundamental style (@parostatkiem)
- #180 Token refresh (@y-kkamil)
- #160 Configurable logo and title (@maxmarkus)
🐛 Fixed
- #235 Issues with path routing (@jesusreal)
- #234 Add logout.html to webpack config (@kwiatekus)
- #232 Fix no context switcher error (@pekura)
- #224 Bugfix/preserve view contentarea (@maxmarkus)
- #222 Login fix (@hardl)
- #202 Fix go-back-button bug (@parostatkiem)
- #215 mock auth logout page fix (@y-kkamil)
- #211 Multiple path parameters do not get replaced in view url (@pekura)
- #212 Fix failing unit tests (@dariadomagala)
- #206 Center the logo (@dariadomagala)
- #196 Fix for goBack when not using micro-frontend without routing (@maxmarkus)
- #177 Allow multiple init and update listeners (@maxmarkus)
📝 Documentation
🚀 Added
- #131 Make automatic login configurable (@dariadomagala)
- #121 Navigation node as a link to an external page (@parostatkiem)
- #118 Keep left-side navigation on a node hierarchy level (@maxmarkus)
- #129 Add automatic loading indicator to show processing (@maxmarkus)
- #105 Enable e2e tests (@dariadomagala)
- #142 View preservation is now allowed also cross-domain (@maxmarkus)
🐛 Fixed
- #140 Fix css issues in core and angular example (@jesusreal)
- #116 Change per-component backdrop to global one (@parostatkiem)
- #120 Fix fonts bundling in luigi core (@parostatkiem)
- #115 Re-login not redirecting to luigi app (@jesusreal)
📝 Documentation
- #148 Copy template for security issues (@franpog859)
- #135 Improve getting started documentation (@maxmarkus)
- #137 Add autogenerated luigi client api docs (@jesusreal)