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Introduction to HPX

Part 2


Previous: Introduction to HPX - Part 1

??? Click here to view the Presentation

Recap: What's HPX

  • A C++ Standard Library for Concurrency and Parallelism

  • Solidly based on a theoretical foundation – a well defined, new execution model

  • Exposes a coherent and uniform, standards-oriented API for ease of programming parallel and distributed applications.

    • Enables users to write fully asynchronous code using hundreds of millions of threads.
    • Provides unified syntax and semantics for local and remote operations.
  • Developed to run at any scale

  • Compliant C++ Standard implementation (and more)

  • Open Source: Published under the Boost Software License

Recap: What's HPX

HPX represents an innovative mixture of

  • A global system-wide address space (AGAS - Active Global Address Space)
  • Fine grain parallelism and lightweight synchronization
  • Combined with implicit, work queue based, message driven computation
  • Full semantic equivalence of local and remote execution, and
  • Explicit support for hardware accelerators

Recap: What's HPX

  • Widely portable

    • Platforms: x86/64, Xeon/Phi, ARM 32/64, Power, BlueGene/Q
    • Operating systems: Linux, Windows, Android, OS/X
  • Well integrated with compiler’s C++ Standard libraries

  • Enables writing applications that out-perform and out-scale existing applications based on OpenMP/MPI

  • Is published under Boost license and has an open, active, and thriving developer community.

  • Can be used as a platform for research and experimentation

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

The HPX Programming Model

HPX - A C++ Standard Library


HPX - A C++ Standard Library



Strictly conforming to the C++ Standard

Class Description
hpx::thread Low level thread of control
hpx::mutex Low level synchronization facility
hpx::lcos::local::condition_variable Signal a condition
hpx::future Asynchronous result transport (receiving end)
hpx::promise, hpx::lcos::local::promise Asynchronous result transport (producing end)
hpx::lcos::packaged_task Asynchronous result transport (producing end)
hpx::async Spawning tasks (returns a future)
hpx::bind Binding Parameters to callables
hpx::function Type erased function object
hpx::tuple Tuple
hpx::any Type erased object (similar to void*)
hpx::parallel::for_each, etc. Parallel Algorithms
hpx::compute::vector Continous storage for N elements, also GPU

Extensions to the standards APIs where necessary, maintaining full compatibility.


Lightweight Control Objects (LCOs)

  • Objects to synchronize between different threads of execution.
  • Ability to suspend and reactivate tasks
  • Examples:
    • mutex
    • condition_variable
    • channel
    • promise
    • packaged_task
    • future
    • when_all, when_any, wait_all, wait_any
    • ...
  • More on those later


The HPX Programming Model


The HPX Programming Model


The HPX Programming Model


The HPX Programming Model

What is a (the) future?

A future is an object representing a result which has not been calculated yet

.left-column[ ... ]


  • Enables transparent synchronization with producer
  • Hides notion of dealing with threads
  • Makes asynchrony manageable
  • Allows for composition of several asynchronous operations
  • Turns concurrency into parallelism ]

What is a (the) future?

There are many ways to get hold of a future. The simplest way is to use (std) async:

int universal_answer()
    return 42;


void deep_thought()
    future<int> promised_answer = async(&universal_answer);

    // do other things for 7.5 million years

    cout << promised_answer.get() << endl;   // prints 42

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

template <typename R>
class future
    // future constructors
    // Query the state
    // Waiting on the result


template <typename R>
class shared_future
    // Future constructors
    // Query the state
    // Waiting on the result

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Constructing a hpx::future<R>

template <typename R>
class future
    // Future constructors
    // Construct an empty future.

    // Move a future to a new one
    future(future<R>&& f);

    // Unwrap a future. The new future becomes ready when
    // the inner, and outer futures are ready.
    explicit future(future<future<R>>&& f);
    explicit future(future<shared_future<R>>&& f);

    // Turn this future into a shared_future. Invalidates the future!
    shared_future<R> share();

    // Query the state
    // Waiting on the result

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Querying the state of the future

template <typename R>
class future
    // Future constructors

    // Query the state

    // Check if the future is ready yet.
    bool is_ready();

    // Check if the future has a value
    bool has_value();

    // Check if the future has an exception
    bool has_exception();

    // Waiting on the result

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Waiting for the future to become ready

template <typename R>
class future
    // Future constructors, Query the state...

    // Waiting on the result
    void wait() const;

    // Waiting for the result, but not longer than until given time point
    template <typename Clock, typename Duriation>
    future_status wait_until(
        std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const& abs_time) const;

    // Waiting for the result, but not longer than give duration
    template <typename Rep, typename Period>
    future_status wait_for(
        std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const& rel_time) const;

    // Get the result...

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Waiting for the future to become ready

template <typename R>
class future
    // Future constructors, Query the state...

    // Waiting on the result...

    // Get the result. This function might block if the result has
    // not been computed yet. Invalidates the future!
    R get();

    // Attach a continuation. The function f gets called with
    // the (ready) future. Returns a new future with the result of
    // the invocation of f. Invalidates the future!
    template <typename F>
    auto then(F&& f);

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Constructing a hpx::shared_future<R>

template <typename R>
class shared_future
    // Future constructors
    // Construct an empty future.

    // Move a future to a new one
    shared_future(shared_future<R>&& f);

    // Share ownership between two futures
    shared_future(shared_future<R> const& f);

    // Unwrap a future. The new future becomes ready when
    // the inner, and outer future are ready.
    explicit shared_future(shared_future<future<R>>&& f);

    // implicitly share a future
    shared_future(future<R>&& f);

    // Query the state
    // Waiting on the result

Diving into the Future - The (basic) API

Waiting for the future to become ready

template <typename R>
class shared_future
    // Future constructors
    // Query the state

    // Waiting on the result
    void wait() const;

    // Get the result. This function might block if the result has
    // not been computed yet.
    R const& get();

    // Attach a continuation. The function f gets called with
    // the (ready) future. Returns a new future with the result of
    // the invocation of f.
    template <typename F>
    auto then(F&& f) const;

Producing Futures


template <typename F, typename... Ts>
auto async(F&& f, Ts&&... ts)
 -> future<decltype(f(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)>;
  • F is anything callable with the passed arguments (actions are callable)


template <typename F, typename... Ts>
auto async(launch_policy, F&& f, Ts&&... ts)
 -> future<decltype(f(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)>;
  • launch_policy can be async, sync, fork, deferred


template <typename Executor typename F, typename... Ts>
auto async(Executor&&, F&& f, Ts&&...  ts)
 -> future<decltpype(f(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)>;
  • Executor is a concept to be introduced later

Producing Futures


hpx::lcos::local::promise<int> p;       // local only
hpx::future<int> f = p.get_future();
// f.is_ready() == false, f.get(); would lead to a deadlock


// Print 42
std::cout << f.get() << std::endl;

Producing Futures


hpx::promise<int> p;                    // globally visible
hpx::future<int> f = p.get_future();
// f.is_ready() == false, f.get(); would lead to a deadlock

    [](hpx::id_type promise_id)
        hpx::set_lco_value(promise_id, 42);
  , p.get_id());

// Print 42
std::cout << f.get() << std::endl;

Producing Futures


  • Producing futures that are ready at construction
template <typename T>
future<typename decay<T>::type> make_ready_future(T&& t);

future<void> make_ready_future();

Producing Futures

And beyond ...

  • Futures are the main interface to express asynchrony
  • Most API functions in HPX return futures
  • This was just an excerpt ... let's see more!

Composing Futures

Sequential Composition: future::then

future<int> f1 = hpx::async(...);

// Call continuation once f1 is ready. f2 will become ready once
// the continuation has been run.
future<double> f2 = f1.then(
    [](future<int>&& f) { return f.get() + 0.0; });


  • The continuation needs to take the future as parameter to allow for exception handling. Exceptions happening in asynchronous calls will get rethrown on .get()
  • then accepts launch policies as well as executors
  • f1 will get invalidated.


No invalidation:

shared_future<int> f1 = hpx::async(...);

// Call continuation once f1 is ready. f2 will become ready once
// the continuation has been run.
future<double> f2 = f1.then(
    [](future<int>&& f) { return f.get() + 0.0; });

Composing Futures

And Composition: when_all

future<int> f1 = hpx::async(...);
future<std::string> f2 = hpx::async(...);

auto all_f = hpx::when_all(f1, f2);

future<std::vector<float>> result =
        [](auto f) -> std::vector<float>
            // ...


  • Allows for attaching continuations to more than one future
  • f1 and f2 will get invalidated. (Use shared_future if you need them afterwards)
  • Also accepts a std::vector<future<T>> or a pair of iterators

Composing Futures

Or Composition: when_any

std::vector<future<int>> fs = ...;

future<int> fi =
        [](auto f)
            auto res = f.get();
            return res.futures[res.index];
  • Allows for waiting on any of the input futures
  • Returns a future<when_any_result<Sequence>>:


template <typename Sequence>
struct when_any_result
   std::size_t index; // Index to a future that became ready
   Sequence futures;  // Sequence of futures

Composing Futures


  • Shortcut to when_all(...).then(...)
future<int> f1 = hpx::async(...);
future<std::string> f2 = hpx::async(...);

future<double> f3 =
        [](future<int>, future<std::string>) -> double
            // ...
        std::move(f1), std::move(f2));


  • Calls the passed function after all arguments that were futures have become ready
  • Returns a future that becomes ready once the function has finished execution
  • Accepts launch policies as well as executors as the first parameter

Concepts of Parallelism

Types of Parallelism

  • Data parallelism
    • Parallel Algorithms
    • GPUs
  • Task based asynchronous and continuation style parallelism
    • future<R>, async, etc...
  • General fork/join style parallelism
  • Instruction Level Parallelism
    • SIMD instructions

Concepts of Parallelism

Parallel Execution Properties

  • The execution restrictions applicable for work items ('safe to be executed concurrently')
  • In what sequence work items have to be executed
  • Where work items should be executed (CPU, NUMA domain, Core, GPU)
  • The parameters of the execution environment (chunk sizes, etc.)

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Concepts of Parallelism

Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

Execution Policies

From the C++ Standard (C++17)

  • Specify execution guarantees (in terms of thread-safety) for executed parallel tasks:
    • execution::sequenced_policy: seq
    • execution::parallel_policy: par
    • execution::unsequenced_policy: unseq


HPX Extensions

  • Asynchronous Execution Policies:
    • execution::sequenced_task_policy: seq(task)
    • execution::parallel_task_policy: par(task)
  • In both cases the formerly synchronous functions return a future<R>
  • Instruct the parallel construct to be executed asynchronously
  • Allows integration with asynchronous control flow

name: executors



  • Executors are objects responsible for
    • Creating execution agents on which work is performed (N4466)
    • In N4466 this is limited to parallel algorithms, here much broader use
  • Abstraction of the (potentially platform-specific) mechanisms for launching work
  • Responsible for defining the Where and How of the execution of tasks



  • Executors must implement one function:
    async_execute(F&& f, Args&&... args)
  • Invocation of executors happens through executor_traits which exposes (emulates) additional functionality:
        [](size_t i){ // perform task i }, n);
  • Four modes of invocation: single async, single sync, bulk async and bulk sync
  • The async calls return a future



  • sequenced_executor, parallel_executor:
    • Default executors corresponding to par, seq
  • this_thread_executor
  • thread_pool_executor
    • Specify core(s) to run on (NUMA aware)
  • distribution_policy_executor
    • Use one of HPX’s (distributed) distribution policies, specify node(s) to run on
  • hpx::compute::host::block_executor
    • Use a set of CPUs
  • hpx::compute::cuda::default_executor
    • Use for running things on GPU
  • Etc.

Execution Parameters

  • Allow to control the grain size of work
    • i.e. amount of iterations of a parallel for_each run on the same thread
    • Similar to OpenMP scheduling policies: static, guided, dynamic
    • Much more fine control

Rebind Execution Policies

Execution policies have associated default executor and default executor parameters

  • par: parallel executor, static chunk size
  • seq: sequenced executor, no chunking
    • Rebind executor and executor parameters
// rebind only executor
numa_executor exec;
auto policy1 = par.on(exec);


// rebind only executor parameter
static_chunk_size param;
auto policy2 = par.with(param);


// rebind both
auto policy3 = par.on(exec).with(param);

Data Placement


  • Mechanism to tell where to allocate data
  • C++ defines an Allocator concept std::allocator<T>
  • Extensions:
    • Where do you want to allocate Data
    • Ability to bulk allocate Data (NUMA aware allocation, GPU Device Allocation)
  • Data Structures to use those allocators
  • Different strategies for different platforms
    • Need interface to control explicit placement of data
      • NUMA architectures
      • GPUs
      • Distributed systems

Data Placement

Data Structures

  • hpx::compute::vector<T, Allocator>
    • Same interface as std::vector<T>
    • Manages data locality through allocator
    • Uses execution target objects for data placement
    • Allows for direct manipulation of data on NUMA domains, GPUs, remote nodes, etc.
  • hpx::partitioned_vector<T>
    • Same interface as std::vector<T> (almost)
    • Segmented data store
    • Segments can be hpx::compute::vector<T>
    • Uses distribution_policy for data placement
    • Allows for manipulation of data on several targets

Execution Targets

  • Opaque type that represent a place in the system
    • Used to identify data placement
    • Used to specify execution site close to data
  • Targets encapsulate architecture specifics
    • CPU sets (NUMA domains), Scratch Pad Memory, GPU devices, Remote nodes
  • Allocators to be initialized from targets
    • Customization of data placement
  • Executors to be initialized from targets as well
    • Make sure code is executed close to placed data

Parallel Algorithms

Parallel Algorithms for C++

Example: SAXPY - The HPX Way

Goal: SAXPY routine with data locality

  • a[i] = b[i] * x + c[i] for i from 0 to N-1
  • Using parallel algorithms
  • Explicit control over data locality
  • No raw loops

Example: SAXPY - The HPX Way

Step 1: Writing the serial version


std::vector<double> a = ...;
std::vector<double> b = ...;
std::vector<double> c = ...;
double x = ...;

    b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(),
    [x](double bb, double cc)
*       return bb * x + cc;



  • bb is b[i]
  • cc is c[i]
  • the calculated value gets written to a[i]
  • Complete code ]

Example: SAXPY - The HPX Way

Step 2: Parallelize it


std::vector<double> a = ...;
std::vector<double> b = ...;
std::vector<double> c = ...;
double x = ...;

*   hpx::parallel::execution::par,
    b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(),
    [x](double bb, double cc)
        return bb * x + cc;



  • Replace the standard algorithm with a parallel one
  • Set parallel exeuction policy
  • Complete code ]

Example: SAXPY - The HPX Way

Step 3: Adding data locality


using hpx::compute::host;

typedef block_executor<> executor;
typedef block_allocator<double>

auto numa_domains = numa_nodes();
executor exec(numa_domains);
allocator alloc(numa_domains);

using hpx::compute::vector;

vector<double, allocator> a = ...;
vector<double, allocator> b = ...;
vector<double, allocator> c = ...;
double x = ...;



*using hpx::parallel::execution::par;
*auto policy = par.on(exec);
    b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(),
    [x](double bb, double cc)
        return bb * x + cc;
  • Get targets for locality of data and execution
  • Setup Executor and Allocator
  • Run on the allocator
  • Complete code ]

Example: SAXPY - The HPX Way

Optional Step: Running it on the GPU


using hpx::compute::cuda;

typedef default_executor<> executor;
typedef allocator<double> allocator;

target device("K40");
executor exec(device);
allocator alloc(device);

using hpx::compute::vector;

vector<double, allocator> a = ...;
vector<double, allocator> b = ...;
vector<double, allocator> c = ...;
double x = ...;

] .right-column[

*using hpx::parallel::execution::par;
*auto policy = par.on(exec);
    b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(),
    [x](double bb, double cc)
        return bb * x + cc;
  • Get targets for locality of data and execution
  • Setup Executor and Allocator
  • Run on the allocator
  • Complete code
  • Works only for CUDA version 8 :( ]

class: center, middle


Building and running HPX applications