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Sycl Filter Samples

The Sycl Filter sample demonstrates the image filters methods for using SYCL*-compliant buffers and Unified Shared Memory (USM). Additionally, building and running this sample verifies that your development environment is configured correctly for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits.

Property Description
What you will learn How to use SYCL*-compliant extensions to offload computations using both buffers and USM.
Time to complete 15 minutes
Category Getting Started


The Sycl Filter sample is a program that reads an image, filters it, and ouputs to a new image. In this sample, you will see how to use the most basic code in C++ language that offloads computations to a GPU, which includes using USM and buffers.

The basic SYCL implementations explained in the sample includes device selector, USM, buffer, accessor, kernel, and command groups.


Optimized for Description
OS Ubuntu* 18.04
Windows* 10
Hardware GEN9 or newer
Intel® Agilex® 7, Arria® 10, and Stratix® 10 FPGAs
Software Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

Note: Even though the Intel DPC++/C++ OneAPI compiler is enough to compile for CPU, GPU, FPGA emulation, generating FPGA reports and generating RTL for FPGAs, there are extra software requirements for the FPGA simulation flow and FPGA compiles.

For using the simulator flow, Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition and one of the following simulators must be installed and accessible through your PATH:

  • Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition
  • Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition
  • ModelSim® SE

When using the hardware compile flow, Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition must be installed and accessible through your PATH. Warning Make sure you add the device files associated with the FPGA that you are targeting to your Intel® Quartus® Prime installation.

Key Implementation Details

This sample provides examples of both buffers and USM implementations for simple side-by-side comparison.

  • USM requires an explicit wait for the asynchronous kernel's computation to complete.
  • Buffers, at the time they go out of scope, bring main memory in sync with device memory implicitly. The explicit wait on the event is not required as a result.

The program attempts first to run on an available GPU, and it will fall back to the system CPU if it does not detect a compatible GPU. If the program runs successfully, the name of the offload device and a success message is displayed.

Note: For comprehensive information about oneAPI programming, see the Intel® oneAPI Programming Guide. (Use search or the table of contents to find relevant information quickly.

Set Environment Variables

When working with the command-line interface (CLI), you should configure the oneAPI toolkits using environment variables. Set up your CLI environment by sourcing the setvars script every time you open a new terminal window. This practice ensures that your compiler, libraries, and tools are ready for development.

Build the Gaussian Filter Program

Note: If you have not already done so, set up your CLI environment by sourcing the setvars script in the root of your oneAPI installation.


  • For system wide installations: . /opt/intel/oneapi/
  • For private installations: . ~/intel/oneapi/
  • For non-POSIX shells, like csh, use the following command: bash -c 'source <install-dir>/ ; exec csh'


  • C:\Program Files(x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat
  • Windows PowerShell*, use the following command: cmd.exe "/K" '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat" && powershell'

For more information on configuring environment variables, see Use the setvars Script with Linux* or macOS* or Use the setvars Script with Windows*.

Using Visual Studio Code* (VS Code) (Optional)

You can use Visual Studio Code* (VS Code) extensions to set your environment, create launch configurations, and browse and download samples.

The basic steps to build and run a sample using VS Code include:

  1. Configure the oneAPI environment with the extension Environment Configurator for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits.
  2. Download a sample using the extension Code Sample Browser for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits.
  3. Open a terminal in VS Code (Terminal > New Terminal).
  4. Run the sample in the VS Code terminal using the instructions below.

To learn more about the extensions and how to configure the oneAPI environment, see the Using Visual Studio Code with Intel® oneAPI Toolkits User Guide.

On Linux* - NOT TESTED

Configure the build system

  1. Change to the sample directory.

  2. Configure the project to use the buffer-based implementation.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..


    Configure the project to use the Unified Shared Memory (USM) based implementation.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DUSM=1

    Note: When building for FPGAs, the default FPGA family will be used (Intel® Agilex® 7). You can change the default target by using the command:

    cmake .. -DFPGA_DEVICE=<FPGA device family or FPGA part number>

    Alternatively, you can target an explicit FPGA board variant and BSP by using the following command:

    cmake .. -DFPGA_DEVICE=<board-support-package>:<board-variant>

    You will only be able to run an executable on the FPGA if you specified a BSP.

Build for CPU and GPU

  1. Build the program.
    make cpu-gpu
  2. Clean the program. (Optional)
    make clean


  1. Compile for FPGA emulation.

    make fpga_emu
  2. Compile for simulation (fast compile time, targets simulator FPGA device):

    make fpga_sim
  3. Generate HTML performance reports.

    make report

    The reports reside at gaussian_report.prj/reports/report.html.

  4. Clean the program. (Optional)

    make clean

On Windows*

Configure the build system

  1. Change to the sample directory.

  2. Configure the project to use the buffer-based implementation.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..


    Configure the project to use the Unified Shared Memory (USM) based implementation.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. -DUSM=1        ---> Not available yet

    Note: When building for FPGAs, the default FPGA family will be used (Intel® Agilex® 7). You can change the default target by using the command:

    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. -DFPGA_DEVICE=<FPGA device family or FPGA part number>

    Alternatively, you can target an explicit FPGA board variant and BSP by using the following command:

    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. -DFPGA_DEVICE=<board-support-package>:<board-variant>

    You will only be able to run an executable on the FPGA if you specified a BSP.

Build for CPU and GPU

  1. Build the program.
    cd build
    nmake cpu-gpu
  2. Clean the program. (Optional)
    cd build
    nmake clean


If an error occurs, you can get more details by running make with the VERBOSE=1 argument:

make VERBOSE=1

If you receive an error message, troubleshoot the problem using the Diagnostics Utility for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits. The diagnostic utility provides configuration and system checks to help find missing dependencies, permissions errors, and other issues. See the Diagnostics Utility for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits User Guide for more information on using the utility.

Run the sample Program

On Linux

Run for CPU and GPU

  1. Change to the output directory.

  2. Run the program for Unified Shared Memory (USM) and buffers.

    ./gaussian-usm  -> not available ... yet

On Windows

Run for CPU and GPU

  1. Change to the output directory.

  2. Run the program for Unified Shared Memory (USM) and buffers.

    gaussian-usm.exe - not available ... yet

Credits and References