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Schepp edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the CSS-JS-Booster wiki!

What is CSS-JS-Booster?

CSS-JS-Booster is a PHP-script that tries to automate as many performance
optimizing steps related to CSS and JS embedding as possible.

For CSS these steps are:

  • combine multiple CSS-files resulting in HTTP-requests going down
  • optimize and minify CSS with CSSTidy
  • Embed any CSS-images smaller 24KB as data-URI or MHTML (for IE <= 7)
  • Split the output back into 2 even files that can load in parallel
  • GZIP-compress the resulting CSS
  • Have browsers cache the result as long as it remains unchanged
  • If IE6: Issue a JS-command to fix background image caching behaviour

For JS these steps are:

  • combine multiple JS-files resulting in HTTP-requests going down
  • GZIP-compress the resulting JS
  • Have browsers cache the result as long as it remains unchanged

+ GZIP-compresses the page calling those files.

Depending on the amount of CSS, CSS-images and JS, this can significantly
increase loading speed of your site.

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