Name | About | Labels | Assignees |
Ruby LSP bug (non-VS Code editors) | File a bug report about the Ruby LSP with non-VS Code editors | bug,non-vscode,help-wanted |
Thank you for filing a bug report!
Please note that the maintainers only have bandwidth to prioritize VS Code support and lean on the community to assist with supporting other editors.
If you are using a non-VS Code editor, please follow these steps before submitting a bug report:
- Follow the instructions on troubleshooting
- Check if the editor and LSP plugin you use are up to date, and if they support the latest Language Server Protocol Specification.
- Seek help in the Ruby DX Slack.
- Seek help in the related editor/plugin's issue tracker.
Describing prior discussions and troubleshooting steps will help us understand the issue and respond more quickly.
Reproduction steps