- Go on erp.gndec.ac.in
- Login with your credentials.
- Click on
- Go on Maintanance Request Form. It will show you CMC Request form.
Subject Field
.Fill the subject regarding the problem you facing like
Broken Door
Nature of work
.Example : Carpentary
Detail of Required work
.Here give the sufficent information about the request.
Place of work
.Describe where you facing the problem.
Justification of request
.Give justification about the complaint.
Attach image
.You can attach the image if you think it is required.
Caption/Description of Image
. -
Click on
- Now you will see
Your request has been submitted successfully
- After submitting sucessfully you will get redirect to your profile page.
- Go to
My Requests
to check the status of your request.
- Now you can see the status of your request and you can also click on
Create New Complaint
to post another request.