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This document talks about SolidOS stack Node versions, and about work required upon release; in particular, about dependency upgrades.

Table of contents:

Usage of Node versions in SolidOS

Local development should be built with the latest used Node version. One can make sure this is the case by running nvm use in the root of the repo. This command will look for a file named .nvmrc, and use the node version specified therein. Since the whole SolidOS stack is built into the mashlib.js at the end, the Node version used is not vitally important, but best practice is still to so do it so.

Update Node version used in SolidOS

Once a year, you should upgrade the Node version you're using. In April of each year, Node releases an even-numbered Node version which will be taken into LTS (long term support) releases.

To upgrade the Node version in SolidOS:

  • change the Node version in CI of each affected SolidOS repo (including release.yml if available)
    • ensure the published node version in CI is at least one version earlier than latest release, but make sure it is still in LTS by checking the Node Releases
  • update the officially supported development Node version on SolidOS stack mentioned in .nvmrc. The .nvmrc file is available on each repo, for example on SolidOS repo.

Dependency upgrades

  • there are a few ways to check the dependency status of a repo, such as npm outdated, npx npm-check-updates, and npx npm-check.
  • patch-up versions can be updated without any concern using npm update BUT this only works if the dependencies in package.json include tilde (~). Tilde allows dependencies to ONLY be updated on the semver version. If a dependency has a caret (^), that dependency is also updated to latest minor release.

Note: Our work follows the Semantic Versioning practices in which, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH of a repository, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
  • PATCH version when you make bug fixes in a backwards compatible manner

When starting a new module always start with version 1.0.0.

To update dependencies you can use

  • npm update which updates ONLY safe minor and patch versions

  • npx npm-check-updates -u which also updates major versions

  • it is also good to run an npm audit from time to time, and run a npm audit fix as needed

Checklist upon relase of a new SolidOS stack

The following is a guideline of what should be considered upon a release. It is not an exhaustive list, but covers most situations.

  • In each repository to be released, you need to do a dependency upgrade with npx npm-check-updates -u. This upgrades all dependencies to major versions. Afterwards, you need to make sure the repo builds and all tests pass.
  • The main branch of each repository should be green in GitHub CI.
  • The build must follow a strict order because the repositories depend on each other. The priority is as follows:
    • rdflib
    • solid-logic
    • solid-ui
    • activitystreams-pane
    • chat-pane
    • contacts-pane
    • folder-pane
    • issue-pane
    • meeting-pane
    • profile-pane
    • source-pane
    • solid-panes
    • mashlib
    • NSS
    • solidos Note: The strict build order means, for example, if you make a change in solid-ui, all the following panes that make use of the solid-ui changes also need to be upgraded; then solid-panes must be upgraded to contain the new solid-ui version, and because solid-panes version changes, the mashlib version also needs to change.

To ease this work, SolidOS contains a release script; however, the release script also updates ALL dependencies in ALL repos to major versions, which means the above steps MUST be done beforehand.