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- [Installation](./installation/README.md)
- [Running as a service](./installation/service.md)
- - [Installing on RaspberryPi OS 64-bit](./installation/raspberrypi64.md)
- [Building from source](./installation/source.md)
- - [Cross-Compile using Docker](./installation/cross-compile-using-docker.md)
+ - [Cross-Compilation](./installation/cross-compilation.md)
- [Configuration](./configuration/README.md)
- [Authentication](./configuration/auth.md)
- [Audio](./configuration/audio.md)
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# Installation
Getting `spotifyd` on your system should be as easy as downloading a binary in most cases.
-If you'd like to learn how to compile `spotifyd` yourself, head over to [building from source](./source.md). And if you're running a 64-bit RaspbianOS system, have a look [here](./raspbian64.md).
+If you'd like to learn how to compile `spotifyd` yourself, head over to [building from source](./source.md).
## Linux
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ If you're unsure which version to choose, just go for `default` on desktop syste
If you're on Linux, check your platform architecture with `uname -m`:
-- `x86_64`: Download one of the `spotifyd-linux-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz` packages.
-- `armhf`, `armv7`: Download one of the `spotifyd-linux-armhf-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz` packages.
-- `armv6`: Download the `spotifyd-linux-armv6-slim.tar.gz` package.
-- `aarch64`: Head over to the [RaspberryPi OS 64-bit installation guide](./raspberrypi64.md).
+- `x86_64`: Download one of the `spotifyd-linux-x86_64-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz` packages.
+- `armhf`, `armv7`: Download one of the `spotifyd-linux-armv7-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz` packages.
+- `aarch64`: Download one of the `spotifyd-linux-aarch64-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz`
+- `armv6`: Unfortunately, we no longer support this architecture. If you still need this to work, please open an issue or join the [community matrix channel](https://matrix.to/#/#spotifyd:matrix.org) and we'll try to find a solution.
If you're on macOS, download one of the `spotifyd-macos-{full,default,slim}.tar.gz` packages.
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+# Cross-Compilation
+If you want to run `spotifyd` on lower-power hardware such as a RaspberryPi, but none of our prebuilt binaries suit your needs, you might want to cross-compile `spotifyd` on a more powerful machine and deploy the binary on the target system.
+## Using `cross`
+The easiest way to cross-compile is using the amazing [`cross` project](https://github.com/cross-rs/cross). This way, the build environment comes already pre-configured.
+Follow the instructions in their README to install `cross`.
+In the current latest release of cross (v0.2.5), some targets are too outdated and compilation will fail. Thus, it is currently recommended to install the latest version of `cross` from their git repo instead of a prebuilt binary.
+Then, you should be able to run `cross build --target `, where target is one of the targets in `rustc --print target-list`. Please also refer to [the general from source guide](./source.md) for additional flags that you might want to append to that command.
+If this was successful, copy the resulting binary from `target//{release,debug}/spotifyd` to the `spotifyd` machine and try running it there.
+If `cross` doesn't support your target, you can try the alternative approach using Docker and QEMU below.
+If compilation of your target isn't working even though `cross` supports it, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub or join the [community matrix channel](https://matrix.to/#/#spotifyd:matrix.org) and ask there.
+## Using Docker and QEMU
+We can also use `docker` to cross compile on every platform and OS that runs `docker` and `qemu`:
+1. Setup a docker [custom builder](https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/#create-a-custom-builder)
+ ```shell
+ docker buildx create \
+ --name container-builder \
+ --driver docker-container \
+ --use --bootstrap
+ ```
+ If you are **not** using Docker-Desktop you might have to install [QEMU](https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/#install-qemu-manually)
+2. Create a docker `docker-compose.yml`
+ Here we are building a `arm64` binary, so we set `platform: linux/arm64`
+ ```yaml
+ services:
+ build-container:
+ image: rust:1-bookworm
+ platform: linux/arm64
+ command: bash -c "
+ apt-get update &&
+ apt-get install -y \
+ libasound2-dev \
+ libssl-dev \
+ jq \
+ pkg-config &&
+ wget -O - https://api.github.com/repos/Spotifyd/spotifyd/tarball/$(\
+ curl -SsL https://api.github.com/repos/Spotifyd/spotifyd/releases/latest \
+ | jq '.tag_name' -r) \
+ | tar xzv -C /spotifyd --strip-components=1 &&
+ cargo build --release &&
+ cp /spotifyd/target/release/spotifyd /build/"
+ working_dir: /spotifyd
+ volumes:
+ - ./:/build
+ ```
+3. Run `docker compose up`
+ This will copy the build `spotifyd` binary in the current directory.
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-# Cross Compilation using Docker
-We can also use `docker` to cross compile on every platform and OS that runs `docker` and `qemu`:
-1. Setup a docker [custom builder](https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/#create-a-custom-builder)
- ```shell
- docker buildx create \
- --name container-builder \
- --driver docker-container \
- --use --bootstrap
- ```
- If you are **not** using Docker-Desktop you might have to install [QEMU](https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/#install-qemu-manually)
-2. Create a docker `docker-compose.yml`
- Here we are building a `arm64` binary, so we set `platform: linux/arm64`
- ```yaml
- services:
- build-container:
- image: rust:1-bookworm
- platform: linux/arm64
- command: bash -c "
- apt-get update &&
- apt-get install -y \
- libasound2-dev \
- libssl-dev \
- jq \
- pkg-config &&
- wget -O - https://api.github.com/repos/Spotifyd/spotifyd/tarball/$(\
- curl -SsL https://api.github.com/repos/Spotifyd/spotifyd/releases/latest \
- | jq '.tag_name' -r) \
- | tar xzv -C /spotifyd --strip-components=1 &&
- cargo build --release &&
- cp /spotifyd/target/release/spotifyd /build/"
- working_dir: /spotifyd
- volumes:
- - ./:/build
- ```
-3. Run `docker compose up`
- This will copy the build `spotifyd` binary in the current directory.
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-# Installation on RaspberryPi OS 64-bit
-Unfortunately, we do not yet provide 64-bit binaries for ARM.
-Trying to run them will result in `cannot execute: required file not found`.
-To run spotifyd on a 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS, you have two possiblities. Build the 64-bit binary by yourself or add the 32-bit architecture as an additional architecture to your 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS.
-## Option 1: Building yourself
-To build `spotifyd` yourself, head over to [Building from source](./source.md). Note, however, that building can take a long time, especially on low-power devices like a RaspberryPi.
-## Option 2: Add the 32-bit architecture
-### Adding architecture and dependency packages
-These commands add the architecture and install the required packages for the architecure:
-dpkg --add-architecture armhf
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install libasound2-plugins:armhf
-Now you can go on with the [regular install guide](./), by assuming the `armhf` architecture.
-Downloading other variants than thin like full or default may require further armhf packages to be installed with the command like above:
-sudo apt install packagename:armhf
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# Building from source
+The guide below assumes that you're building `spotifyd` on the system that you want to run it on. If you'd instead prefer to cross-compile, head over to [this section](./cross-compilation.md).
You can also compile `spotifyd` yourself, allowing you to tailor it perfectly to your needs or get the latest fixes. `spotifyd` is written in Rust. You can download the toolchain (compiler and package manager) over at [rustup.rs](https://rustup.rs). Follow their instructions to get started.
> __Note:__ Please make sure that you compile the package using the most recent `stable` version of Rust available through `rustup`. Some distro versions are quite outdated and might result in compilation errors.