- Fixed a issue introduced in previous version failing complex nestings
- Various other minor improvements
- Added optional cache
- Cache speeds ~40% faster when looping same set of templates
- Speeds without cache improved ~10%
- Internal refactoring for speed, and more static
- Some breaking changes due to static methods and chaining
- Fixed issue where multiple lists on one template refused to render
- Removed deprecated methods
- Back to getters and setters
- More robust and correct type hinting
- Template file extension and root folder can be defined
- Templates can be used without extension
- Refactored the code into multiple classes
- Reworked tests for the new syntaxes
- Added more error handling, but more so, made typesafe
- Added quick access function
- Speeds up to about 400% faster
- Some errors now throw catchable exeptions
- Fixed a few major issues
- Refactored lot of code
- Updated phpUnit tests to use phar
- Changed preg delimiter to ~
- Added key tag for getting key from lists
- Changed how tags are accessed and refactored the code
- Conditionals are now supported
- Support for common operands for comparison
- Method to change argument list , seperator
- New syntax for iterating lists in plates
- Changes in escaping of seperators and tags
- Optimizing some inner workings of the class
- Added the many method to indicate that the template should be applied to a list of values
- Access to value in array as first value on template
- Added changable chain separator
- Better handling and escaping of separators, so that they can be more than one char long
- Inspired by Latte, filters can have arguments
- Added Twig style filters in the spirit of PHPlater
- Multiple filters can be applied
- The filter separator can be defined by user
- If template variable is array, json or object, filters can be applied to it as well
- Basic templating functionality
- Nesting of templates
- User defined delimiters and tags
- Template can be file or string
- Varables added can be arrays, json and objects, and data can be retrieved by chainin