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File metadata and controls

executable file
178 lines (114 loc) · 10.3 KB

Running your own analysis on Sumner

Before running anything, make sure the pipeline is up to date by doing the following:

Go into the splicing pipeline folder

cd /projects/anczukow-lab/splicing_pipeline/splicing-pipelines-nf/

Update local version of the pipeline. Note: you will need to enter your github username and password.

git pull

Note: if you have not successfully completed the pipeline test, see here

This pipeline can be run on Sumner in three ways:

  1. Input a reads.csv file to input fastq files and run the pipeline in its entirety.
  2. Input a reads.csv file to input fastq files and run pipeline until STAR mapping step with --test parameter set to true.
  3. Input a bams.csv file to input bams and run steps of pipeline following STAR mapping (Stringtie and rMATS).

The cacheDir stores singularity images. This is set in splicing-pipelines-nf/conf/executors/sumner.config. For non-Anczukow users, this should be changed to a home directory.

Running full pipeline with FASTQ input

1. Create a new run directory

All analyses should be run in /projects/anczukow-lab/NGS_analysis. If your dataset already has a folder here, use that directory. Otherwise, create a new directory with the same name found in the /projects/anczukow-lab/fastq_files/ folder (Example DATASET Directory - /projects/anczukow-lab/NGS_analysis/Dataset_4_MYC_MCF10A).

Create a new run directory within the appropriate dataset directory with the following format: runNumber_initials_date run1_LU_20200519 (Example RUN Directory - /projects/anczukow-lab/NGS_analysis/Dataset_4_MYC_MCF10A/run1_LU_20200519).

2. Create/Locate reads.csv file for your dataset

Input reads are specified by the reads input parameter, specifying a path to a CSV file. The format of CSV file will vary slightly based upon the data, see examples for:

  • single-end - must contain columns for sample_id and fastq
  • paired-end - must contain columns for sample_id, fastq1 and fastq2

The 'reads.csv' column names must match the above [single-end] and [paired-end] examples. The sample_id can be anything, however each must be unique. The fastq column(s) should contain the path to FASTQ files (publicly accessible ftp, s3 and gs links are also accepted). You can create this on your local computer in excel and use WinSCP to move it to Sumner, or use create it using nano on the cluster.

There should be one reads.csv file per dataset. If your dataset already has a reads.csv file, proceed to step 2.

3. Create rmats_pairs.txt input file

Each rMATS comparison must be specified with a comparison name as well as the sample_id as specified in the reads file. See example rmats_pairs.txt. Each line in the file corresponds to an rMATS execution. The first column corresponds to a unique name/id for the rMATS comparison (this will be used for the output folder/file names)

  • Replicates should be comma separated and the samples for the b1 / b2 files i.e. case and control should be space separated. b1 - control and b2 - case.

    See examples

    Single sample pair:


    Multiple sample pairs, no replicates:


    Multiple sample pairs, with multiple replicates:


    B1 only, no rMATS comparison (if this is run, set '--statoff' parameter to 'true'):


4. Setup NF_splicing_pipeline.config

This config file will be specific to your user and analysis. You do not need to edit the pipeline code to configure the pipeline. Descriptions of all possible parameters and their default values can be found here and here.

To create your own custom config (to specify your input parameters) you can copy and edit this example config file.


  • Each time you run the pipeline, go through all possible parameters to ensure you are creating a config ideal for your data. If you do not specify a value for a parameter, the default will be used. All parameters used can be found in the log file. WHEN IN DOUBT, SPECIFY ALL PARAMETERS!

  • You must name your config file NF_splicing_pipeline.config (as specified in main.pbs)

  • Your NF_splicing_pipeline.config must be in the directory that you are running your analysis.

  • The readlength here should be the length of the reads - if read length is not a multiple of 5 (ex- 76 or 151), set 'readlength' to nearest multiple of 5 (ex- 75 or 150). This extra base is an artifact of Illumina sequencing

  • To run full pipeline, you must specify the following: reads.csv, rmats_pairs.txt, readlength, assembly_name, star_index, and reference gtf. This string can be a relative path from the directory in which you run Nextflow in, an absolute path or a link.

  • The star indexes must be generated prior to executing the pipeline (this is a separate step).

  • Currently, the two options for genomes are hg38 and mm10. If you wish to use a newer version of the genome, you will need to add this to the post-processing script.

5. Run the pipeline!

Ensure you have NF_splicing_pipeline.config in this directory.

Run the pipeline!

sbatch /projects/anczukow-lab/splicing_pipeline/splicing-pipelines-nf/main.pbs

Running Stringtie and rMATS with BAM input

1. Create a new run directory

Create a new run directory within the appropriate dataset directory with the following format: runNumber_initials_date run1_LU_20200519 (Example RUN Directory - /projects/anczukow-lab/NGS_analysis/Dataset_4_MYC_MCF10A/run1_LU_20200519).

2. Create/Locate bams.csv file for your dataset

Input reads are specified by the bams input parameter, specifying a path to a CSV file.

  • (create example) must contain columns for sample_id, bam, and bam.bai

The 'bams.csv' column names must match the above example. The sample_id can be anything, however each must be unique. The bam column should contain the path to BAM files. The bam.bai column should contain the path to BAM.BAI files. You can create this on your local computer in excel and use WinSCP to move it to Sumner, or use create it using nano on the cluster.

Supplying the bams.csv will signal to the pipeline to skip the first steps of the pipeline and start with Stringtie. No other parameter is needed.

3. Create rmats_pairs.txt input file

Each rMATS comparison must be specified with a comparison name as well as the sample_id as specified in the [bams.csv](create example) file. See example rmats_pairs.txt. Each line in the file corresponds to an rMATS execution. The first column corresponds to a unique name/id for the rMATS comparison (this will be used for the output folder/file names).

  • Replicates should be comma separated and the samples for the b1 / b2 files i.e. case and control should be space separated

    See examples

    Single sample pair:


    Multiple sample pairs, no replicates:


    Multiple sample pairs, with multiple replicates:


    B1 only, no rMATS comparison (if this is run, set '--Statoff' parameter to 'true'):


4. Setup NF_splicing_pipeline.config

This config file will be specific to your user and analysis. You do not need to edit the pipeline code to configure the pipeline. Descriptions of all possible parameters and their default values can be found here and here.

To create your own custom config (to specify your input parameters) you can copy and edit this example config file.


  • Each time you run the pipeline, go through all possible parameters to ensure you are creating a config ideal for your data. If you do not specify a value for a parameter, the default will be used. All parameters used can be found in the log file. WHEN IN DOUBT, SPECIFY ALL PARAMETERS!

  • You must name your config file NF_splicing_pipeline.config (as specified in main.pbs).

  • Your NF_splicing_pipeline.config must be in the directory that you are running your analysis.

  • The readlength here should be the length of the reads - if read length is not a multiple of 5 (ex- 76 or 151), set 'readlength' to nearest multiple of 5 (ex- 75 or 150). This extra base is an artifact of Illumina sequencing

  • Currently, the two options for genomes are hg38 and mm10. If you wish to use a newer version of the genome, you will need to add this to the post-processing script.

5. Run the pipeline!

Ensure you have NF_splicing_pipeline.config in this directory.

Run the pipeline!

sbatch /projects/anczukow-lab/splicing_pipeline/splicing-pipelines-nf/main.pbs