contains a list of projects which have been proposed to improve Pharo. These projects are also being considered for the upcoming Google Summer of Code 2019. Visit:
The list of topics can be viewed in markdown format (, no need to update this file manually, it will be regenerated)
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.
If you are a student looking for list of topics and their details for GSoC 2019 please see or
Also, join the chat forums on discord or mailing lists ( to engage in discussions with the mentors and Pharo developers/users.
Previous work done by students from the Pharo community for Google Summer of Code 2017 can be viewed here:
For mentors, please propose a fresh project of your own, especially for GSoC 2019 by following the following template. You can edit the list on github here: and send a pull request.
PharoTopic new
title: 'The name of your project';
contact: 'email address';
supervisors: 'Supervisors names';
keywords: 'keywords separated by spaces';
context: 'a description of the context of the project';
goal: 'description of the goal';
level: 'Beginner or Intermediate or Advanced';