Tests protocol functions like request/response and statements (in binary and text mode).
With twister:
../zephyr/scripts/twister -T ./tests --integration -v
west build -b native_posix tests/protocol -t run
First build the test using above manual command and go into the build folder.
cd build
Extract coverage information (excluding files from Zephyr and external libraries):
lcov --capture --directory build/modules/thingset-node-c --output-file build/lcov.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --exclude '*zephyr*' --exclude '*lib*'
Generate HTML output (--header-title
requires lcov v1.16)
genhtml build/lcov.info --output-directory build/lcov_html --ignore-errors source --branch-coverage --highlight --legend --header-title "Coverage Report for ThingSet node library"
The HTML output file can be found under build/lcov_html/index.html
firefox build/lcov_html/index.html &