- bug-fixed: namespace is undefined and "engine" property if noIntent is not specified
- bug-fixed: namespace is undefined and "engine" property cannot be evaluated in DirAskGPTV2
- bug-fixed: message.attributes["flowAttributes"]
bug-fixed: message.attributes["flowAttributes"] added only if value size is <= 1kb
- bug-fixed: minor bug fixed
- added: TILEBOT_ENDPOINT env variable to startApp method
- removed userFlowAttributes from message.attributes (fix message too long issue)
- removed: message.attributes["flowAttributes"] from reply
- changed: env var TILEBOT_ENDPOINT replaced with TILEBOT_ENDPOINT
- bug-fixed: action.isInfo added in DirMessage to fix test
- bug-fixed: message.attributes.payload is not populated on first message
- bug-fixed: message.attributes.payload was overwritten by message.request.attributes.payload
- changed: repo links
- bug-fixed: block hidden message for non-dev conversation
- added: replace-bot-v3 action
- bug-fixed: default engine for DirAskGPTV2
- bug-fixed: block only hidden message
- first deploy of Chatbot Plugs