- 1605 J. Sylvester wrote the earliest known example of this particular fork as a verb
- This fact requires verifaction and might be rather alternative
- "The half life of the teaspoons was 81 days."
- We lost 95% over 365 days
- (Van Mourik et al. 2014, in prep.)
- Equivalent with fork half life of 84.5 days
- This result has been replicated twice
- grant number RIC Fall 2015
- grant number RIC Fall 2016
+++ Van Mourik et al. 2014, in prep.
- Preliminary result:
- Collaborative project (published as: Donders Institute)
- Post request to work on this collaboratively on Facebook
- GitHub open source repository
- Null result, zero DCCN interest
- H0: Diffusion of responsibility
- H1: People actually have a life
- Posted Bitcoin bounties
- (0.09 Ether, < €30 at the time of posting)
- We hypothesise that the FFA has always been an acronym for the Fusiform Fork Area.
- They all move to a planet with forkoids
- Unknown DCCN employees suffer metallophagia
- The irresistable urge to eat metal
- Use GitHub to collaboratively make presentation
- Attach Bitcoin bounties to substeps
- Let Donderians make the content
- Outsource technical issues to India/China/Anywhere
- Online presentation stylesheet
- Easily present Github'ed analysis
- Github is important for scientists
- F@!king a repository is a legitimate software terminology
- Meaning: making a branch for you to work on
- Version controlled
- Equipment: 200 forks * ± €1
- The cost of GPS trackers, cost unknown
- Maybe the CNS department wants to chip in, as they’re also using the kitchen.
- Quills of a Porcupine Porcupine as chopsticks.
- Ethical approval for animal research
- Request Da Betty e Mora to cook more Chinese
- Multi-way ANOVA, we determine the F value (fork value)
- If F < F_crit we need more forks
- Covariates: food preference, spoon shortage, etc.
MATLAB could not find them either:
lost_at = 'DondersInstitute'
fork_loc = ft_findForks(forks, lost_at);
Undefined function or variable 'forks'.
- We built a presentation template (GitPitch)
- easily create minimal online presentation
- Technical issues can easily be outsourced (GitCoin)
- More understanding on the whereabouts of missing forks