- How to read this book
- The cURL project
- Network and protocols
- Install curl
- Source code
- Build curl
- Command line basics
- Using curl
- Verbose
- Version
- Persistent connections
- Downloads
- What exactly is downloading?
- Storing downloads
- Download to a file named by the URL
- Use the target file name from the server
- HTML and charsets
- Compression
- Shell redirects
- Multiple downloads
- My browser shows something else
- Maximum file size
- Storing metadata in file system
- Raw
- Retry
- Resuming and ranges
- Uploads
- Transfer controls
- Connections
- Timeouts
- .netrc
- Proxies
- Exit status
- SCP and SFTP
- Reading email
- Sending email
- Copy as curl
- HTTP with curl
- FTP with curl
- Using libcurl
- Header files
- Easy handle
- Drive transfers
- Connection reuse
- Callbacks
- Cleanup
- Name resolving
- Proxies
- Post transfer info
- Share data between handles
- WebSocket
- API compatibility
- --libcurl
- Global initialization
- multi-threading
- curl easy options
- CURLcode return codes
- Verbose operations
- Caches
- libcurl examples
- for C++ programmers
- HTTP with libcurl
- Bindings
- libcurl internals
- Index