Описание: Игра Тавлеи. Правила игры здесь: http://tavlei.net/pravila/
- Включает серверную и клиенсткую часть. Клиент может быть как браузер так и JavaFX клиент.
- Поддреживет подбор и одноверменоое проведение нексольких партий между разными игроками серез сервер.
- AI player.
Описание и технологии:
Uses AOP AspectJ. Uses the author's maven plugin for generate javascript classes from Java classes.
Uses design patterns:
- Creational patterns: Factory method, Singleton, Prototype,
- Structural patterns: Decorator, Facade,
- Behavioral patterns: Strategy, Event Channel (Publish/subscribe).
And such patterns as Proxy in Junit tests, Iterator, template method, etc...
Examples of patterns in classes:
- Factory method - GamePartyModel, EventManager classes,
- Singleton with lazy initialization - JavaTavleiClientController class,
- Prototype- ControllerManager class,
- Decorator - EventManager and EventManager.EventManagerMock classes,
- Facade - ControllerManager class,
- Strategy - TavleiBoardImpl class,
- Event Channel - EventManager class.
Game components perform interaction by messages (EventManager class). Interaction between game components perform by messages (EventManager class).
Server allows selection and composition parties. At the same time there can exists few parties between different players, include browser clients and/or JavaFx clients.
Browser part was created from other abandoned project http://tavlei.net/pravila/ for presentation Java сервера.
Game is created based on JavaFX chess с GitHub: https://github.com/rgolding/cs1331HW/tree/master/HW5%20copy/hw-chess-master. JavaFx client is fat.
Example of UML 2 sequence diagram for Game Party here: http://creately.com/diagram/j3uc19ok2/lPFFFxRSDGHGIgzNcsVcMks%3D