In this example, the 3D Tiles models are textured. Textures have different levels of detail. A higher/lower level of detail is displayed based on the camera zoom.
The tileset was created with Py3DTilers, an open source toolkit to create 3D Tiles out of various geometrical formats (OBJ, GeoJSON, IFC or CityGML), using the CityTiler.
CityGML models are from open data and can be found online: Lyon 1 CityGML (year 2018) of Data Grand Lyon.
To install and use Py3DTilers, see online documentation: installation & usage.
The command used to created the tileset is:
citygml-tiler -i py3dtilers/CityTiler/CityTilerDBConfig.yml --type building --with_texture --with_texture --texture_lods 5 --kd_tree_max 25 -o Lyon-1_2018_Textured
The tileset is available online here
This work is part of the TIGA project and was developed by the Labex IMU and the Liris lab.