We present the sample data which is used within this repository to play with.
We are utilizing data for Froya site which are prepared for extraction in the /data
The data can be downloaded appart from this repository -->
froya data pack http://download.vortexfdc.com/froya.zip
To check the data integrity and autenticity the md5 checksun is: md5sum froya.zip : 3ad4368eef6c8bb6ce8137448cdaaa1c
After unpacking the folder structure should be created as follows under data folder:
├── froya
│ ├── measurements
│ │ ├── obs.nc
│ │ └── obs.txt
│ └── vortex
│ └── SERIE
│ ├── vortex.serie.era5.utc0.nc
│ └── vortex.serie.era5.utc0.100m.txt
Froya original data can be found here. The site represents an exposed coastal wind climate with open sea, land and mixed fetch from various directions. UTM-coordinates of the Met-mast: 8.34251 E and 63.66638. A post processing has been applied in order to obtain single boom and quality control standards for wind industry.
We are also using Vortex f.d.c simulations.
SERIES 20 year long time series computed using WRF at 3km final spatial rsolution. Heights from 30m to 300m height.
Format netCDF with multiple heights. (data/froya/vortex/SERIE/vortex.serie.era5.utc0.nc).
Format txt @ 100m height (data/froya/vortex/SERIE/vortex.serie.era5.utc0.100m.txt)