From 79eb65e07129ee3b147cd7c90e4fb3c3d01d1155 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Domenic Denicola Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 14:37:58 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Allow not consuming prefetch records Helps with #162 slightly. --- | 13 +++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index faa560f..a29a5d1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ spec:fetch; type:dfn; text:credentials
 spec: html; urlPrefix:
   type: dfn
+    text: destroy a top-level traversable; url: document-sequences.html#destroy-a-top-level-traversable
     urlPrefix: browsers.html
       text: CSP-derived sandboxing flags; url: csp-derived-sandboxing-flags
       text: cross-origin opener policy enforcement result; url: coop-enforcement-result
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ spec: nav-speculation; urlPrefix: prerendering.html
   type: dfn
     text: getting the supported loading modes; url: get-the-supported-loading-modes
     text: uncredentialed-prefetch; for: Supports-Loading-Mode; url: supports-loading-mode-uncredentialed-prefetch
+    text: prerendering traversable; url: prerendering-traversable
 spec: nav-speculation; urlPrefix: no-vary-search.html
   type: dfn
     text: URL search variance; url: url-search-variance
@@ -259,7 +261,6 @@ The user agent may [=prefetch record/cancel and discard=] records from the [=Doc
             1. Set |inexactRecord| to |record|.
     1. Let |recordToUse| be |exactRecord| if |exactRecord| is not null, otherwise |inexactRecord|.
     1. If |recordToUse| is not null:
-        1. [=list/Remove=] |recordToUse| from |document|'s [=Document/prefetch records=].
         1. Let |currentTime| be the [=current high resolution time=] for the [=relevant global object=] of |document|.
         1. If |recordToUse|'s [=prefetch record/expiry time=] is less than |currentTime|, return null.
         1. [=list/For each=] |exchangeRecord| of |recordToUse|'s [=prefetch record/redirect chain=]:
@@ -321,13 +322,20 @@ The user agent may [=prefetch record/cancel and discard=] records from the [=Doc
             1. Set |coopEnforcementResult| to the result of [=enforcing a response's cross-origin opener policy=] given |navigable|'s [=active browsing context=], |response|'s [=response/URL=], |responseOrigin|, |responseCOOP|, |coopEnforcementResult|, and |exchangeRecord|'s [=exchange record/request=]'s [=request/referrer=].
     1. Set |request|'s [=request/URL list=] to |urlList|.
     1. Let |resultPolicyContainer| be the result of [=determining navigation params policy container=] given |record|'s [=prefetch record/response=]'s [=response/URL=], |documentState|'s [=document state/history policy container=], |sourceSnapshotParams|'s [=source snapshot params/source policy container=], null, and |responsePolicyContainer|.
+    1. Let |response| be |record|'s [=prefetch record/response=].
+    1. Optionally, set |response| to a [=response/clone=] of |response|.

An implementation might wish to do this if it believes that the prefetch will be consumed more than once. For example, if in the future the response is consumed by a prerender, that [=prerendering traversable=] might be [=destroy a top-level traversable|destroyed=] through various means. Normally that would mean the response is discarded, but if the implementation performs this step, then the prefetched response will still be available to serve a future navigation. [[PRERENDERING-REVAMPED]] + 1. If the user agent did not perform the previous optional step, then it must [=list/remove=] |record| from |navigable|'s [=navigable/active document=]'s [=Document/prefetch records=]. + + 1. Return a new [=navigation params=], with: : [=navigation params/id=] :: |navigationId| : [=navigation params/request=] :: |request| : [=navigation params/response=] - :: |record|'s [=prefetch record/response=] + :: |response| : [=navigation params/origin=] :: |responseOrigin| : [=navigation params/policy container=] @@ -346,6 +354,7 @@ The user agent may [=prefetch record/cancel and discard=] records from the [=Doc :: |navTimingType| : [=navigation params/fetch controller=] :: |record|'s [=prefetch record/fetch controller=] +

In the case where the above optional step is taken, and thus |record| could end up generating multiple [=navigation params=] via multiple calls to this algorithm, it is OK that all such [=navigation params=] share the same [=navigation params/fetch controller=]. This is because the only use of a [=navigation params=]'s [=navigation params/fetch controller=] is to calculate navigation timing information, which we want to be the same for any reuses.

: [=navigation params/commit early hints=] :: null : [=navigation params/delivery type=]