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A playground used for development, experiments, and alien abductions.


Branches are used for different experimental setups.


The master branch is setup with distributed data models.



To checkout the respective submodules used in this project, execute

git submodule update --init --recursive
Data model definitions

Make sure, that the directories data_model_definitions in the two submodules

  • LocalCenzontleInstance
  • RemoteCenzontleInstance are symbolic links to ./data_model_definitions. If they are not, delete the respective dirs and execute
cd ./LocalCenzontleInstance && ln -s ../data_model_definitions


cd ./RemoteCenzontleInstance && ln -s ../data_model_definitions
Create the docker image of the Cenzontle code generators

Use any of the Dockerfile.code-generators either in RemoteCenzontleInstance or LocalCenzontleInstance and execute

docker build -f Dockerfile.code-generators -t sciencedb-code-generators:latest .
Generate the Cenzontle interfaces (graphql-server and single-page-app)

The following has to be done in each of the submodule StarterPacks

  • LocalCenzontleInstance
  • RemoteCenzontleInstance
# Execute from this project's root dir "Sandbox"
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/opt --user <user_id>:<group_id> sciencedb-code-generators:latest
# Create the graphql-server
# - in the "local" Cenzontle instance
graphql-server-model-codegen --jsonFiles /opt/data_model_definitions/ -o /opt/LocalCenzontleInstance/graphql-server
# - in the "remote" Cenzontle instance
graphql-server-model-codegen --jsonFiles /opt/data_model_definitions/ -o /opt/RemoteCenzontleInstance/graphql-server
# Create the single-page-applications
# - in the "local" Cenzontle instance
single-page-app-codegen --jsonFiles /opt/data_model_definitions/ -o /opt/LocalCenzontleInstance/single-page-app
# - in the "remote" Cenzontle instance
single-page-app-codegen --jsonFiles /opt/data_model_definitions/ -o /opt/RemoteCenzontleInstance/single-page-app

Note, that the above <user_id> and <group_id> can be obtained from the id Shell command.

Setup the databases
Seeder (initial data)
# - in the "local" Cenzontle instance
cd ./LocalCenzontleInstance
cp -r ./seeders ./graphql-server/
# - in the "remote" Cenzontle instance
cd ./RemoteCenzontleInstance
cp -r ./seeders ./graphql-server/
Start the Cenzontle instances
Create the network shared by the two Cenzontle instances
docker network create cenzontle
Start the two Cenzontle instances

####### Local Cenzontle

cd ./LocalCenzontleInstance
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --force-recreate --remove-orphans

####### Remote Cenzontle

cd ./RemoteCenzontleInstance
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --force-recreate --remove-orphans