WPBuddy / largo
Forked from argoproject/ArgoA WordPress framework for news websites. Finely-crafted by INN and expertly-honed and maintained by the technology team at WP Buddy.
jednano / codepainter
Forked from s7eph4n/codepainterA JavaScript beautifier that can both infer coding style and transform code to reflect that style. You can also set style preferences explicitly in a variety of ways.
A jQuery library for formatting and validating form fields, based on Stripe's jQuery.payment library.
aaronjorbin / developer
Forked from Automattic/developerIn your WordPress, developing locally
aaronjorbin / jquery_meetups
Forked from elgreg/jquery_meetupsvarious files for jquery meetups
aaronjorbin / firephp-chrome
Forked from andrewn/firephp-chromeFirePHP as a Chrome extension
aaronjorbin / node-dirty
Forked from felixge/node-dirtyA tiny & fast key value store with append-only disk log. Ideal for apps with < 1 million records.
aaronjorbin / CoderDeck
Forked from cykod/CoderDeckCreate live-coding HTML5-based presentations and workshops
aaronjorbin /
Forked from evansolomon/IsValid.orgAnalyze the results of A/B tests
aaronjorbin / keymaster
Forked from madrobby/keymasterA simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. It has no dependencies.
Simple shell script to import svn:externals into a local git-svn repository
aaronjorbin / WordPress-Plugin-Directory-Slurper
Forked from markjaquith/WordPress-Plugin-Directory-SlurperSlurps down every stable version of every plugin in the WordPress plugin directory.