%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
class TestResults
TestResults : TestSuites() []TestSuite
TestResults: Successes() int
TestResults: Failures() int
TestResults: Errors() int
TestResults: Skipped() int
TestResults: Tests() int
TestResults: Flakes() int
class TestSuite
TestSuite : NonSuccessfulTestCases() []TestCase
TestSuite : SuccessfulTestCases() []TestCase
TestSuite : SkippedTestCases() []TestCase
TestSuite : FlakyTestCases() []TestCase
TestSuite : Success() int
TestSuite : Failure() int
TestSuite : Error() int
TestSuite : Skipped() int
TestSuite : Name() string
TestSuite : Time() float64
class TestCase
TestCase : Name string
TestCase : AmountRerunFailures int
TestCase : AmountRerunErrors int
TestCase : AmountFlakyFailures int
TestCase : AmountFlakyErrors int
class Skipped
Skipped : Message string
class Issue
Issue : Message string
Issue : Detail string
TestResults "1" --> "0..*" TestSuite
TestSuite "1" --> "0..*" TestCase
TestCase "1" --> "0..1" Skipped
TestCase "1" --> "0..1" Issue : Issue
TestCase "1" --> "0..*" Issue : RerunFailures
TestCase "1" --> "0..*" Issue : RerunErrors
TestCase "1" --> "0..*" Issue : FlakyFailures
TestCase "1" --> "0..*" Issue : FlakyErrors
TestCase "1" --> "1" TestSuite : Suite
TestResults: Root object encapsulating test results
- Tests: Returns the overall amount of tests
- Successes: Returns the overall amount of successful tests
- Failures: Returns the overall amount of failing tests
- Errors: Returns the overall amount of erroneous tests
- Skipped: Returns the overall amount of skipped tests
- Flakes: Returns the overall amount of flaky tests
- TestSuites: Returns all test suites. Those suites with an empty name are skipped
TestSuite: Represents a surefire test suite. Carries tests from that suite and provides methods to extract tests
- NonSuccessfulTestCases: Returns those tests which where not successful, either result in error or failure
- SuccessfulTestCases: Returns successful tests
- SkippedTestCases: Returns skipped tests
- Success: Returns the amount of successful tests
- Failure: Returns the amount of failing tests
- Error: Returns the amount of tests in error
- Skipped: Returns the amount of skipped tests
- Name: Returns the name of the test suite
- Time: Returns the amount of seconds the suite needed to run
TestCase: Represents a surefire test suite. Carries tests from that suite and provides methods to extract tests
- Name: The name of this test
- Suite: Backward reference to the enclosing suite
- Issue: When this test failed or resulted in error, return that as an Issue
- RerunFailures: When a test failed return the RerunIssues from re-runs
- AmountRerunFailures: The amount of re-runs when test failed
- RerunErrors: When a test resulted in error, return the RerunIssues from re-runs
- AmountRerunErrors: The amount of re-runs when test resulted in error
- FlakyFailures: When a test succeeded, return the re-runs as RerunIssues
- AmountFlakyFailures: When a test succeeded, return the amount of failures from re-runs
- FlakyErrors: When a test resulted in error, return the re-runs as RerunIssues
- AmountFlakyErrors: When a test resulted in error, return the amount of errors from re-runs
- Skipped: If a test was skipped, return this
- Message: The message describing the issue
- Detail: Details for this issue, can be assumed to be a stack trace
- Message: The message describing the issue
- Stacktrace: Stacktrace for this issue
- SystemOut: Message which appears on system-out
- StackError: Message which appears on system-err
- Message: The message justifying why a test was skipped