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OpenHPC container images

(Everything defaults to podman as it provides the possibility to build containers without running as root. See for details.)

The OpenHPC project currently provides the following container images:

  • ohpc-gnu9:2.0.0
  • ohpc-gnu9-mpich:2.0.0
  • ohpc-gnu9-mvapich2:2.0.0
  • ohpc-gnu9-openmpi4:2.0.0

All containers images are also available with the version specifier latest.

ohpc-gnu9 is based on centos8 and all other container images are based on ohpc-gnu9.

Currently all container images are reachable at

podman pull

Rebuilding the OpenHPC container images

The OpenHPC container images can be locally rebuilt just by running make. To override the version with which the container images are tagged use a command like this: VERSION=10.30 make.

Using the command make push the container images will be built and pushed to their default location. The container registry can be changed with the following command: DEST=container.registry/path make push.

Using the OpenHPC container images

One possible use case is to have quick access to the OpenHPC provided compiler and MPI compiler:

$ cat test/hello.c 
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	printf("Hello, world!\n");
$ podman run --rm -v `pwd`/test:/tmp:z gcc -o /tmp/hello /tmp/hello.c
$ podman run --rm -v `pwd`/test:/tmp:z /tmp/hello
Hello, world!
$ podman run --rm -v `pwd`/test:/tmp:z mpicc -o /tmp/mpi-hello /tmp/mpi-hello.c
$ podman run --rm -v `pwd`/test:/tmp:z /tmp/mpi-hello
 Hello, world (1 procs total)
    --> Process #   0 of   1 is alive. ->962f5dcd6374

It is also possible to build containers based on the OpenHPC containers:

$ cat Dockerfile

COPY mpi-hello.c /home
RUN mpicc -o /home/mpi-hello /home/mpi-hello.c

CMD mpirun -np 8 /home/mpi-hello

$ podman build . --tag=my-ohpc-container
$ podman run my-ohpc-container

 Hello, world (8 procs total)
    --> Process #   0 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   1 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   2 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   3 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   4 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   5 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   6 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95
    --> Process #   7 of   8 is alive. ->c7121a4fcc95