diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/.gitignore b/.github/scripts/maintainers/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60923f546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/README.md b/.github/scripts/maintainers/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d82e01e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Maintainers
+The ["Update MAINTAINERS.yaml file"](../../workflows/update-maintainers.yaml) workflow, defined in the `community` repository performs a complete refresh by fetching all public repositories under AsyncAPI and their respective `CODEOWNERS` files.
+## Workflow Execution
+The "Update MAINTAINERS.yaml file" workflow is executed in the following scenarios:
+1. **Weekly Schedule**: The workflow runs automatically every week. It is useful, e.g. when some repositories are archived, renamed, or when a GitHub user account is removed.
+2. **On Change**: When a `CODEOWNERS` file is changed in any repository under the AsyncAPI organization, the related repository triggers the workflow by emitting the `trigger-maintainers-update` event.
+3. **Manual Trigger**: Users can manually trigger the workflow as needed.
+### Workflow Steps
+1. **Load Cache**: Attempt to read previously cached data from `github.api.cache.json` to optimize API calls.
+2. **List All Repositories**: Retrieve a list of all public repositories under the AsyncAPI organization, skipping any repositories specified in the `IGNORED_REPOSITORIES` environment variable.
+3. **Fetch `CODEOWNERS` Files**: For each repository:
+ - Detect the default branch (e.g., `main`, `master`, or a custom branch).
+ - Check for `CODEOWNERS` files in all valid locations as specified in the [GitHub documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners#codeowners-file-location).
+4. **Process `CODEOWNERS` Files**:
+ 1. Extract GitHub usernames from each `CODEOWNERS` file, excluding emails, team names, and users specified by the `IGNORED_USERS` environment variable.
+ 2. Retrieve profile information for each unique GitHub username.
+ 3. Collect a fresh list of repositories currently owned by each GitHub user.
+5. **Refresh Maintainers List**: Iterate through the existing maintainers list:
+ - Delete the entry if it:
+ - Refers to a deleted GitHub account.
+ - Was not found in any `CODEOWNERS` file across all repositories in the AsyncAPI organization.
+ - Otherwise, update **only** the `repos` property.
+6. **Add New Maintainers**: Append any new maintainers not present in the previous list.
+7. **Changes Summary**: Provide details on why a maintainer was removed or changed directly on the GitHub Action [summary page](https://github.blog/2022-05-09-supercharging-github-actions-with-job-summaries/).
+8. **Save Cache**: Save retrieved data in `github.api.cache.json`.
+## Job Details
+- **Concurrency**: Ensures the workflow does not run multiple times concurrently to avoid conflicts.
+- **Wait for PRs to be Merged**: The workflow waits for pending pull requests to be merged before execution. If the merged pull request addresses all necessary fixes, it prevents unnecessary executions.
+## Handling Conflicts
+Since the job performs a full refresh each time, resolving conflicts is straightforward:
+1. Close the pull request with conflicts.
+2. Navigate to the "Update MAINTAINERS.yaml file" workflow.
+3. Trigger it manually by clicking "Run workflow".
+## Caching Mechanism
+Each execution of this action performs a full refresh through the following API calls:
+ListRepos(AsyncAPI) # 1 call using GraphQL - not cached.
+ for each Repo
+ GetCodeownersFile(Repo) # N calls using REST API - all are cached. N refers to the number of public repositories under AsyncAPI.
+ for each codeowner
+ GetGitHubProfile(owner) # Y calls using REST API - all are cached. Y refers to unique GitHub users found across all CODEOWNERS files.
+To avoid hitting the GitHub API rate limits, [conditional requests](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/using-the-rest-api/best-practices-for-using-the-rest-api?apiVersion=2022-11-28#use-conditional-requests-if-appropriate) are used via `if-modified-since`. The API responses are saved into a `github.api.cache.json` file, which is later uploaded as a GitHub action cache item.
diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/cache.js b/.github/scripts/maintainers/cache.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a52b4b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/cache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+const fs = require("fs");
+module.exports = {
+ fetchWithCache,
+ saveCache,
+ loadCache,
+ printAPICallsStats,
+const CODEOWNERS_CACHE_PATH = "./.github/scripts/maintainers/github.api.cache.json";
+let cacheEntries = {};
+let numberOfFullFetches = 0;
+let numberOfCacheHits = 0;
+function loadCache(core) {
+ try {
+ cacheEntries = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CODEOWNERS_CACHE_PATH, "utf8"));
+ } catch (error) {
+ core.warning(`Cache was not restored: ${error}`);
+ }
+function saveCache() {
+ fs.writeFileSync(CODEOWNERS_CACHE_PATH, JSON.stringify(cacheEntries));
+async function fetchWithCache(cacheKey, fetchFn, core) {
+ const cachedResp = cacheEntries[cacheKey];
+ try {
+ const { data, headers } = await fetchFn({
+ headers: {
+ "if-modified-since": cachedResp?.lastModified ?? "",
+ },
+ });
+ cacheEntries[cacheKey] = {
+ // last modified header is more reliable than etag while executing calls on GitHub Action
+ lastModified: headers["last-modified"],
+ data,
+ };
+ numberOfFullFetches++;
+ return data;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.status === 304) {
+ numberOfCacheHits++;
+ core.debug(`Returning cached data for ${cacheKey}`);
+ return cachedResp.data;
+ }
+ throw error;
+ }
+function printAPICallsStats(core) {
+ core.startGroup("API calls statistic");
+ core.info(
+ `Number of API calls count against rate limit: ${numberOfFullFetches}`,
+ );
+ core.info(`Number of cache hits: ${numberOfCacheHits}`);
+ core.endGroup();
diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/gh_calls.js b/.github/scripts/maintainers/gh_calls.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f10b5c2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/gh_calls.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+const { fetchWithCache } = require("./cache");
+module.exports = { getGitHubProfile, getAllCodeownersFiles, getRepositories };
+async function getRepositories(github, owner, ignoredRepos, core) {
+ core.startGroup(
+ `Getting list of all public, non-archived repositories owned by ${owner}`,
+ );
+ const query = `
+ query repos($cursor: String, $owner: String!) {
+ organization(login: $owner) {
+ repositories(first: 100 after: $cursor visibility: PUBLIC isArchived: false orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC} ) {
+ nodes {
+ name
+ }
+ pageInfo {
+ hasNextPage
+ endCursor
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }`;
+ const repos = [];
+ let cursor = null;
+ do {
+ const result = await github.graphql(query, { owner, cursor });
+ const { nodes, pageInfo } = result.organization.repositories;
+ repos.push(...nodes);
+ cursor = pageInfo.hasNextPage ? pageInfo.endCursor : null;
+ } while (cursor);
+ core.debug(`List of repositories for ${owner}:`);
+ core.debug(JSON.stringify(repos, null, 2));
+ core.endGroup();
+ return repos.filter((repo) => !ignoredRepos.includes(repo.name));
+async function getGitHubProfile(github, login, core) {
+ try {
+ const profile = await fetchWithCache(
+ `profile:${login}`,
+ async ({ headers }) => {
+ return github.rest.users.getByUsername({
+ username: login,
+ headers,
+ });
+ },
+ core,
+ );
+ return removeNulls({
+ name: profile.name ?? login,
+ github: login,
+ twitter: profile.twitter_username,
+ availableForHire: profile.hireable,
+ isTscMember: false,
+ repos: [],
+ githubID: profile.id,
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error.status === 404) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ throw error;
+ }
+// Checks for all valid locations according to:
+// https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners#codeowners-file-location
+// Detect the repository default branch automatically.
+async function getCodeownersFile(github, owner, repo, core) {
+ const paths = ["CODEOWNERS", "docs/CODEOWNERS", ".github/CODEOWNERS"];
+ for (const path of paths) {
+ try {
+ core.debug(
+ `[repo: ${owner}/${repo}]: Fetching CODEOWNERS file at ${path}`,
+ );
+ return await fetchWithCache(
+ `owners:${owner}/${repo}`,
+ async ({ headers }) => {
+ return github.rest.repos.getContent({
+ owner,
+ repo,
+ path,
+ headers: {
+ Accept: "application/vnd.github.raw+json",
+ ...headers,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ core,
+ );
+ } catch (error) {
+ core.warning(
+ `[repo: ${owner}/${repo}]: Failed to fetch CODEOWNERS file at ${path}: ${error.message}`,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ core.error(
+ `[repo: ${owner}/${repo}]: CODEOWNERS file not found in any of the expected locations.`,
+ );
+ return null;
+async function getAllCodeownersFiles(github, owner, repos, core) {
+ core.startGroup(`Fetching CODEOWNERS files for ${repos.length} repositories`);
+ const files = [];
+ for (const repo of repos) {
+ const data = await getCodeownersFile(github, owner, repo.name, core);
+ if (!data) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ files.push({
+ repo: repo.name,
+ content: data,
+ });
+ }
+ core.endGroup();
+ return files;
+function removeNulls(obj) {
+ return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([_, v]) => v != null));
diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/index.js b/.github/scripts/maintainers/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be32d8da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+const yaml = require("js-yaml");
+const fs = require("fs");
+const { saveCache, loadCache, printAPICallsStats } = require("./cache");
+const { summarizeChanges } = require("./summary");
+const {
+ getAllCodeownersFiles,
+ getGitHubProfile,
+ getRepositories,
+} = require("./gh_calls");
+module.exports = async ({ github, context, core }) => {
+ try {
+ await run(github, context, core);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ core.setFailed(`An error occurred: ${error}`);
+ }
+const config = {
+ ghToken: process.env.GH_TOKEN,
+ ignoredRepos: getCommaSeparatedInputList(process.env.IGNORED_REPOSITORIES),
+ ignoredUsers: getCommaSeparatedInputList(process.env.IGNORED_USERS),
+ maintainersFilePath: process.env.MAINTAINERS_FILE_PATH,
+function getCommaSeparatedInputList(list) {
+ return (
+ list
+ ?.split(",")
+ .map((item) => item.trim())
+ .filter((item) => item !== "") ?? []
+ );
+function splitByWhitespace(line) {
+ return line.trim().split(/\s+/);
+function extractGitHubUsernames(codeownersContent, core) {
+ if (!codeownersContent) return [];
+ const uniqueOwners = new Set();
+ for (const line of codeownersContent.split("\n")) {
+ // split by '#' to process comments separately
+ const [ownersLine, comment = ""] = line.split("#");
+ // 1. Check AsyncAPI custom owners
+ const triagers = comment.split(/docTriagers:|codeTriagers:/)[1]
+ if (triagers) {
+ const owners = splitByWhitespace(triagers)
+ owners.forEach(owner => uniqueOwners.add(owner))
+ }
+ // 2. Check GitHub native codeowners
+ const owners = splitByWhitespace(ownersLine);
+ // the 1st element is the file location, we don't need it, so we start with 2nd item
+ for (const owner of owners.slice(1)) {
+ if (!owner.startsWith("@") || owner.includes("/")) {
+ core.warning(`Skipping '${owner}' as emails and teams are not supported yet`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ uniqueOwners.add(owner.slice(1)); // remove the '@'
+ }
+ }
+ return uniqueOwners;
+async function collectCurrentMaintainers(codeownersFiles, github, core) {
+ core.startGroup(`Fetching GitHub profile information for each codeowner`);
+ const currentMaintainers = {};
+ for (const codeowners of codeownersFiles) {
+ const owners = extractGitHubUsernames(codeowners.content, core);
+ for (const owner of owners) {
+ if (config.ignoredUsers.includes(owner)) {
+ core.debug(
+ `[repo: ${codeowners.repo}]: The user '${owner}' is on the ignore list. Skipping...`,
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ const key = owner.toLowerCase();
+ if (!currentMaintainers[key]) {
+ // Fetching GitHub profile is useful to ensure that all maintainers are valid (e.g., their GitHub accounts haven't been deleted).
+ const profile = await getGitHubProfile(github, owner, core);
+ if (!profile) {
+ core.warning(
+ `[repo: ${codeowners.repo}]: GitHub profile not found for ${owner}.`,
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ currentMaintainers[key] = { ...profile, repos: [] };
+ }
+ currentMaintainers[key].repos.push(codeowners.repo);
+ }
+ }
+ core.endGroup();
+ return currentMaintainers;
+function refreshPreviousMaintainers(
+ previousMaintainers,
+ currentMaintainers,
+ core,
+) {
+ core.startGroup(`Refreshing previous maintainers list`);
+ const updatedMaintainers = [];
+ // 1. Iterate over the list of previous maintainers to:
+ // - Remove any maintainers who are not listed in any current CODEOWNERS files.
+ // - Update the repos list, ensuring that other properties (e.g., 'linkedin', 'slack', etc.) remain unchanged.
+ for (const previousEntry of previousMaintainers) {
+ const key = previousEntry.github.toLowerCase();
+ const currentMaintainer = currentMaintainers[key];
+ if (!currentMaintainer) {
+ core.info(
+ `The previous ${previousEntry.github} maintainer was not found in any CODEOWNERS file. Removing...`,
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ delete currentMaintainers[key];
+ updatedMaintainers.push({
+ ...previousEntry,
+ repos: currentMaintainer.repos,
+ githubID: currentMaintainer.githubID,
+ });
+ }
+ // 2. Append new codeowners who are not present in the previous Maintainers file.
+ const newMaintainers = Object.values(currentMaintainers);
+ updatedMaintainers.push(...newMaintainers);
+ core.endGroup();
+ return updatedMaintainers;
+async function run(github, context, core) {
+ if (!config.maintainersFilePath) {
+ core.setFailed("The MAINTAINERS_FILE_PATH is not defined");
+ return;
+ }
+ loadCache(core);
+ const repos = await getRepositories(
+ github,
+ context.repo.owner,
+ config.ignoredRepos,
+ core,
+ );
+ const codeownersFiles = await getAllCodeownersFiles(
+ github,
+ context.repo.owner,
+ repos,
+ core,
+ );
+ const previousMaintainers = yaml.load(
+ fs.readFileSync(config.maintainersFilePath, "utf8"),
+ );
+ // 1. Collect new maintainers from all current CODEOWNERS files found across all repositories.
+ const currentMaintainers = await collectCurrentMaintainers(
+ codeownersFiles,
+ github,
+ core,
+ );
+ // 2. Refresh the repository list for existing maintainers and add any new maintainers to the list.
+ const refreshedMaintainers = refreshPreviousMaintainers(
+ previousMaintainers,
+ currentMaintainers,
+ core,
+ );
+ fs.writeFileSync(config.maintainersFilePath, yaml.dump(refreshedMaintainers));
+ printAPICallsStats(core);
+ await summarizeChanges(previousMaintainers, refreshedMaintainers, core);
+ saveCache();
diff --git a/.github/scripts/maintainers/summary.js b/.github/scripts/maintainers/summary.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e07d03fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/maintainers/summary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module.exports = { summarizeChanges };
+async function summarizeChanges(oldMaintainers, newMaintainers, core) {
+ const outOfSync = [];
+ const noLongerActive = [];
+ const newMaintainersByGitHubName = new Map();
+ for (const newMaintainer of newMaintainers) {
+ newMaintainersByGitHubName.set(newMaintainer.github, newMaintainer);
+ }
+ for (const oldEntry of oldMaintainers) {
+ const newEntry = newMaintainersByGitHubName.get(oldEntry.github);
+ if (!newEntry) {
+ noLongerActive.push([oldEntry.github, repositoriesLinks(oldEntry.repos)]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const { newOwnedRepos, noLongerOwnedRepos } = compareRepos(
+ oldEntry.repos,
+ newEntry.repos,
+ );
+ if (newOwnedRepos.length > 0 || noLongerOwnedRepos.length > 0) {
+ outOfSync.push([
+ profileLink(oldEntry.github),
+ repositoriesLinks(newOwnedRepos),
+ repositoriesLinks(noLongerOwnedRepos),
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (outOfSync.length > 0) {
+ core.summary.addHeading("β οΈ Out of Sync Maintainers", "2");
+ core.summary.addTable([
+ [
+ { data: "Name", header: true },
+ { data: "Newly added to CODEOWNERS", header: true },
+ { data: "No longer in CODEOWNERS", header: true },
+ ],
+ ...outOfSync,
+ ]);
+ core.summary.addBreak();
+ }
+ if (noLongerActive.length > 0) {
+ core.summary.addHeading(
+ "π» Inactive Maintainers (not listed in any repositories)",
+ "2",
+ );
+ core.summary.addTable([
+ [
+ { data: "Name", header: true },
+ { data: "Previously claimed ownership in repos", header: true },
+ ],
+ ...noLongerActive,
+ ]);
+ core.summary.addBreak();
+ }
+ await core.summary.write({ overwrite: true });
+function compareRepos(oldRepos, newRepos) {
+ const newOwnedRepositories = [];
+ const noLongerOwnedRepositories = [];
+ for (const repo of newRepos) {
+ if (!oldRepos.includes(repo)) {
+ newOwnedRepositories.push(repo);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const repo of oldRepos) {
+ if (!newRepos.includes(repo)) {
+ noLongerOwnedRepositories.push(repo);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ newOwnedRepos: newOwnedRepositories,
+ noLongerOwnedRepos: noLongerOwnedRepositories,
+ };
+function repositoriesLinks(repos) {
+ return repos
+ .map((repo) => {
+ return `${repo}`;
+ })
+ .join(", ");
+function profileLink(login) {
+ return `${login}
diff --git a/.github/scripts/vote_tracker.js b/.github/scripts/vote_tracker.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9666145cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/vote_tracker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+const yaml = require('js-yaml');
+const { readFile, writeFile } = require('fs').promises;
+const path = require("path")
+module.exports = async ({ github, context, botCommentURL}) => {
+ try {
+ let message, eventNumber, eventTitle, orgName, repoName;
+ if (botCommentURL) {
+ const voteCommentContext = await fetchCommentInformation();
+ message = voteCommentContext.messageBody
+ eventNumber = voteCommentContext.eventNumber
+ eventTitle = voteCommentContext.eventTitle
+ orgName = voteCommentContext.orgName
+ repoName = voteCommentContext.repoName
+ } else {
+ // Extract necessary details from the context when triggered by issue_comment
+ message = context.payload.comment.body;
+ eventNumber = context.issue.number;
+ eventTitle = context.payload.issue.title;
+ orgName = context.repo.owner;
+ repoName = context.repo.repo;
+ }
+ // Path to the vote tracking file
+ const voteTrackingFile = path.join('voteTrackingFile.json');
+ // Parse the vote-closed comment created by git-vote[bot]
+ const votingRows = await parseVoteClosedComment();
+ // Example table vote comment that is parsed here https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1227#issuecomment-2167463252
+ const latestVotes = votingRows.map(row => {
+ //skipping first element as parsing is based on split, so table where column starts with | will have first element of created array empty
+ const [, user, vote, timestamp] = row.split('|').map(col => col.trim());
+ return { user: user.replace('@', ''), vote, timestamp, isVotedInLast3Months: true };
+ });
+ let maintainerInformation;
+ try {
+ const maintainerInfo = await readFile('MAINTAINERS.yaml', 'utf8');
+ maintainerInformation = yaml.load(maintainerInfo);
+ } catch (readError) {
+ console.error('Error reading MAINTAINERS.yaml:', readError);
+ throw readError;
+ }
+ // Update the TSC Members
+ const voteDetails = await updateVoteTrackingFile();
+ const updatedVoteDetails = [];
+ // Process each vote detail to update voting information
+ voteDetails.forEach(voteInfo => {
+ const userVote = latestVotes.find(vote => vote.user.toLowerCase() === voteInfo.name.toLowerCase());
+ let currentTime;
+ if (userVote && userVote.timestamp) {
+ currentTime = userVote.timestamp.toString().split(" ")[0];
+ }
+ const userInfo = latestVotes.find(vote => vote.user.toLowerCase() === voteInfo.name.toLowerCase());
+ const voteChoice = userInfo ? userInfo.vote : "Not participated";
+ voteInfo.lastVoteClosedTime = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
+ if (userInfo) {
+ voteInfo.isVotedInLast3Months = true;
+ voteInfo.lastParticipatedVoteTime = currentTime;
+ voteInfo[voteChoice === "In favor" ? 'agreeCount' : voteChoice === "Against" ? 'disagreeCount' : 'abstainCount']++;
+ } else {
+ voteInfo.notParticipatingCount++;
+ if (isVotingWithinLastThreeMonths(voteInfo)) {
+ voteInfo.isVotedInLast3Months = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update vote information with the issue title and number
+ let updatedVoteInfo = {};
+ Object.keys(voteInfo).forEach(key => {
+ if (key === 'name') {
+ updatedVoteInfo['name'] = voteInfo.name;
+ updatedVoteInfo[eventTitle + "$$" + eventNumber] = voteChoice;
+ } else {
+ updatedVoteInfo[key] = voteInfo[key];
+ }
+ });
+ updatedVoteDetails.push(updatedVoteInfo);
+ });
+ try {
+ await writeFile(voteTrackingFile, JSON.stringify(updatedVoteDetails, null, 2));
+ } catch (writeError) {
+ console.error('Error writing to voteTrackingFile.json:', writeError);
+ throw writeError;
+ }
+ const markdownTable = await jsonToMarkdownTable(updatedVoteDetails);
+ try {
+ await writeFile('TSC_VOTING_OVERVIEW.md', markdownTable);
+ console.log('Markdown table has been written to TSC_VOTING_OVERVIEW.md');
+ } catch (writeError) {
+ console.error('Error writing to TSC_VOTING_OVERVIEW.md:', writeError);
+ throw writeError;
+ }
+ async function jsonToMarkdownTable(data) {
+ if (!data || data.length === 0) {
+ console.error("Data is empty or undefined");
+ return '';
+ }
+ const keys = Object.keys(data[0]).filter(key => key !== 'firstVoteClosedTime');
+ const titles = {
+ name: "GitHub user name",
+ lastParticipatedVoteTime: "Last time the TSC member participated in a vote",
+ hasVotedInLast3Months: "Flag indicating if TSC member voted in last 3 months. This information is calculated after each voting, and not basing on a schedule as there might be moments when there is no voting in place for 3 months and therefore no TSC member votes.",
+ lastVoteClosedTime: "Date when last vote was closed. It indicated when the last voting took place and marks the date when this tracking document was updated.",
+ agreeCount: "Number of times TSC member agreed in a vote.",
+ disagreeCount: "Number of times TSC member did not agree in a vote.",
+ abstainCount: "Number of times TSC member abstained from voting.",
+ notParticipatingCount: "Number of times TSC member did not participate in voting."
+ };
+ // Fill missing properties with default values and log the processing
+ data = data.map((obj, index) => {
+ const newObj = {};
+ keys.forEach(key => {
+ newObj[key] = obj[key] !== undefined ? obj[key] : 'N/A';
+ });
+ return newObj;
+ });
+ let markdownTable = '\n';
+ markdownTable += '| ' + keys.map(key => {
+ if (key.includes('$$')) {
+ const [title, number] = key.split('$$');
+ return `[${title}](https://github.com/${orgName}/${repoName}/issues/${number})`;
+ }
+ return `${key}`;
+ }).join(' | ') + ' |\n';
+ markdownTable += '| ' + keys.map(() => '---').join(' | ') + ' |\n';
+ markdownTable += data.map(obj => '| ' + keys.map(key => {
+ if (key === 'name') return `[${obj[key]}](https://github.com/${obj[key]})`;
+ if (key.includes('$$')) {
+ const icons = {
+ "In favor": "π",
+ "Against": "π",
+ "Abstain": "π",
+ "Not participated": "π"
+ };
+ return `${icons[obj[key]] || obj[key]}`;
+ }
+ return obj[key];
+ }).join(' | ') + ' |').join('\n');
+ return markdownTable;
+ }
+ // Parse the vote-closed comment created by git-vote[bot]
+ // No need to look for "Vote closed" as this is already validated by the workflow that runs this code
+ async function parseVoteClosedComment() {
+ const bindingVotesSectionMatch = message.match(/Binding votes \(\d+\)[\s\S]*?(?=(|$))/);
+ const bindingVotesSection = bindingVotesSectionMatch ? bindingVotesSectionMatch[0] : '';
+ return bindingVotesSection.match(/\| @\w+.*?\|.*?\|.*?\|/g) || [];
+ }
+ // Check if voting duration is within the last three months
+ function isVotingWithinLastThreeMonths(voteInfo) {
+ const currentDate = new Date();
+ let previousDate;
+ if (voteInfo.isVotedInLast3Months === "Member has not voted in all previous voting process.") {
+ previousDate = new Date(voteInfo.firstVoteClosedTime);
+ } else {
+ previousDate = new Date(voteDetails.lastVoteClosedTime);
+ }
+ const yearDiff = currentDate.getFullYear() - previousDate.getFullYear();
+ const monthDiff = currentDate.getMonth() - previousDate.getMonth();
+ const totalMonthsDiff = yearDiff * 12 + monthDiff;
+ return totalMonthsDiff > 3;
+ }
+ // Function to update the voteTrackingFile with updated TSC Members
+ async function updateVoteTrackingFile() {
+ const tscMembers = maintainerInformation.filter(entry => entry.isTscMember);
+ let voteDetails = [];
+ try {
+ voteDetails = JSON.parse(await readFile(voteTrackingFile, 'utf8'));
+ } catch (readError) {
+ console.error('Error reading voteTrackingFile.json:', readError);
+ throw readError;
+ }
+ let updatedVoteDetails = [...voteDetails]
+ const updatedTSCMembers = [];
+ const requiredKeys = ['name', 'lastParticipatedVoteTime', 'isVotedInLast3Months', 'lastVoteClosedTime', 'agreeCount', 'disagreeCount', 'abstainCount', 'notParticipatingCount'];
+ // Function to check if an object has all required keys
+ const isValidExampleMember = (member) => {
+ return requiredKeys.every(key => member.hasOwnProperty(key));
+ };
+ // Find the first valid example member
+ const validExampleMember = voteDetails.find(isValidExampleMember);
+ if (validExampleMember) {
+ tscMembers.forEach(member => {
+ const existingMember = voteDetails.find(voteInfo => voteInfo.name.toLowerCase() === member.github.toLowerCase());
+ if (!existingMember) {
+ // Create a new member by copying the structure of the valid example member
+ const newMember = {};
+ // Copy the keys from the valid example member to the new member with default values
+ Object.keys(validExampleMember).forEach(key => {
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'name':
+ newMember[key] = member.github;
+ break;
+ case 'lastParticipatedVoteTime':
+ newMember[key] = 'Member has not participated in all previous voting process.';
+ break;
+ case 'isVotedInLast3Months':
+ newMember[key] = 'Member has not participated in all previous voting process.';
+ break;
+ case 'lastVoteClosedTime':
+ newMember[key] = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
+ break;
+ case 'firstVoteClosedTime':
+ newMember[key] = validExampleMember['firstVoteClosedTime']; // This is used to determine when the first vote closed so that we can determine the duration between two votes easily
+ break;
+ case 'agreeCount':
+ case 'disagreeCount':
+ case 'abstainCount':
+ case 'notParticipatingCount':
+ newMember[key] = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ newMember[key] = "Not participated";
+ }
+ });
+ updatedTSCMembers.push(newMember);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log('No valid example member found in voteDetails.');
+ }
+ if (updatedTSCMembers.length > 0) {
+ try {
+ updatedVoteDetails.concat(...updatedTSCMembers)
+ await writeFile(voteTrackingFile, JSON.stringify(updatedVoteDetails, null, 2));
+ } catch (writeError) {
+ console.error('Error wile writing file:' ,writeError)
+ }
+ }
+ return updatedVoteDetails
+ }
+ // Method to fetch information from the comment when workflow triggered manually
+ async function fetchCommentInformation() {
+ const urlParts = botCommentURL.split('/');
+ const eventNumber = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1].split('#')[0];
+ const commentId = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1].split('#')[1].replace('issuecomment-', '');
+ const [owner, repo] = urlParts.slice(3, 5);
+ let orgName = owner;
+ let repoName = repo;
+ let messageBody = '';
+ let eventTitle = '';
+ try {
+ const messageResponse = await github.request("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{comment_id}", {
+ owner: owner,
+ repo: repo,
+ comment_id: commentId
+ });
+ messageBody = messageResponse.data.body;
+ const issueResponse = await github.rest.issues.get({
+ owner,
+ repo,
+ issue_number: eventNumber
+ });
+ eventTitle = issueResponse.data.title;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ return {
+ orgName,
+ repoName,
+ eventNumber,
+ commentId,
+ messageBody,
+ eventTitle
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error while running the vote_tracker workflow:', error);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-maintainers.yaml b/.github/workflows/update-maintainers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..858eb02aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-maintainers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# This action updates the `MAINTAINERS.yaml` file based on `CODEOWNERS` files in all organization repositories.
+# It is triggered when a `CODEOWNERS` file is changed; the related repository triggers this workflow by emitting the `trigger-maintainers-update` event.
+# It can also be triggered manually.
+name: Update MAINTAINERS.yaml file
+ push:
+ branches: [ master ]
+ paths:
+ - '.github/scripts/maintainers/**'
+ - '.github/workflows/update-maintainers.yaml'
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 10 * * SUN" # Runs at 10:00 AM UTC every Sunday.
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ repository_dispatch:
+ types: [ trigger-maintainers-update ]
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }}
+ cancel-in-progress: false
+ IGNORED_REPOSITORIES: "shape-up-process"
+ IGNORED_USERS: "asyncapi-bot-eve"
+ BRANCH_NAME: "bot/update-maintainers-${{ github.run_id }}"
+ PR_TITLE: "docs(maintainers): update MAINTAINERS.yaml file with the latest CODEOWNERS changes"
+ update-maintainers:
+ name: Update MAINTAINERS.yaml based on CODEOWNERS files in all organization repositories
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ # If an action pushes code using the repositoryβs GITHUB_TOKEN, a pull request workflow will not run.
+ token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
+ - name: Wait for active pull requests to be merged
+ env:
+ GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
+ TIMEOUT: 300 # Timeout in seconds
+ INTERVAL: 5 # Check interval in seconds
+ run: |
+ check_active_prs() {
+ ACTIVE_PULL_REQUESTS=$(gh -R $GITHUB_REPOSITORY pr list --search "is:pr ${PR_TITLE} in:title" --json id)
+ if [ "$ACTIVE_PULL_REQUESTS" == "[]" ]; then
+ return 1 # No active PRs
+ else
+ return 0 # Active PRs found
+ fi
+ }
+ # Loop with timeout
+ elapsed_time=0
+ while [ $elapsed_time -lt $TIMEOUT ]; do
+ if check_active_prs; then
+ echo "There is an active pull request. Waiting for it to be merged..."
+ else
+ echo "There is no active pull request. Proceeding with updating MAINTAINERS file."
+ git pull
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ sleep $INTERVAL
+ elapsed_time=$((elapsed_time + INTERVAL))
+ done
+ echo "Timeout reached. Proceeding with updating MAINTAINERS.yaml file with active pull request(s) present. It may result in merge conflict."
+ exit 0
+ - name: Restore cached GitHub API calls
+ uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
+ with:
+ path: ./.github/scripts/maintainers/github.api.cache.json
+ key: github-api-cache
+ restore-keys: |
+ github-api-cache-
+ - name: Installing Module
+ shell: bash
+ run: npm install js-yaml@4 --no-save
+ - name: Run script updating MAINTAINERS.yaml
+ uses: actions/github-script@v7
+ env:
+ GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
+ MAINTAINERS_FILE_PATH: "${{ github.workspace }}/MAINTAINERS.yaml"
+ with:
+ script: |
+ const script = require('./.github/scripts/maintainers/index.js')
+ await script({github, context, core})
+ - name: Save cached GitHub API calls
+ uses: actions/cache/save@v4
+ with:
+ path: ./.github/scripts/maintainers/github.api.cache.json
+ # re-evaluate the key, so we update cache when file changes
+ key: github-api-cache-${{ hashfiles('./.github/scripts/maintainers/github.api.cache.json') }}
+ - name: Create PR with latest changes
+ uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@c5a7806660adbe173f04e3e038b0ccdcd758773c # https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request/releases/tag/v6.1.0
+ with:
+ token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
+ commit-message: ${{ env.PR_TITLE }}
+ committer: asyncapi-bot
+ author: asyncapi-bot
+ title: ${{ env.PR_TITLE }}
+ branch: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}
+ body: |
+ **Description**
+ - Update MAINTAINERS.yaml based on CODEOWNERS files across all repositories in the organization.
+ For details on why a maintainer was removed or changed, refer to the [Job summary page](https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}).
+ - name: Report workflow run status to Slack
+ uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@4e5fb42d249be6a45a298f3c9543b111b02f7907 # https://github.com/rtCamp/action-slack-notify/releases/tag/v2.3.0
+ if: failure()
+ env:
+ SLACK_TITLE: π¨ Update MAINTAINERS.yaml file Workflow failed π¨
+ SLACK_MESSAGE: Failed to auto update MAINTAINERS.yaml file.
diff --git a/.github/workflows/vote-tracker.yml b/.github/workflows/vote-tracker.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b690aca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/vote-tracker.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+name: Vote Tracker
+ issue_comment:
+ types: [created]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ bot_comment_url:
+ description: |
+ Provide URL pointing to gitvote bot comment that contains closing voting update. It looks like `https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1313#issuecomment-2247595858`. We use this to update the voting summary in cases when we see errors in the voting status, when for example TSC member voted, but did a mistake and voted by adding emoji to main description or other bot comment instead of the correct way: which is adding an emoji to a comment from bot that opens the vote.
+ required: true
+ track-vote:
+ if: ${{ github.actor == 'git-vote[bot]' && contains(github.event.comment.body, 'Vote closed') || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Installing Module
+ run: npm install js-yaml@4.1.0 --no-save
+ shell: bash
+ - name: Run GitHub Script
+ id: vote_tracker
+ uses: actions/github-script@v7
+ with:
+ script: |
+ const script = require('./.github/scripts/vote_tracker.js');
+ const botCommentURL = "${{ github.event.inputs.bot_comment_url || '' }}";
+ await script({ github, context, botCommentURL });
+ - name: Create Pull Request to update Vote Tracking Details
+ uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@153407881ec5c347639a548ade7d8ad1d6740e38 # uses 5.0.2 https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request/releases/tag/v5.0.2
+ with:
+ token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
+ commit-message: 'chore: update vote tracking details'
+ committer: asyncapi-bot
+ author: asyncapi-bot
+ title: 'chore: vote tracking details'
+ body: 'Update the TSC_VOTING_OVERVIEW.md and voteTrackingFile.json'
+ branch: vote-trackingupdate/${{ github.job }}
index 07e99e7ad..c86c4cca9 100644
@@ -610,5 +610,121 @@
"link": "https://confengine.com/conferences/selenium-conf-2024/proposal/20021/unshackling-your-system-under-test-shift-left-testing-through-dependency-isolation"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Manuel Ottlik",
+ "github": "manuelottlik",
+ "twitter": "",
+ "linkedin": "manuelottlik",
+ "country": "π©πͺ",
+ "bio": "Manuel is the Product Owner of the Global Integration Platform at HDI Global SE. He sold his first software at the age of thirteen and has been developing software ever since. After graduating, he joined the financial industry in API management and eventually moved to HDI Global SE to merge a service bus, API management and an event broker into an integration platform for the cloud division. In addition to his work at HDI Global SE, he is co-founder of a small company in the education software sector and freelance writer for heise.de and its magazines.",
+ "company": "HDI Global SE",
+ "title": "Product Owner Integration Platform & PBAC Platform",
+ "img": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/28919003?v=4",
+ "contributions": [
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Event-Driven Architecture und REST-APIs: Es gibt keine Konkurrenz!",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "April"
+ },
+ "link": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Event-driven Architecture and REST-APIs: It's not a competition",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "May"
+ },
+ "link": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Event-driven Architecture and REST-APIs: It's not a competition",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "September"
+ },
+ "link": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Event-Driven Architecture und REST-APIs: Es gibt keine Konkurrenz!",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "October"
+ },
+ "link": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Event-driven Architecture and REST-APIs: It's not a competition",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "December"
+ },
+ "link": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KN-iuw0P4nOYNhnT15RQvgq5YqGy4ECC/view?usp=sharing"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "talk",
+ "title": "Eine Registry, sie alle zu knechten: Schemata von EntitΓ€ten mit xRegistry fΓΌr alle Integrationsprodukte zentralisieren",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2024,
+ "month": "April"
+ },
+ "link": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "article",
+ "title": "AsyncAPI - HDI Global SE Case Study",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2024,
+ "month": "July"
+ },
+ "link": "https://www.asyncapi.com/casestudies/hdiglobal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lorna Mitchell",
+ "bio": "Lorna is based in Yorkshire, UK; she is a technology leader and expert in developer experience, passionate about enhancing APIs and developer tools. In her day job as VP of Developer Experience at Redocly, she works on API and documentation tools for technical teams. Lorna is a published author and a regular speaker at conferences, sharing her insights on a variety of tech-related topics. Lorna serves on the OpenUK board, is on the Technical Steering Committee for OpenAPI specification, and maintains open source projects. To learn more about Lorna's activities, visit her website at https://lornajane.net.",
+ "title": "APIs and Open Source",
+ "img": "https://lornajane.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_9410-smaller.jpg",
+ "github": "lornajane",
+ "twitter": "lornajane",
+ "linkedin": "lornajane",
+ "company": "Redocly",
+ "country": "UK",
+ "contributions": [
+ {
+ "type": "presentation",
+ "title": "API Governance for AsyncAPI",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "September"
+ },
+ "link": "https://noti.st/lornajane/aOuXwe/api-governance-for-asyncapi"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "presentation",
+ "title": "AsyncAPI for Apache Kafka",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2021,
+ "month": "May"
+ },
+ "link": "https://videos.confluent.io/watch/hzjXP8QmLtYRNPukNFUu2D?"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "article",
+ "title": "Lint AsyncAPI with Redocly CLI",
+ "date": {
+ "year": 2023,
+ "month": "August"
+ },
+ "link": "https://redocly.com/docs/cli/guides/lint-asyncapi"
+ }
+ ]
index aeff70244..f0faae363 100644
@@ -12,3 +12,5 @@ AMBASSADOR* @thulieblack
# Code Of Conduct
/code_of_conduct/ @asyncapi/code_of_conduct
+CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @asyncapi/code_of_conduct
+slack-etiquette.md @asyncapi/code_of_conduct
diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
index 76d5ab213..7637fd2c5 100644
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ The Code of Conduct Committee (CoC Committee) responds to, investigates, and res
The Committee has the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that do not align with this Code of Conduct. The Committee may also temporarily or permanently ban any contributor for inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful behaviors to the community.
-For more details, please see the [CoC Committee and Incident Resolution Procedure](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/pull/1013/files).
+For more details, please see the [CoC Committee and Incident Resolution Procedure](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/tree/master/code_of_conduct).
## Enforcement
-Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at condcut@asyncapi.io. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at conduct@asyncapi.io. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
diff --git a/MAINTAINERS.yaml b/MAINTAINERS.yaml
index 2587086a2..06dc5ca4a 100644
--- a/MAINTAINERS.yaml
+++ b/MAINTAINERS.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
+ - conference-website
+ - brand
+ githubID: 105395613
- name: Aayush Sahu
github: aayushmau5
linkedin: aayushmau5
@@ -16,6 +19,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- diff
+ githubID: 54525741
- name: Abir Pal
linkedin: imabp
slack: U01S8EQ9LQ2
@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- problem
+ githubID: 53480076
- name: Akshat Nema
github: akshatnema
linkedin: akshat-nema
@@ -34,6 +39,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
+ githubID: 76521428
- name: Ansh Goyal
github: anshgoyalevil
linkedin: thisisanshg
@@ -43,6 +49,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
+ githubID: 94157520
- name: Anand Sunderraman
github: anandsunderraman
linkedin: anand-sunderraman-a6b7a131
@@ -51,6 +58,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- go-watermill-template
+ githubID: 4500774
- name: Ashish Padhy
github: Shurtu-gal
linkedin: ashish-padhy3023
@@ -59,17 +67,22 @@
availableForHire: true
isTscMember: true
+ - studio
- github-action-for-cli
+ - cli
+ githubID: 100484401
- name: Cameron Rushton
- github: cameronrushton
+ github: CameronRushton
slack: U01DVKKAV5K
availableForHire: false
company: Solace
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
- java-spring-cloud-stream-template
- python-paho-template
- - bindings
+ githubID: 32455969
- name: Dale Lane
github: dalelane
linkedin: dalelane
@@ -79,9 +92,12 @@
isTscMember: true
company: IBM
- - avro-schema-parser
+ - spec
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ - avro-schema-parser
- java-template
+ githubID: 1444788
- name: Emiliano Zublena
github: emilianozublena
linkedin: emilianozublena
@@ -89,7 +105,8 @@
availableForHire: false
isTscMember: false
- - asyncapi-php-template
+ - php-template
+ githubID: 466639
- name: Fran MΓ©ndez
github: fmvilas
slack: U34F2JRRS
@@ -97,24 +114,31 @@
linkedin: fmvilas
isTscMember: true
- - raml-dt-schema-parser
- - avro-schema-parser
- - openapi-schema-parser
- - asyncapi-react
- - glee
- - nodejs-ws-template
- - parser-js
- spec
- spec-json-schemas
+ - asyncapi-react
+ - extensions-catalog
+ - converter-js
- bindings
+ - enterprise-patterns
+ - raml-dt-schema-parser
+ - openapi-schema-parser
+ - html-template
+ - markdown-template
+ - nodejs-ws-template
+ - glee
+ - brand
+ githubID: 242119
- name: Gerald Loeffler
- github: geraldloeffler
+ github: GeraldLoeffler
linkedin: geraldloeffler
slack: U01P5QDLP0X
availableForHire: false
isTscMember: false
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ githubID: 1985716
- name: Jonas Lagoni
github: jonaslagoni
linkedin: jonaslagoni
@@ -123,16 +147,18 @@
company: Postman
isTscMember: true
- - dotnet-nats-template
- - ts-nats-template
- - generator-react-sdk
+ - spec-json-schemas
- generator
- - modelina
- parser-js
- - parser-api
+ - converter-js
+ - generator-react-sdk
+ - modelina
- simulator
+ - parser-api
+ - EDAVisualiser
+ githubID: 13396189
- name: Khuda Dad Nomani
- github: khudadad414
+ github: KhudaDad414
twitter: KhudaDadNomani
linkedin: khudadadnomani
slack: U01RVRD1TCL
@@ -140,10 +166,12 @@
company: Postman
isTscMember: true
- - bindings
- - glee
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - studio
- .github
- optimizer
+ - glee
+ githubID: 32505158
- name: Laurent Broudoux
github: lbroudoux
twitter: lbroudoux
@@ -153,7 +181,9 @@
company: Postman
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ githubID: 1538635
- name: Ludovic Dussart
github: M3lkior
linkedin: ludovic-dussart-846a8063
@@ -164,6 +194,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- avro-schema-parser
+ githubID: 5501911
- name: Lukasz Gornicki
github: derberg
linkedin: lukasz-gornicki-a621914
@@ -173,17 +204,27 @@
company: Postman
isTscMember: true
- - diff
- - generator-filters
- - generator-hooks
- - github-action-for-generator
+ - spec
+ - website
+ - spec-json-schemas
- generator
+ - extensions-catalog
+ - bindings
+ - enterprise-patterns
+ - html-template
+ - markdown-template
- nodejs-template
- nodejs-ws-template
- - spec
- - spec-json-schemas
+ - java-spring-template
+ - github-action-for-cli
+ - .github
+ - jasyncapi
+ - vs-asyncapi-preview
- template-for-generator-templates
- - website
+ - community
+ - diff
+ - chatbot
+ githubID: 6995927
- name: Maciej UrbaΕczyk
github: magicmatatjahu
availableForHire: false
@@ -192,63 +233,72 @@
company: Travelping GmbH
isTscMember: true
+ - website
+ - generator
- asyncapi-react
+ - parser-go
+ - parser-js
+ - converter-js
- converter-go
- - generator-react-sdk
- - generator
+ - studio
- html-template
- markdown-template
+ - github-action-for-cli
+ - template-for-generator-templates
+ - generator-react-sdk
- modelina
- - parser-js
- - parser-go
- - server-api
- template-for-go-projects
- - website
+ - diff
+ - chatbot
+ - server-api
+ - EDAVisualiser
+ - problem
+ githubID: 20404945
- name: Azeez Elegbede
linkedin: acebuild
- github: acethecreator
+ github: AceTheCreator
twitter: _acebuild
slack: U01RWDD69PZ
company: Postman
availableForHire: false
isTscMember: true
+ - asyncapi-react
+ - conference-website
- chatbot
+ githubID: 40604284
- name: Michael Davis
github: damaru-inc
availableForHire: false
slack: UH3B166TD
isTscMember: false
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
- java-spring-cloud-stream-template
- python-paho-template
- - bindings
-- name: Missy Turco
- github: mcturco
- twitter: missyturco
- slack: U02JVEQ6S9W
- linkedin: missy-turco-a476a6126
- availableForHire: false
- company: Postman
- isTscMember: false
- repos:
- - brand
+ githubID: 3926925
- name: Nektarios Fifes
- github: nektariosfifes
+ github: NektariosFifes
linkedin: nektarios-fifes-372740220
slack: U01SE93Q48N
availableForHire: true
isTscMember: true
- simulator
+ githubID: 61620751
- name: Pavel Bodiachevskii
- github: pakisan
+ github: Pakisan
slack: U0132LQU8C9
twitter: pbodiachevskii
availableForHire: false
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - tck
- jasyncapi
+ - jasyncapi-idea-plugin
+ githubID: 3388414
- name: Philip Schlesinger
github: theschles
slack: U054UUYBNLF
@@ -257,6 +307,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- jasyncapi-idea-plugin
+ githubID: 901430
- name: Prince Rajpoot
github: princerajpoot20
linkedin: princerajpoot
@@ -266,6 +317,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- studio
+ githubID: 44585452
- name: Richard Coppen
github: rcoppen
linkedin: richard-coppen
@@ -274,7 +326,9 @@
company: IBM
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ githubID: 30902631
- name: Samir AMZANI
github: Amzani
slack: U01N6AW5V5G
@@ -285,6 +339,8 @@
isTscMember: true
- studio
+ - cli
+ githubID: 554438
- name: Sergio Moya
github: smoya
linkedin: smoya
@@ -296,19 +352,20 @@
- spec
- spec-json-schemas
- - bindings
- - parser-api
- - parser-js
- - avro-schema-parser
- - openapi-schema-parser
- - raml-dt-schema-parser
- - server-api
- parser-go
+ - parser-js
- converter-go
+ - bindings
+ - raml-dt-schema-parser
+ - openapi-schema-parser
+ - avro-schema-parser
- go-watermill-template
- template-for-go-projects
+ - parser-api
+ - server-api
+ githubID: 1083296
- name: Souvik De
- github: souvikns
+ github: Souvikns
slack: U01SGCZMJKW
twitter: souvik_ns
linkedin: souvik-de-a2b941169
@@ -317,8 +374,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- cli
- - bundler
- glee
+ - bundler
+ githubID: 41781438
- name: Quetzalli Writes
github: quetzalliwrites
twitter: QuetzalliWrites
@@ -329,10 +387,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
- - training
- - community
+ githubID: 19964402
- name: David Pereira
- github: bolt04
+ github: BOLT04
twitter: BOLT2938
slack: U02EC8BT0TX
linkedin: josΓ©-david-pereira-13ba5315a
@@ -341,6 +398,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- server-api
+ githubID: 18630253
- name: Daniel Raper
github: dan-r
slack: U02FP8WBFQE
@@ -349,8 +407,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- java-template
+ githubID: 1384852
- name: Kieran Murphy
- github: kieranm1999
+ github: KieranM1999
linkedin: kieran-murphy-175b0412b
availableForHire: false
slack: U02FT2TKM37
@@ -358,8 +417,9 @@
isTscMember: false
- java-template
+ githubID: 45017928
- name: Tom Jefferson
- github: jefflufc
+ github: JEFFLUFC
linkedin: t-jefferson
slack: U02FPPCEH6H
availableForHire: false
@@ -367,6 +427,7 @@
isTscMember: false
- java-template
+ githubID: 54025356
- name: Lewis Relph
github: lewis-relph
availableForHire: false
@@ -375,16 +436,18 @@
isTscMember: false
- java-template
+ githubID: 91530893
- name: Semen Tenishchev
- github: tenischev
+ github: Tenischev
linkedin: semen-tenishchev
availableForHire: true
slack: U011D1DAU6S
isTscMember: true
- java-spring-template
+ githubID: 4137916
- name: Samridhi Agrawal
- github: samridhi-98
+ github: Samridhi-98
slack: U02T2MY9W5T
linkedin: samridhi-agrawal-1713201ab
availableForHire: false
@@ -392,16 +455,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- modelina
-- name: Debajyoti Halder
- github: ron-debajyoti
- twitter: rondebajyoti
- slack: U02UK9RUPGQ
- linkedin: rondebajyoti
- availableForHire: false
- company: Narvar
- isTscMember: false
- repos:
- - modelina
+ githubID: 54466041
- name: Ivan Garcia Sainz-Aja
github: ivangsa
linkedin: ivangarciasainzaja
@@ -411,8 +465,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- vs-asyncapi-preview
+ githubID: 1246876
- name: Florence Njeri
- github: florence-njeri
+ github: Florence-Njeri
linkedin: florencenjeri
slack: U03D18YKX2M
twitter: njericodes
@@ -420,6 +475,7 @@
isTscMember: true
- generator
+ githubID: 40742916
- name: Jeremy Whitlock
github: whitlockjc
linkedin: whitlockjc
@@ -429,7 +485,9 @@
company: Google
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ githubID: 98899
- name: VladimΓr Gorej
github: char0n
linkedin: vladimirgorej
@@ -439,18 +497,22 @@
company: SmartBear
isTscMember: false
- - bindings
- spec
- spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
+ githubID: 193286
- name: Alexander Wichmann
- github: visualbean
+ github: VisualBean
linkedin: alexcarlsen
slack: U04C58GB8TF
availableForHire: false
company: The LEGO Group
isTscMember: true
+ - spec-json-schemas
- bindings
+ - saunter
+ githubID: 5294032
- name: Kenneth Aasan
github: kennethaasan
slack: U037S2HK4TS
@@ -460,14 +522,19 @@
isTscMember: true
- modelina
+ githubID: 1437394
- name: Heiko Henning
- github: greenrover
+ github: GreenRover
slack: U03AC4G51H8
availableForHire: false
company: mtrail GmbH
isTscMember: true
+ - spec
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
- protobuf-schema-parser
+ githubID: 512850
- name: connil
github: connil
slack: U03A51H8
@@ -476,6 +543,7 @@
isTscMember: false
- dotnet-rabbitmq-template
+ githubID: 6583798
- name: mr-nuno
github: mr-nuno
slack: U03A5145
@@ -484,6 +552,7 @@
isTscMember: false
- dotnet-rabbitmq-template
+ githubID: 1067841
- name: Thulisile Sibanda
github: thulieblack
linkedin: v-thulisile-sibanda
@@ -494,7 +563,9 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
+ - conference-website
- community
+ githubID: 66913810
- name: Ashmit JaiSarita Gupta
github: devilkiller-ag
linkedin: jaisarita
@@ -503,7 +574,9 @@
availableForHire: true
isTscMember: true
+ - website
- modelina
+ githubID: 43639341
- name: Sambhav Gupta
github: sambhavgupta0705
linkedin: sambhavgupta0705
@@ -513,11 +586,182 @@
isTscMember: true
- website
+ githubID: 81870866
- name: Viacheslav Turovskyi
github: aeworxet
slack: U01G3U01SVC
availableForHire: false
isTscMember: false
- - bundler
- optimizer
+ - bundler
+ githubID: 16149591
+- name: Rohit
+ github: TRohit20
+ twitter: TRRohit20
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - website
+ githubID: 108233235
+- name: 'Bhaswati Roy '
+ github: BhaswatiRoy
+ twitter: swiftiebhaswati
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - website
+ githubID: 78029145
+- name: 'Vaishnavi '
+ github: VaishnaviNandakumar
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - website
+ githubID: 41518119
+- name: Joy Almeida
+ github: J0SAL
+ twitter: _j0sal
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - website
+ githubID: 52382282
+- name: Mihael Bosnjak
+ github: mboss37
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
+ githubID: 29606687
+- name: Steve Head
+ github: SrfHead
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
+ githubID: 13767299
+- name: Dec Kolakowski
+ github: dpwdec
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
+ githubID: 51292634
+- name: Ian Cooper
+ github: iancooper
+ twitter: ICooper
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - spec-json-schemas
+ - bindings
+ githubID: 45537
+- name: Michael Wildman
+ github: m-wild
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - saunter
+ githubID: 3260812
+- name: yurvon-screamo
+ github: yurvon-screamo
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - saunter
+ githubID: 109030262
+- name: Jonathan Stoikovitch
+ github: jstoiko
+ twitter: jstoiko
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - raml-dt-schema-parser
+ githubID: 9660342
+- name: Rishi
+ github: kaushik-rishi
+ twitter: KaushikRishi07
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - nodejs-template
+ githubID: 52498617
+- name: Akshit Gupta
+ github: akkshitgupta
+ twitter: akkshitgupta
+ availableForHire: true
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - modelina
+ githubID: 96991785
+- name: Leigh Johnson
+ github: leigh-johnson
+ twitter: grepLeigh
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - modelina
+ githubID: 2601819
+- name: Zbigniew Malcherczyk
+ github: ferror
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - modelina
+ githubID: 17534504
+- name: artur-ciocanu
+ github: artur-ciocanu
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - modelina
+ githubID: 743192
+- name: Vinit Shahdeo
+ github: vinitshahdeo
+ twitter: Vinit_Shahdeo
+ availableForHire: true
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - diff
+ githubID: 20594326
+- name: Anubhav Vats
+ github: onbit-uchenik
+ twitter: postmanlabs
+ availableForHire: true
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - diff
+ githubID: 46771418
+- name: Akshaya Gurlhosur
+ github: AGurlhosur
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - java-template
+ githubID: 91530186
+- name: Philip Schlesinger @ Cryoport
+ github: philCryoport
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - jasyncapi-idea-plugin
+ githubID: 28901899
+- name: nathanaelweber
+ github: nathanaelweber
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - protobuf-schema-parser
+ githubID: 40006685
+- name: Barbanio GonzΓ‘lez
+ github: Barbanio
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - learning-paths
+ githubID: 77982319
+- name: Lorenz Simon
+ github: lorenzsimon
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - kotlin-asyncapi
+ githubID: 39913716
+- name: Jonas SΓΌskind
+ github: sueskind
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - kotlin-asyncapi
+ githubID: 52210599
+- name: Andrei
+ github: gimlet2
+ twitter: gimlet2
+ availableForHire: true
+ isTscMember: false
+ repos:
+ - kotlin-asyncapi
+ githubID: 758568
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26e325d6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+| name | [Donate kotlin-asyncapi](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1313) | [Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1227) | [chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1130) | [docs: add instruction how voting automation works](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/issues/1155) | lastParticipatedVoteTime | isVotedInLast3Months | lastVoteClosedTime | agreeCount | disagreeCount | abstainCount | notParticipatingCount |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [Mayaleeeee](https://github.com/Mayaleeeee) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [aayushmau5](https://github.com/aayushmau5) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-28 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [imabp](https://github.com/imabp) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [akshatnema](https://github.com/akshatnema) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [anshgoyalevil](https://github.com/anshgoyalevil) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [anandsunderraman](https://github.com/anandsunderraman) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [Shurtu-gal](https://github.com/Shurtu-gal) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [CameronRushton](https://github.com/CameronRushton) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-13 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
+| [dalelane](https://github.com/dalelane) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
+| [fmvilas](https://github.com/fmvilas) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-28 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [jonaslagoni](https://github.com/jonaslagoni) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [KhudaDad414](https://github.com/KhudaDad414) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-29 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [lbroudoux](https://github.com/lbroudoux) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [M3lkior](https://github.com/M3lkior) | π | π | π | π | 2024-04-12 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [derberg](https://github.com/derberg) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [magicmatatjahu](https://github.com/magicmatatjahu) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-13 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [AceTheCreator](https://github.com/AceTheCreator) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-29 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [NektariosFifes](https://github.com/NektariosFifes) | π | π | π | π | Member has not participated in all previous voting process. | Member has not participated in all previous voting process. | 2024-07-26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
+| [Pakisan](https://github.com/Pakisan) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [theschles](https://github.com/theschles) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-18 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [princerajpoot20](https://github.com/princerajpoot20) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-28 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [rcoppen](https://github.com/rcoppen) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [Amzani](https://github.com/Amzani) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-13 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [smoya](https://github.com/smoya) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [Souvikns](https://github.com/Souvikns) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [quetzalliwrites](https://github.com/quetzalliwrites) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-04 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [BOLT04](https://github.com/BOLT04) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-08 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [dan-r](https://github.com/dan-r) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-22 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [Tenischev](https://github.com/Tenischev) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [Samridhi-98](https://github.com/Samridhi-98) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-16 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [ivangsa](https://github.com/ivangsa) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-17 | true | 2024-07-26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
+| [Florence-Njeri](https://github.com/Florence-Njeri) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [whitlockjc](https://github.com/whitlockjc) | π | π | π | π | 2024-06-13 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [VisualBean](https://github.com/VisualBean) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-22 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
+| [kennethaasan](https://github.com/kennethaasan) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-23 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [GreenRover](https://github.com/GreenRover) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-24 | true | 2024-07-26 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
+| [thulieblack](https://github.com/thulieblack) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-20 | true | 2024-07-26 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
+| [devilkiller-ag](https://github.com/devilkiller-ag) | π | π | π | π | 2024-05-28 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
+| [sambhavgupta0705](https://github.com/sambhavgupta0705) | π | π | π | π | 2024-07-24 | true | 2024-07-26 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mentorship/asyncapi-mentorship/README.md b/mentorship/asyncapi-mentorship/README.md
index e5aabd0e0..f40873eca 100644
--- a/mentorship/asyncapi-mentorship/README.md
+++ b/mentorship/asyncapi-mentorship/README.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The AsyncAPI Mentorship makes it easy to sponsor and help train the next generat
## Program Cycles and Archive data
| Year | Term | Status | Announcement | Details |
| ---- | ------ | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| 2023 | Jan-Nov | In progress | | [Jan-Nov](2023/README.md) |
+| 2023 | Jan-Nov | Completed | | [Jan-Nov](2023/README.md) |
| 2022 | Jan-Nov | Completed | | [Jan-Nov](2022/README.md) |
## Current cycle
@@ -134,4 +134,4 @@ AsyncAPI is not required to pay any stipends to any Participant that violates an
## References
-This document was adapted from theΒ [GSOC Guidlines and Rules](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/rules).
\ No newline at end of file
+This document was adapted from theΒ [GSOC Guidelines and Rules](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/rules).
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-08-01.tweet b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-08-01.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92b19fefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-08-01.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Do you have some nice ideas for #AsyncAPI-related tools? Do you want to validate and share with the AsyncAPI community?
+Drop it π and let us have an open discussion π
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-09-01.tweet b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-09-01.tweet
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index 000000000..92b19fefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-09-01.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Do you have some nice ideas for #AsyncAPI-related tools? Do you want to validate and share with the AsyncAPI community?
+Drop it π and let us have an open discussion π
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-10-01.tweet b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-10-01.tweet
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index 000000000..92b19fefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-10-01.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Do you have some nice ideas for #AsyncAPI-related tools? Do you want to validate and share with the AsyncAPI community?
+Drop it π and let us have an open discussion π
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-11-01.tweet b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-11-01.tweet
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index 000000000..92b19fefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-discuss-ideas/2024-11-01.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Do you have some nice ideas for #AsyncAPI-related tools? Do you want to validate and share with the AsyncAPI community?
+Drop it π and let us have an open discussion π
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-07-27.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-07-27.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-07-27.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-03.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-03.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-03.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-10.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-10.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-10.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-17.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-17.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-17.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-24.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-24.tweet
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-24.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-31.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-31.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-08-31.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-07.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-07.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-07.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-14.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-14.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-14.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-21.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-21.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-21.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-28.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-28.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-09-28.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-05.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-05.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-05.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-12.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-12.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-12.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-19.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-19.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-19.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-26.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-26.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-10-26.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-11-02.tweet b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-11-02.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd3e8865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tweets/recurring-slack-link/2024-11-02.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+β¨ Did you know #AsyncAPI is on Slack? β¨
+Join our Slack workspace to chat with anyone from our Open-Source community!
+π asyncapi.com/slack-invite
+Ask for help and help others too. πͺπΏπͺπ½π¦Ύ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/voteTrackingFile.json b/voteTrackingFile.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..419020d19
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-17",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-05-28",
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+ {
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Abstain",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Abstain",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-17",
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+ {
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-16",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ {
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
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+ "name": "AceTheCreator",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-05-29",
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+ "name": "NektariosFifes",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "Member has not participated in all previous voting process.",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": "Member has not participated in all previous voting process.",
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ {
+ "name": "Pakisan",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-16",
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+ {
+ "name": "theschles",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-18",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
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+ {
+ "name": "princerajpoot20",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-05-28",
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+ {
+ "name": "rcoppen",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-17",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
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+ {
+ "name": "Amzani",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-06-13",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ {
+ "name": "smoya",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Souvikns",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-17",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ "abstainCount": 0,
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "quetzalliwrites",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-06-04",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ },
+ {
+ "name": "BOLT04",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-06-08",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
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+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "dan-r",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-22",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 1,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Tenischev",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-16",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 1,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Samridhi-98",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-16",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 2,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ivangsa",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-17",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 2,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Florence-Njeri",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 4,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "whitlockjc",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "Not participated",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-06-13",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 1,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "VisualBean",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Abstain",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-22",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 3,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 1,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "kennethaasan",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-23",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 4,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "GreenRover",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "Not participated",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-24",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 1,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "thulieblack",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-20",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 4,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "devilkiller-ag",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "Not participated",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "In favor",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-05-28",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 3,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sambhavgupta0705",
+ "Donate kotlin-asyncapi$$1313": "In favor",
+ "Proposal for Admin Rights for CoC Main Committee on Slack$$1227": "Not participated",
+ "chore: add Marketing WORKING_GROUP$$1130": "In favor",
+ "docs: add instruction how voting automation works$$1155": "In favor",
+ "lastParticipatedVoteTime": "2024-07-24",
+ "isVotedInLast3Months": true,
+ "lastVoteClosedTime": "2024-07-26",
+ "firstVoteClosedTime": "2024-04-12",
+ "agreeCount": 3,
+ "disagreeCount": 0,
+ "abstainCount": 0,
+ "notParticipatingCount": 1
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/voting.md b/voting.md
index b2d3e71e0..47bc821e4 100644
--- a/voting.md
+++ b/voting.md
@@ -45,6 +45,17 @@ Voting cannot be concluded with a comment; it ends when more than half of the us
The Git Vote bot adds a comment that voting is completed.
+### Tracking Voting
+We store [the voting history of entire TSC](TSC_VOTING_OVERVIEW.md) since voting automation was introduces.
+* π indicates that the member did not vote.
+* π indicates that the member was in favor.
+* π indicates that the member was against.
+* π indicates that the member abstained from voting.
+Tracking file is automatically updated by a bot after each vote is completed. It also records whether the member has voted in the last 3 months, helping to identify inactive TSC Members.
### Note
* As per the [Charter](./CHARTER.md), a quorum is not needed. However, Git Vote has technical limitations, and a quorum should be reached. That's why we allocate 4 weeks for voting, and it's important to actively encourage participation to ensure that the quorum (where votes cast exceed 50% of eligible voters) is met.