Blog written in Haskell
$ funblog --help
Usage: funblog
Configure using the blog.cfg file
- From Source (cabal):
git clone && cd funblog && cabal install
- From Source (stack):
git clone && cd funblog && stack build
This is a simple blog software written in Haskell to demonstrate how to use the web framework Spock. It (will) provide(s) examples for:
- Routing
- Using template engines
- Writing a REST API (JSON)
- Working with Forms
- Using a database
- Session management
- Background-Workers
- Authentication
- Spock Contexts
This repository also provided the material for my talk at BobKonf 2015 Berlin (German).
- Clone the github repository
- Run
stack install
- Adjust
- Run
Please note that this software is NOT intendet to be used in production (yet?).
- 7.10.2
Released under the Apache-2.0 license. (c) 2014 - 2016 Alexander Thiemann