P.S.: 使用这些Workflow的前提是已购买Powerpack.
Table of Contents
共5️⃣8️⃣个Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard
2. About Mac
About This Mac
3. Airdrop
Share Files With AirDrop
4. AppID
Show ID, Version, Icon of installed apps
import workflows
Connect and disconnect a bluetooth device easily
Brightness down or up
Make ChatGPT App more productive
clear clipboard history
11. Compress
Compress GIF, WebP, JPEG and PNG Size
12. ConvertIO
14. Do Not Disturb
15. Eudic Tools
Enhance Eudic
16. ffmpeg
17. File Enhancer
Copy your file details—name, size, and data conversion.
18. Find iPhone
19. Giphy
Search Giphy for animated gifs
20. Git Code
TGit Search
21. Resize Image
resize according to specified resolution
22. IP Tools
IP lookup
23. JSON View
Pretty JSON
24. Json2TS
generate TypeScript interfaces from JSON
25. Local Network
Display local network info
26. Mac Enhancer
enhance Mac
27. Medium Tools
using Medium’s API
28. Meeting
quick to meeting
29. Mount Volume
connect to server quickly
31. My iPhones
display history
32. New File
Quickly create file
33. OCR
Get the text in the screenshot to the clipboard
Get all available chrome profiles and open the selected
Hotkey trigger
36. OpenConnect VPN
Connect to VPN
37. Paste into files
38. PDF Converter
convert pdf to docx
39. Pic Uploader
upload pic
40. Process
List All Process
41. ProgressBar
shows you exactly how much of the life, year, month and day has progressed
42. QR Reader
Read QR Code
43. Generate Image
Create beautiful images of your code using ray.so
44. Alfred Remote
remote enhancer
convert color format
46. SQL Formatter
pretty-printing SQL queries
47. SSH Utils
Case switching
49. Surge
Quick to Surge
50. Switch Audio
Quickly switch sound output or input
51. System Settings
Open macOS System Settings Panes
52. Translate
53. Type Search
54. UAParser
User Agent Parser
55. video
tools for video
easily open your projects
57. Whistle
select rules
58. 印象笔记
Use Evernote with Alfred
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Alan.He |
Simon Gamma |
Elie Richa |
Psycho Pass |
Adrian_cares |
这个项目由JetBrains IDE助力开发