Changes for version 0.41
- Use point instead of pixels in designer UI. Fix glitches on high dpi screens.
- Enable image auto scaling for high dpi screens.
- Fix filedialog size in high dpi screens (Linux)
- Fix for issue #284
- Improved container layout editor for grid manager.
- Fix window centerig code in code templates.
Changes for version 0.40.2
- Fix python 3.8, 3.9 compatibility.
Changes for version 0.40.1
- Fix: Treeview rows overlap in high dpi screen. refs #283
- Sticky editor: Draw widget bigger on high dpi screen.
- GridSelector: Draw widget bigger on high dpi screen.
Changes for version 0.40
- Add backspace key to trigger delete action. (#269 @Tweety24655)
- Set menu tearoff to false by default.
- In style property editor: show Toolbutton ttk class for Button, Checkbutton and Radiobutton widgets.
- Add builder data_pool parameter in templates.
- Add min and max options to number editors.
- New json_entry property editor.
Changes for version 0.39.3
- Fix for issues #251 and #253
- Drop support for python 3.6 and 3.7 (was already not working)
Changes for version 0.39.2
- Fix issue with project path with windows junction link. refs #249
- Fix code template error.
- Fix error when "live" updating preview properties
- Added new example for EditableTreeview
Changes for version 0.39.1
- Add option to reset window layout. (#244 @jrezai)
Changes for version 0.39
- New UI Layout. Removed code generation Tab.
- New project settings dialog.
- Cleaned designer settings dialog.
Changes for version 0.38
- Update to support customtkinter 5.2.2
Changes for version 0.37
- Customize open file dialog on Gnu/Linux.
- New format for ttk style definition file. #204, #211
- New settings to auto generate code in Code Tab. (BloodyRain2k)
- Fix scrolling in toolbar frame (BloodyRain2k)
- New option to render widget palette as a single section widget toolbar. Changes the widget toolbar to contain all chosen widgets instead of grouping them with tabs. Useful for wide monitors. (BloodyRain2k)
- Type hints for tk variables in code generation. (BloodyRain2k)
- Add template code to center window at start. (BloodyRain2k)
- New Vietnamese translation for (lebao3105)
- Update Chinese Translation (littlewhitecloud)
Changes for version 0.36
- Add option to auto generate code when code template is changed. refs #208
- Fix event names, refs #197
- Changed template code to call ttk styles on first object created. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu#282
Changes for version 0.35
- Quick fix to allow tkinter dark themes on designer. refs #195
- Fix error when font is not correctly defined in option database (by the user).
- Container Layout Fix remove hover on widget leave.
Changes for version 0.34
- Check main window visibility at start. refs #145
- Show log info when using --loglevel debug
- Code generator: Import tk when creating variable.
- Updated pathchooser demo example.
- Use method str.isidentifier() for identifiers.
- Internal tkvariable editor: Allow to specify default type of tkvariable.
Changes for version 0.33
- Show dimension of preview in pixels.
- Fix issue when working with Notebook tabs.
- Fix validation of classname. closes #159
- Added support for ttk.OptionMenu and ttk.LabeledScale
- Update tooltip text. Closes #162
- Respect background of current style. closes #166
- Update Chinese Translations. PR #168 larryw3i
Changes for version 0.32
- Added support for customtkinter and tkintermapview.
- Removed property groups in Appearance tab (needed for plugins and future tooltip property).
Changes for version 0.31.3
Changes for version 0.31.2
- Hotfix, reset code tab on load file.
Changes for version 0.31
- Use a lighter code formatter. Removed black, use autopep8. refs #152
- Fix AttributeError: 'Dialog' object has no attribute 'update_idletasks' when pressing F5
- Add example integration with python zipapp module. refs alejandroautalan/pygubu#269
Changes for version 0.30
- New selected indicator in preview.
- Completed menu support for code generator (issue #103)
- Decluttering for widget IDs (issue #117)
Changes for version 0.29.1
- Hotfix: Fix template path in preferences window #147 (jrezai)
Changes for version 0.29
- Changed project structure to use src folder.
- Added internal cursor property editor.
- Adapted code to use pygubu plugin engine
- Merged pull request #138 from jrezai/master
Changes for version 0.28
- Added more examples
- Fix: 'filedialog.askopenfilename' is blocked by 'preferences.dialog' (larryw3i).
- Translations for pygubu strings in pygubu-designer (larryw3i)
Changes for version 0.27
- Add option to center the toplevel preview window. PR #124 @jrezai
- Fix error loading ui file. issue #123
- Added option for i18n support in code generated. issue #120
- Added option for select main menu for generated app. issue #103 (partially fixed)
Changes for version 0.26.1
- Hot fix: Error when loading old UI files. issue #123
Changes for version 0.26
- Fix name collisions between widget ids, variables and commands. #115
- Fix issue with Delete key in macOS. #119
- Fix wiki links. #118
Changes for version 0.25
- Make more intuitive design screen labels. #87
- Fix options of wrap property for ScrolledText. #98
- Improve style of generated code. #84, #85, #89, #92
- Use black as formatter for generated code.
- Add a new context command menu to select the current item's parent. #97, @jrezai
- Fix Toplevel preview issues. @jrezai
- Fix issue when changing geometry manager. #77, #80, @jrezai
- Examples updated.
Changes for version 0.24
- Removed Python 2.7 support, Minimum Python version required is now 3.6
- New layout editor for container widgets. Added support to configure grid with 'all' index (issue #76)
Changes for version 0.23
- Add support to use custom ttk styles defined by the user. Thanks to @jrezai
- This is the last version with python 2.7 support
- Other minor bug fixes.