Current installtation instructions are easiest with Homebrew. You'll need to install ruby,
brew install ruby-install
ruby-install ruby 2.6.5
brew install chruby
This next step is important, you'll need to close and restart your terminal because the newly available ruby version will not be seen by your terminal unless you do a restart. It's very annoying.
Once you have those dependencies in place, you can clone the repo and install the app:
git clone
cd allegro-planet
chruby 2.6.5
ruby -v
bundle install
Hopefully everything should pass with no error. If you're having issues, you can ask in the forums of
Once the app installed, you can start the server:
bin/rails server
And you should now be able to access your local version of the site at http://localhost:3000
Here is a list of prerequisites for developers on Debian-like systems:
sudo apt install
gem install rails
now go to your allegro-planet working copy, and run
bundle install bin/rails server
You will also need to ensure postgresql is running on your machine so the app can connect to it.
brew services start postgresql
The first time you are running in development, be sure to setup the database.
bin/rails db:setup